Official Post your Poker Night Flyer (1 Viewer)


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May 11, 2021
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What this is not, it's not a Steal a Flyer or Invite yourself to someone's game via flyer thread lol.

These can be just for fun or actual flyers. I'm sure some will be happy to share, send them a PM. I do have some art that I've paid for that I'll use, I typically will water mark it.

Post your flyers, here we go!

Thats awesome, I would do something like that if it was a weekly thing, where are the stats for recent past years?
I like it, min is also for casual players - Featured Cocktail is :clubs:classy:clubs:

Classy is how I reel in the whales and get their $30 max buy ins ;) Seriously though, the classy theme goes well with my chips and the non-poker players appreciate it because they keep coming back!
And yeah, I misspelled “Stricktly”. I was in a hurry typing it up.

I just use a free template service, edit the text then take a photo with my phone.


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I received some great feedback on the above guidelines on my home tournament and decided to do my invite much (much!) simpler and friendlier. I ended up texting this out to friends/family.
We only make a flier for the end of the year event, which is the Zombie Poker Classic. It takes a little time and effort, but it's a labor of love...

This past year...

In 2020, we had our 100th game which, despite the COVID lockdowns, occurred as the last game of the year.

2019 - A massive fail, because I forgot to include the date. Still had 18 players

I also have the Zombie Poker Classic fliers from 2009-2018, if there is interest. I don't want to make this a giant wall of photos though, so I'll wait to see if anyone wants to see them (and how my Photoshop skills get worse and worse as we move backward through time). It would also give you the chance to see 10 more different disclaimers (you did notice the small print was always different, right?)
@Poker Zombie I would like to see them. Pics help stir ideas. Gimme!
Request granted!

Working from oldest forward, because you don't really want to see them getting uglier, right?

2009, the end of the first year of running regular events, as opposed to an occasional game. I knew we would be taking a break over the holidays, so I wanted the last game of the year to be something to remember.

I got a lot of guffaws at the whole "1st Annual" wording. Thirteen "Annuals" later, I feel vindicated.

2010 - I hung with the same basic theme.

Yep - that's a whopping $60 extra to the winning player. We were so small back then.

2011 - I learned how to Photoshop!

I did not however, realize that someday that small print would be unreadable. It reads:
Food and beverages will be provided. Additions to the food and beverage supply are welcome.

Drinking and driving is discouraged, beds and floor spaces are available.

Texas Hold ’em is a game of skill, not one of chance. Buy-in covers admission, food, beverages and fun.

Don’t do drugs. Except alcohol, that one is ok. Nicotine too, that’s good. And caffeine, kinda need that, or nothing gets done until noon. Stuff your doctor tells you to take is fine, your supposed to do them. Aspirin is a drug too, I guess, so go ahead and take that if you need to. And Motrin, Ibuprofen, and those other ones, they're all fine. Sleeping pills are ok too, just don't take too many at once. Do vitamins count? You can take those. And supplements too. If everyone stopped them it would hurt another segment of the economy. So what’s that leave? Basically, don’t do pot. Unless you’re somewhere that it’s legal, then it’s fine - and less addictive or harmful. Shit, go ahead and do drugs. If you read this much small print, you deserve it.

2012 Still stuck on the same theme. Looking back, I was just being lazy. Cut, paste, change fonts and dates - except the first run of these fliers I didn't even change the date. :eek: Still, the small print changed and people were starting to notice.

2013, our first Flyer that broke out of the mold. This format was stolen from Bally's Las Vegas.

2014 - Evoking the spirit of the WSOP

2015 - Big, bold, and all over the place with making the same font look different. Also, I didn't put the year on this one. Nobody seemed to mind.

...and yes, people did challenge me on the alphabetical order of the states in the small print.

2016, the year that I realized I had a lot of different Zombie Poker Club chips.

2017 - One of my favorites...

I had to forgo "9th Annual" to keep it "Art Deco" clean

2018 was our 10th year of gaming, so I made a flyer that gave a shout-out to the years gone by, as well as all our current players.

$179 was the biggest bonus to date. Quite the jump from the $60 bonus a few years earlier. The Classic was still just $30 to enter (regular events were $20), so $179 added is a very +EV game.

2019-2021 are in the earlier post. If I remember this thread when I make the flyer in late August/early September, I'll post it as well.

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