Online Home Poker (17 Viewers)

I don't know how many Mavens clients are running out there...not even sure how many PCFers are running a Mavens site, but it must be a decent number... I am not willing to give access to my site for a service/software to extract information and/or do any analysis, but I am interested in a few more features that I think should be a part of the software and unfortunately will take for EVER for Briggs/Kent to implement (if ever)... Is there any chance one of you guys knows of some software engineer who would want to spearhead a project to create a tool to extract some info from our databases for a flat fee? Maybe the Maven hosts on this site would be willing to contribute a few bucks towards the effort (I certainly would):
  • Individual player hand history...just extract it form the damn data base with the ability to send it to anyone requesting it (even if it's done manually)
  • A visual hand replayer..even the dumb Pokerrr 2 app had a replayer! :p
  • Site stats, including number of hands dealt (by month, YTD, all-time, etc.), stats on each player (how many hands played, how many days, etc.)
There's no database. Just flat files. The right way to do this is to spend the time too parse the hand history and tournament results and put them into your own database to be queried.

I went the cheap route and I just scan the files to produce my site's stats. In order to make it consumable by others would take a bit of time. If I get some time off, I could take a few days and try. Part of the problem is that I don't know what people are most interested in.
I don't know how many Mavens clients are running out there...not even sure how many PCFers are running a Mavens site, but it must be a decent number... I am not willing to give access to my site for a service/software to extract information and/or do any analysis, but I am interested in a few more features that I think should be a part of the software and unfortunately will take for EVER for Briggs/Kent to implement (if ever)... Is there any chance one of you guys knows of some software engineer who would want to spearhead a project to create a tool to extract some info from our databases for a flat fee? Maybe the Maven hosts on this site would be willing to contribute a few bucks towards the effort (I certainly would):
  • Individual player hand history...just extract it form the damn data base with the ability to send it to anyone requesting it (even if it's done manually)
  • A visual hand replayer..even the dumb Pokerrr 2 app had a replayer! :p
  • Site stats, including number of hands dealt (by month, YTD, all-time, etc.), stats on each player (how many hands played, how many days, etc.)
I'm pretty sure the problem is that Mavens ISN'T running a database. I asked on his forum about transaction history for the players and he said that would only happen after moving to a DB.

Regardless, the hand history is stored on the server as text files, so you would need a parser to read the files and place them in a DB. Then you'd need a php page extracting data from the db based on your criteria. Storing and extracting the data is the easy part and can be done by a junior programmer (like freshman year in programming school), but presenting it, setting criterias, hardening it, etc. is the tougher part.
Well I'm pretty sure you don't need to involve AWS here. Have you tried PM's CSR thingy?
Not sure why I didn't get any notifications for this thread over the past 3 days. Your right though, no need to include amazon. You just use any of the free tools online (or the one from PMs website) to make the CSR. Then you just give that to Comodo.

Also, don't forget about downloading openssl from the PM website. It's a library that PM needs to do SSL but it can ship it.
There's no database. Just flat files. The right way to do this is to spend the time too parse the hand history and tournament results and put them into your own database to be queried.

I went the cheap route and I just scan the files to produce my site's stats. In order to make it consumable by others would take a bit of time. If I get some time off, I could take a few days and try. Part of the problem is that I don't know what people are most interested in.

That'a awesome. Hopefully discussion(s) continue and solutions are found, as missing a few basic features is annoying as hell. I am really not sure why Mavens never attempted to do this in the first place (hand replayer for example). I am sure they could sell a ton of these as add-on features and charge $10-$20/license for them.
I'm pretty sure the problem is that Mavens ISN'T running a database. I asked on his forum about transaction history for the players and he said that would only happen after moving to a DB.

Regardless, the hand history is stored on the server as text files, so you would need a parser to read the files and place them in a DB. Then you'd need a php page extracting data from the db based on your criteria. Storing and extracting the data is the easy part and can be done by a junior programmer (like freshman year in programming school), but presenting it, setting criterias, hardening it, etc. is the tougher part.

Thanks...hopefully it can be tackled in steps, and perhaps even Kent decides to finally spearhead the effort to add some of these functionalities to the Mavens software.
That'a awesome. Hopefully discussion(s) continue and solutions are found, as missing a few basic features is annoying as hell. I am really not sure why Mavens never attempted to do this in the first place (hand replayer for example). I am sure they could sell a ton of these as add-on features and charge $10-$20/license for them.
If there reason is that they don't have the time or bandwidth, then an easy solution is to expose a read-only API and let someone else deal with it. That way admins wouldn't need to worry about explosing their site.

