Waiting List
Just joined this forum and this was exactly the information I was looking for. Great thorough tutorial! Off to Rite-Aid for some mineral oil it is!
This is a very helpful thread, and I appreciate everyone's contributions. I used the compression method on my custom i received earlier this year.
I am very pleased with the results!! The middle barrel in each rack is unoiled, right out of the shipping box. The difference is much more profound from the barrel view.
Would definitely recommend this method. Totally worth the effort.
I needed chips to be cleaned and oiled
@Stibnite, a few questions for you
When oiling a chip, on average how many laps around the chip would you say it requires?
How do you air dry the whole chip? As you can see in the pictures in my introduction post linked below, only one side and the rolling edge gets air dried.
Oiling on a Sunday
Thanks again for this post. I did this over 2 years ago to my Milano’s. I later added more chips and did not oil the new ones. I just tonight went back and oiled the newer ones. it was very easy to pick out the un-oiled chips from the oiled ones, even after 2 years of light play.
Highly recommended!
Those chips looks great pretty colors!Just finished compression oiling my custom CPC cash set. Results are fantastic!! Colors and details really pop! Highly recommend this method.
Just finished compression oiling my custom CPC cash set. Results are fantastic!! Colors and details really pop! Highly recommend this method.
Thanks for the compliment! The colors on the $20 look much better since I oiled them.
Looks good. Post more pics when driedAnd the wait begins
Wiping the edges typically removes the excess but if you're still concerned you can let them dry another day after wiping them offHey all,
I have some Majestics coming in later on this week and definitely want to oil them down. Small problem I would have is that I don't have any plastic racks to hold the chips after wiping down the edges (I have a case ready to go). Could one conceivably just let the edges dry on a towel, same as when the whole chip was cleaned?
Hey all,
I have some Majestics coming in later on this week and definitely want to oil them down. Small problem I would have is that I don't have any plastic racks to hold the chips after wiping down the edges (I have a case ready to go). Could one conceivably just let the edges dry on a towel, same as when the whole chip was cleaned?
I'm sorry I'm just circling back around this now.You won't have to worry about edges drying. Only facings. Gravity takes care of the edges quite well. Plus it is mineral oil, so isn't going to hurt anything it comes into contact with by not being in trays. You're good.![]()
Whoops!A "capful" of oil would probably do the edges and faces of several hundred chips. I use about 1mL, maybe 1.5mL for every hundred. And most of it is still left on the rag.
Guess I'm going to have some super oily faces on a few of them.
I think so. I'm playing it safe and waiting the whole 48 hours before drying the labels so as to not smudge any oil that hasn't dried yet onto the faces. I also flipped over the really oily ones to let some of the excess drip onto the paper towels. The other non blotchy chips look awesome, though!You'll be fine. It'll still dry.
Anyone have pics say 1 year later after using this method, and comparing them against a freshly oiled barrel, and a new unoiled barrel?
Also, I recall that oiling my chips made them feel more slippery vs that chalky feel right out the box. The Royals texture is fantastic and has that chalky feel. I'm worried I will lose this upon oiling. Thanks.
Also, I recall that oiling my chips made them feel more slippery vs that chalky feel right out the box. The Royals texture is fantastic and has that chalky feel. I'm worried I will lose this upon oiling. Thanks.