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Cash game. Horseshoe SI in play.

The Protege's and the Midnight Jazz Club card capper from @Thomacetti brought me luck last night. In for $20 and out for $36 and change.

We played a bomb pot in the middle of the session for $1 each player in a 0.10/0.20 NLHE game in which I was dealt Q6 suited. Flop comes and I hit the second nuts with Kxx of my suit. I bet $3 into a $6 pot, player to my left min raised to $6. Folds around and I call. Turn and river are blanks and being suspicious of what villain has, I check both streets and miraculously he doesn't bet any more. Turns out he flopped the nuts with A8 suited and I was drawing dead the whole time. I was waiting to see if the board paired on the turn or river to put out a semi bluff, but villain is known in my experience to be a tight aggressive, but sticky player once he is in a hand. Even if the board paired he likely would have called any any bet from me with the nut flush. I lost the most chips on that hand.

I made those chips back and then some on these two hands, though. First one is that I picked up A10 not suited on the button. We're six handed at this point and I bump it to 0.60 when everyone limps to me. Villain from last hand in the small blind folds, big blind, who likes to express a table image of a LAG, but tends to be more TAG that's capable of a bluff here and there, three bets to $1.25. The limpers all fold around to me and I call and we're going heads up to the flop. Flop came A106 rainbow. Villain bets $1.50 into a $3.20 pot and I call. Turn comes the 8 of hearts with the heart flush draw now out there. Villain bets $5 into a $6.20 pot. In this spot, I've seen villain bet heavy to protect a middling hand like a flush draw, top pair or second pair, or even with a weak two pair. If he had a made hand like a set he would have been betting lower for deception to try and solicit a call from me. This villain and I know each other very well and have been playing against each other for over 15 years now. He knows that I know that he has a wide range on the big blind and can try to get me off of middling holdings by three betting me and betting heavy as the aggressor out of position. No such luck though because I absolutely smashed that flop, and I go all in for $13.25 effective after his $5 bet. Villain tanked for about 45 seconds before eventually folding and cussing under his breath. He did not show me what he had but he told me later that he did have an ace in his hand. Playing elsewhere, I'll be honest, I probably would have played this a bit differently, but I had a bead on exactly what the villain was trying to do here and I ended up being right that time.

The second hand where I made good value I picked up 7/10 of spades on the big blind. Button min raised to 0.40 after it limped to him, SB folds, I call, everyone else except for the cutoff folds, and we're going three ways to the flop. Flop comes 9 6 K with two spades. I bet 0.50 into a pot of $1.40, cutoff folds and the button calls. Turn was a blank, I forget actually what it was, but something like the two of diamonds. I slow down and check and button checks back, as it's unlikely that either of us improved with that turn. This villain is a competent, but rather tight, passive player that will only raise if he has a decent hand. I have not seen him get a bluff across the line as far as I can remember, or if he does, he does not show it. The river came an 8, which did not make a flush for me but did make the 6-10 straight. I bet 0.75 for value into a pot of $2.40 for value. To my happy surprise, button raises to $4 for an over pot bet. I snap call and villain turned over 5/7 for the lower 5-9 straight. I show him the bad news and I take it down.

Beyond that, the session was nothing else very exciting. I picked up some blinds here and there by raising preflop on suited connectors or by getting other decent hands like Q9, K9, J8 or J7, for example to heads up or three handed going to the flop and C-betting. I actually did not have many very good starting hands on the night. The only pocket pair I picked up was 9's once on the button, but I quickly folded after a flop of A K Q with two hearts came out and a bet and a raise occurred before it got to my action. I suppose that's the beauty of cash games, right? Finding value in deceptive hands that have the potential to be strong.

Some Protege cash set pron and action shots:

Last two photos show a sick beat. Flopped quads for one player but a turned straight got taken to Value Town.
never seen that protege nickel before, what a weird chip.
Salmon - 5s
Arc Yellow - 20s
They really pop with the flamingo blue! Wish i had more i would turn them to fracs!
Awesome choice.
I went with canary yellow $5s in my flamingo set, so arc yellow would be a little too close to those to make sense for me.
Still so great to see what combinations others come up with.

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