Let's not forget my recent post about stats either. I was looking at them wrong and getting some weird data. Nobody wants to be on hook for that either. Once you put something out there, there's the burden of maintenance too.
Thanks...hopefully it can be tackled in steps, and perhaps even Kent decides to finally spearhead the effort to add some of these functionalities to the Mavens software.
I'm guessing it's his most profitable software these days so he should have the motivation for a V7.

Spec'ing the requirements, like @BearMetal indicated is half the job. Should villain see hero's hand if he folded before showdown? Should other players see everyone's hand? Assuming not, you'd need to create accounts and link the account to the player name in the text files. Should you show every player's profit/loss? Do you want to expose the fish for everyone to see?

There's a lot of considerations to take into account for a simple (technically) feature.

I don't really have an issue with granting access to maven tools, but I don't like the recurring (monthly) fees.
If there reason is that they don't have the time or bandwidth, then an easy solution is to expose a read-only API and let someone else deal with it. That way admins wouldn't need to worry about explosing their site.

Let's not forget my recent post about stats either. I was looking at them wrong and getting some weird data. Nobody wants to be on hook for that either. Once you put something out there, there's the burden of maintenance too.

All true, hence I believe someone with commercial interest should pursue it...this shouldn't be a 'freebie'. Anyone creating these types of software, especially one that requires continuous maintenance and support should charge for it accordingly. But I do think post-COVID, Mavens installed base must have gone up exponentially, making this a viable proposition for anyone with the capability to execute. Anyways, I am just throwing my dollars in the middle of the ring :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
I'm guessing it's his most profitable software these days so he should have the motivation for a V7.

Spec'ing the requirements, like @BearMetal indicated is half the job. Should villain see hero's hand if he folded before showdown? Should other players see everyone's hand? Assuming not, you'd need to create accounts and link the account to the player name in the text files. Should you show every player's profit/loss? Do you want to expose the fish for everyone to see?

There's a lot of considerations to take into account for a simple (technically) feature.

I don't really have an issue with granting access to maven tools, but I don't like the recurring (monthly) fees.
I'll be honest, I was kind of shocked when I discovered that all hand history is stored, including hands that are hidden. Yes, it makes sense especially considering that when there's a bug, it's very easy for Kent to ask for the hand history file in order to replicate the situation exactly.

And yes, it does make for some great stats. However, when I discovered this, I reached out to my group to make sure that they were okay with me looking at those files in order to write some of the software to parse the stats. They were all fine with it because they frankly know that I just don't have the time to snoop... There's just too many HSI snappers to clean...
All true, hence I believe someone with commercial interest should pursue it...this shouldn't be a 'freebie'. Anyone creating these types of software, especially one that requires continuous maintenance and support should charge for it accordingly. But I do think post-COVID, Mavens installed base must have gone up exponentially, making this a viable proposition for anyone with the capability to execute. Anyways, I am just throwing my dollars in the middle of the ring :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Yep, I expect that if you're going to charge for it then you're going to provide support for it. And if you're on the hook for providing support, you should be charging for it. I guess it's kind of a back and forth kind of thing.

... and far be it for me to undercut anyone who's putting in a whole ton of effort in order to make legitimate profit off of this kind of idea. If I get the time to expose the small slice that I have, I will. And I won't charge for it, but I also won't be looking to fix every minor issue that comes up.
I'll be honest, I was kind of shocked when I discovered that all hand history is stored, including hands that are hidden. Yes, it makes sense especially considering that when there's a bug, it's very easy for Kent to ask for the hand history file in order to replicate the situation exactly.

And yes, it does make for some great stats. However, when I discovered this, I reached out to my group to make sure that they were okay with me looking at those files in order to write some of the software to parse the stats. They were all fine with it because they frankly know that I just don't have the time to snoop... There's just too many HSI snappers to clean...
Yeah I thought the same. I did inform everyone that I do have access to all hands, but I won't be using it. Alternatively I can share all HH with everyone if they want to but no-one cared.

Luckily for me, I'm not really obsessed if villain was bluffing or not. I try to make decisions on general ranges and not soul reads, so I don't have the need or urge to check it.

When we evaluated if we should upgrade to Pro license, and rake for the cost, I did grep a session to see number of hands per hour and average pot. That meant I didn't have to review a single hand though but you do get some interesting graphs from it.
Yeah I thought the same. I did inform everyone that I do have access to all hands, but I won't be using it. Alternatively I can share all HH with everyone if they want to but no-one cared.

