I hear you, its been tough enough to keep an 11 and 14 year old boys entertained, I can imagine the little ones are tough, especially after 7 weeks.
Ps- run good tomorrow!
Yeah, my wife actually said that she was looking forward to going to work at the hospital today. Not sure I'd feel that way no matter how much of a terror the boy was, but I digress.
Hoping for less variance tonight for me. Last week I had just about all of the money on the table minus the new buy ins about 2.5 hours into the session. I was up to 6x my original buy in. I lost it all on a betting error where I meant to raise to 0.50 cents from a 0.20 big blind, and raised $50 instead. Forgetting that decimal was a costly mistake as one of the LAG-ey players actually called me and they took it down on the river. I think I had 3-4 suited versus villain's QKo or something. I actually caught a 4 on the flop, but then a king came up on the river.
Second one I was in the small blind with A10o. Min raise, BB raises, button calls, and I call. Flop came 4 Q A rainbow. I bet, BB and button call. Turn was a blank. I value bet and BB and button also called. Another ace came up on the river. Now, I was down to about $40 after having bet $15 already in the hand and getting two callers on each street, so I shoved with my three aces. BB turns over pocket kings, and the button turned over pocket 4's, with the second ace giving him the boat. D'oh!
You'll be playing Online I take it? Then what's the big deal. If something happens where your wife needs your help then you can sit out a few hands.. That's the way I look at it. In my house it is the same me watching my son does not equal her working all day.
Yeah, on Poker Mavens. When it comes time to put the little guy to bed, that's what I did last week. Sat out an orbit to try and help out. Thing is after a 12 hour shift, all I wanted to go most times was eat dinner, relax a bit, and go to sleep. Add trying to put a two year old to bed and it's hard to do that. From her end I get it, but I will do what I can. Also looking forward to cleaning the house today, as without any help from my parents or in laws because of COVID, cleaning the house, doing the dishes, and the laundry, etc have fallen by the wayside during the week.