Official Home Game Pics Thread! (36 Viewers)

Some pics from last nights game. Used the Dunes. Dime/dime PLO and .25/.50 NLHE.
My stack at some point and the high hand of the night in NLHE. 100 in, 348 out. First royal ever in my game.

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8 or 9 players, dealer starts passing out cards. Sends one card across the table and it lands face up -- and it ends up being an exposed Ace. The player who was meant to receive it is an Indian guy who fits the stereotypes: smart, good at math, known for wild bluffs but also having the nuts some of the time, and in his 7th year of a PhD for finance and capital allocation. He is about to turn in the Ace when he asks, "is it OK if I keep it?" No one has a problem with it, and we all kind of laugh it off as a silly play. For the hand description, I'll be referring to him as Indy.

The rest of the cards are dealt and betting begins. Action lands on Indy and he opens big. I can't remember the number but I want to say it's $6 or $7. This is pretty heavy for my .25/.50 and indicates a strong holding or a wild bluff. In Indy's case, most folks are putting him on a weak Ace bluff, but that's how he plays, so his reputation is coming into play a bit here. Action folds around to @Chbyfngr who is near the button, HJ or CU. He ponders for a bit and re-raises. Action then folds back to Indy.

We're now headsup and Indy gives off a little Hollywooding, trying to contemplate what to do with Chby's raise. After a few moments, he jams.... the table is mystified, with a combination of shock and laughter, since everyone knows he has one Ace. We're all putting him on some low offsuit kicker that he just decided to get out of line with.

@Chbyfngr ponders for a bit, even says something like, "did you really get that other Ace?" ...and ultimately calls.

@Chbyfngr tables his Kings... Indy tables his pocket Aces.

The Aces held up.

One of the sickest hands I've ever seen.

I'm reading this and thinking fold pre to this janky deal... That said, I don't know if I could fold KK.

KK is what, 4-to-1 dog to AA? But its something like a 2.5-to-1 favorite to AK.
Hosted a 5 player, $20 buy in bounty tourney last night. Lots of fun. Blinds started 25/50 and we started with T8,000 starting stacks. One guy busted in the first 11 mins, so we allowed rebuys so that he didn't have to just sit there. I ended up coming in 2nd...again. I am becoming the king of 2nd place finishes. At least I know my game seems to be getting on point, and I got my $20 back.

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Well this is a pic of a Headsup homegame I played last night. I'm hosting a small homegame once or twice a week at my place. Last sunday we had a fun little .25/.50 game with 3 of my good friends and 2 other guys that I knew from some poker tournaments. Played a lot of crazy hands and played a lot with 1 of the guys I knew from some other games. Showed him a couple of bluffs. He got pretty upset after I showed him a couple of bluffs so I stopped showing my bluffs haha. But he got pretty pissed after I hero called him with King high in a pretty big pot. He challenged me for a headsup game. I said sure, but lets increase the game a bit. I jokingly said: lets play 2/5 then. But the funny part is he actually said yes lol. So we agreed on playing HU for 4 hours. You can't quit unless you pay the other person 500 bucks. Well, the picture says enough on how the HU went. I quickly made a picture when he had a smoke break haha.


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