Online Home Poker (3 Viewers)

Yay! Bounties!

The only bummer (and it's not a huge one) is the fact that you can't have rebuys and bounties in the same tournament. But it is a great step forward. Now if only we can get the blind timer to show on everybody's table, instead of having to open the Statistics tab or hover over the total.
Yay! Bounties!

The only bummer (and it's not a huge one) is the fact that you can't have rebuys and bounties in the same tournament. But it is a great step forward. Now if only we can get the blind timer to show on everybody's table, instead of having to open the Statistics tab or hover over the total.

Yeah, I was sad to see it's only for freezeouts. Better than nothing, but this means that we'd have to run a special bounty tournament to be able to use the feature. The clock, I fear, is much less likely since nobody can agree on where to put it and it would alter the general appearance of the app.
My monthly league tourney is a bounty event and I've been manually tracking them (which is a HUGE pain). Was so excited until like you, I realized it was only for freezeouts :/.
Sharing my current experience below - curious how things are developing for those of you running active games.

Now that we're two months in, I've had several players step back/step out of the game until we're back to live. Still going strong overall, but it's not something I'm happy to see. A couple of things I've noticed...

(And for important context, I'm hosting both my own crew and another private game that some of my players overlap with. The latter is a little more sharky but not dissimilar stakes, and there are three of us that play in both groups so it's not like it's complete oil and water in terms of experience.)

My more experienced folks/degens have been showing up pretty much every session, playing till the wee hours, and playing the actioniest games (e.g. my bigger PLO8 table is what fills first on cash game nights). Attendance from my "regulars" is the best it's ever been.

My less experienced players have been joining the PLO8 table(s) just to check it out/not willing to start up a NHLE/PLO table and wanting to play now, and they've been accordingly getting shredded. I've had a few cut back frequency of play, but it kills me that they've been willingly walking into a buzzsaw (even with me advising that this isn't the best game to come into without experience or the best players/stakes to learn it against, and asking them to be patient for a few minutes as players will join the hold em table once they and I seed it).

My whale became even looser and was hemmorhaging funds to the point where even I was starting to grow uncomfortable (e.g. multiple nights he was down 2000+ BBs). He decided the software was "rigged" to encourage bad beats and stepped back. Not the best reason, but probably the right outcome for him.

My tourney nights are still going strong - I'm doing small dollar, unlimited rebuy events of various types. Still getting better attendance there than I did live.

Playing more hands, people playing looser and a bit more aggressive online, differing financial circumstances, merging player bases, and electronic 'logs' of wins and losses (I've had two people cut the frequency they were playing at as they realized how often they were sending me funds) I think has really been taking a number on my semi-regulars overall. I just hope this doesn't affect things when we go back to live, but I do worry that this will have some degree of lasting impact on how some of them are viewing poker and their personal game.
My situation is similar in a bunch of ways to @MrCatPants.
  • My real regulars are in attendance constantly
  • My psuedo-regulars have all but disappeared
  • I've had to merge some people from outside of our normal live circle of friends
  • People are playing looser in the cash game, which is concerning
  • Tournament is solid and strong and lots of fun for only $20
My whale became even looser and was hemmorhaging funds to the point where even I was starting to grow uncomfortable (e.g. multiple nights he was down 2000+ BBs). He decided the software was "rigged" to encourage bad beats and stepped back.
LOL - funny how that is so often the case. I had a player lose $100 (.25/.25 NLHE, $20 min $50 max buy in) going all in (multiple times with multiple buy-ins) with middle pair shitty kicker or equally dubious hands, get beaten on the river with a higher pair (being chased by a draw with tons of outs on a super wet board), and then declare loudly how the whole thing was rigged and that he would never play my site again. Not sorry to see the sour grapes bastard leave, sorry that I can't take any more money off of him.
LOL - funny how that is so often the case. I had a player lose $100 (.25/.25 NLHE, $20 min $50 max buy in) going all in (multiple times with multiple buy-ins) with middle pair shitty kicker or equally dubious hands, get beaten on the river with a higher pair (being chased by a draw with tons of outs on a super wet board), and then declare loudly how the whole thing was rigged and that he would never play my site again. Not sorry to see the sour grapes bastard leave, sorry that I can't take any more money off of him.

My two favorite plo8 hands with my bitchy whale (that I had with him).

Board pairs on the turn, giving me quads and I still have a nut low draw. River brings the low. I bet half pot for value, he repots, I hollywood repot and he snap calls...with bottom boat and no low (wha????)

Other hand, I have a low straight and nut low on a non flush non paired board. I bet, he raises to go all in...with one pair and the 4th low (wha????)

Yeah. Its rigged. That's totally the problem.
My experience is the same as some other here. Some people are losing big, some people are winning. Various accusations of rigged have been expressed. Same old, same old.

Everyone loves the $20 Tournaments, though.
Yes, I feel like is the the same complaints as all online poker. "rigged", "river f'ed", "runner runner"

I will say I have seen a TON of quads with players having pocket pair. But I think that over time all the odds will even out. I have only played 7500 hands on my site.
The clock, I fear, is much less likely since nobody can agree on where to put it and it would alter the general appearance of the app.
What I would love to see is to have poker mavens serve a separate web page for the tournament. Perhaps add another port to the list (8087,8088, and maybe 8089) that would serve a web page just for that tournament. This site could feature prominently a clock but also blinds structure, chip leader, average chip stack, etc. Having a separate web page for the tournament opens up the ability to include so much more information than just a clock.
What I would love to see is to have poker mavens serve a separate web page for the tournament. Perhaps add another port to the list (8087,8088, and maybe 8089) that would serve a web page just for that tournament. This site could feature prominently a clock but also blinds structure, chip leader, average chip stack, etc. Having a separate web page for the tournament opens up the ability to include so much more information than just a clock.

