Two Pair
Playing 4 handed NLO (can't convince all of my online players to switch to PLO), and I was facing an all in bet from a very aggressive player who really doesn't (imo) make very many adjustments for Omaha vs Hold'em. He plays a wide range of garbage and bets heavy.
I am dealt

. I am in the CO and I limp (bad idea, I know, but I am looking to pop the villain who loves to raise with garbage). Villain just completes his small blind. Pot is 4 way, unraised.
Flop comes

. Villain bets $12, I call, everyone else folds. Turn is
and he shoves his remaining $57. I think about it for a bit and call. River is the
for the nuts.
He has been berating me for two days now about what a horrible play that was on my part and how it was such a massive suckout against his two pair. Well, the bet gave me about 1:5 to 1 and I needed slightly less than that to win. He was 55% and I was 45%
Villain has

Would you make the same call? Not saying it was an easy, snap call, but I don't think it was horrible either.
I am dealt

Flop comes

He has been berating me for two days now about what a horrible play that was on my part and how it was such a massive suckout against his two pair. Well, the bet gave me about 1:5 to 1 and I needed slightly less than that to win. He was 55% and I was 45%
Villain has

Would you make the same call? Not saying it was an easy, snap call, but I don't think it was horrible either.