I doubt it would be on a different port. Instead, it could be hosted from within the same application, just at a different URL and/or query path.

With that said, anyone could write this "2nd page" themselves, using the PM API. The problem is getting it to load automatically and work with the main screen. You'd need a 2nd tab for this, which is not ideal.
LOL. Sorry, wasn't implying that you were offering. Was just noting that if it didn't have to operate within the main window, that would not bother me.

Haha, no, it's mostly a matter of time. If I created it and shared it, then I'd also be on the hook to maintain it. With the uptick in usage of Poker Mavens, my hope is that Kent starts producing more feature requests than normal. I'm actually surprised nobody has created such a page that does this yet.
If I created it and shared it, then I'd also be on the hook to maintain it.
Amen to that. I am a network guy by trade, and I usually decline offers for side jobs to setup vpns, etc for friends that have small businesses. I don't mind the up front investment in time, it's the on going support that I am totally uninterested in doing that keeps me from accepting offers of weekend side jobs. I'd rather do it for free with an ironclad agreement that you never call me in the middle of my work day because you broke it, or forgot how to use it.
Amen to that. I am a network guy by trade, and I usually decline offers for side jobs to setup vpns, etc for friends that have small businesses. I don't mind the up front investment in time, it's the on going support that I am totally uninterested in doing that keeps me from accepting offers of weekend side jobs. I'd rather do it for free with an ironclad agreement that you never call me in the middle of my work day because you broke it, or forgot how to use it.

Yup! Exactly. However, as a grateful member of this community, I've offered to help many members get their PM sites up and running with Amazon/SSL/DNS, etc. I really don't mind helping and answering follow-up questions in these cases. As a software engineer, I don't want to write anything physical that I'd need to support or that could lead to lost money if there's a bug :)
I'm happy to answer any hosting questions that I can help with here as well. But not interested in building a network solution in my spare time that your business might rely on. It puts both parties in an awkward position. Just not worth it.
For those of you running Poker Mavens and may be looking for some type of reporting/auditing of player win/loss rates, there is a python script that was developed by someone on the poker mavens forums. It is very helpful.

That's me. Thanks naked_eskimo, glad you find it helpful.

Since I was processing Mavens hand history for that information, I also decided to try converting Mavens hand histories for import into Poker Tracker.

I mostly did this because people had asked for it on those forums and I was curious about the problem.

But I don't actually use Poker Tracker myself, and no one on the Briggs Soft forums has replied to my offer for testing,

So I'll ask here considering there seems to be a pretty active user base here.

Does anyone here use Poker Tracker to monitor their own play looking for leaks and so on and want to try testing this converter for Mavens?
Kent's screwed himself by listening to his consumers and adding things that we've asked for. Now it's never gonna stop.
Can we have double board bomb pots?
Can we have double board bomb pots?
Can we have double board bomb pots?
Can we have double board bomb pots?
Can we have double board bomb pots?

That is genuinely funny, but Kent would seem to be more likely to hold the line on this one based on another post today on the Mavens forum:

If you're looking for home game gimmicks then you've picked the wrong software.

That was with respect to a request for an option to add a third blind, or mandatory straddle (which would seem to be a lot less gimmicky than a bomb pot).

I need to start collecting his quotes like this one. Classic.
Anyone notice the emoji's Pokerstars added yesterday? Which ones you have available depends on which challenges you have completed. It may actually increase traffic to their challenges. You can launch rockets, horseshoes, or tissues at players. I found it very entertaining, can't wait to tilt some players at my weekly regular game Friday.
My poker mavens final table

PM5BGTable FINAL.png
For those of you running Poker Mavens and may be looking for some type of reporting/auditing of player win/loss rates, there is a python script that was developed by someone on the poker mavens forums. It is very helpful. I ran it against a month worth of hand history files and it will output a report of each players up/down total for the month. That was extremely eye opening. I thought I had a decent, but rough, mental tally of where everyone stood. I was way off. Some players are losing way more than I thought and a couple are up way more than I thought. I'm still in the positive after a couple of months (like $1300), but there are a couple of players that are way up too. One is over $4500. A couple of others are down way more than I thought too. Not something I would want to share with my players, for sure, but this script is a great tool to get that kind of information.

Can someone pm me how to run this report so I can view/save results? I'm not the handiest with a comp, but I can usually fake my way through it. Just would be interested in seeing what the data shows about my player pool.
First of all, you should know that it is really just summing up information about what comes into the game and leaves the game. There are no hand stats, nothing about play.

And it works on ring game hand histories. Nothing about tournaments.

That said, here goes.

I have made some updates since posting that based on feedback from naked_eskimo. You can find the latest attached.

It is a Python script. so you will want to install python (written for Python 3, so you will want to install version 3.8) if you do not already have it.

Then grab this file and rename it to (it is still just a text file, but the extension indicates it is a python script).

From a command line you basically execute it as follows:

> python <filename>

Where filename is a hand history file. You can list as many files as you like. If you have a whole directory namd HH with files in it, then you can do the following

> python -g HH\*

There are other options, there is a help message if you use the -h switch.

But basically it processes the files and then spits out:

The number of files it processed,
the number of hands in each file,
then for each player found, it sums up their activity,

Finally a total balance which should be zero. I'd be happy to look at files if they generate a non-zero balance.


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