Luckily for me, I'm not really obsessed if villain was bluffing or not. I try to make decisions on general ranges and not soul reads, so I don't have the need or urge to check it.

When we evaluated if we should upgrade to Pro license, and rake for the cost, I did grep a session to see number of hands per hour and average pot. That meant I didn't have to review a single hand though but you do get some interesting graphs from it.
Right, when I offered my players the option to see the same data that I could, they all immediately refused. They'd rather keep their secrets from everybody instead of seeing everyone else's. Besides that, so you look up that one hand to make sure that your opponent was bluffing. And he was. So the next time he does the same move you call him, and you could easily be wrong. I'd rather analyze them based on their facial expressions, their betting patterns, the board, then a specific instance of a specific hand.
Not sure why I didn't get any notifications for this thread over the past 3 days. Your right though, no need to include amazon. You just use any of the free tools online (or the one from PMs website) to make the CSR. Then you just give that to Comodo.

Also, don't forget about downloading openssl from the PM website. It's a library that PM needs to do SSL but it can ship it.
Thanks. No worries. Not your job to hold my hand. The PM utilities was able to produce a CSR that SSL accepted. But now they say they have to send it to an admin email address at my domain, so I guess I need to go back and set one up. I didn't realize at the time that I would have to have one. They did ask me to but I just skipped that step.
OK, this is the next step in the process of obtaining my SSL. I have not set up any of these email addresses, and to do so will incur a monthly charge for something I don't plan to ever use. Over on, everything is set up with my personal gmail account. Wouldn't that be the account shown in my WHOIS listing? Why didn't that email come up in this drop box after I clicked "retrieve all emails?"

They're looking at the domain registration, not your mail-server. If you edit your whois information where you registered your domain, you can set your mail-adr. as e.g. technical contact for instance and it should come up in that list. That being said, you probably want to create an email alias for it (if you know how) to avoid possible spam in the future. Meaning you use a throwaway* mail-adr. as tech. contact on whois.
*-not actual throwaway but one you can ignore after this is set up.
They're looking at the domain registration, not your mail-server. If you edit your whois information where you registered your domain, you can set your mail-adr. as e.g. technical contact for instance and it should come up in that list. That being said, you probably want to create an email alias for it (if you know how) to avoid possible spam in the future. Meaning you use a throwaway* mail-adr. as tech. contact on whois.
*-not actual throwaway but one you can ignore after this is set up.
Thanks. If I understand correctly, the purpose of the email address was to validate that I have authority to administer the domain. Absent an admin email address, this could also be verified by adding a CNAME record to my DNS. That is what I did, and I believe the SSL cert is now confirmed.

So now I'm reviewing PM documentation for getting the certs configured. All I can find is instructions to put two files in the same directory where the PM exe file is located. I have done that, and then restarted the program, but when I connect it is still not secure. Is there more to the process that I'm not finding on the PM site?
Thanks. If I understand correctly, the purpose of the email address was to validate that I have authority to administer the domain. Absent an admin email address, this could also be verified by adding a CNAME record to my DNS. That is what I did, and I believe the SSL cert is now confirmed.

So now I'm reviewing PM documentation for getting the certs configured. All I can find is instructions to put two files in the same directory where the PM exe file is located. I have done that, and then restarted the program, but when I connect it is still not secure. Is there more to the process that I'm not finding on the PM site?
Great Job! I can help with that 2nd part:


  • If you tell us which files your SSL authority gave you, we can tell you where to put them
  • Now is a great time to switch over "File Port" 443 as 443 is the default for "https" address. This means you could just type in https://my-poker-server instead of, say, "https://my-poker-server:8087".

Kent can't ship OpenSSL for legal reasons. Download the 32 bit version. Unzip the 2 files, and drop them right in the directory with the main poker Mavens executable.
I'll be honest, I was kind of shocked when I discovered that all hand history is stored, including hands that are hidden. Yes, it makes sense especially considering that when there's a bug, it's very easy for Kent to ask for the hand history file in order to replicate the situation exactly.

And yes, it does make for some great stats. However, when I discovered this, I reached out to my group to make sure that they were okay with me looking at those files in order to write some of the software to parse the stats. They were all fine with it because they frankly know that I just don't have the time to snoop... There's just too many HSI snappers to clean...
The HH doesn't appear until the table is empty or passes midnight, right?

I'm thinking of what features I want. I need to pick up programming anyways, so I'm thinking of making it my hobby project. Although I guess it all could be done in php, I'm thinking of doing this in python as that would be most useful for me to learn. What have you used so far?
The HH doesn't appear until the table is empty or passes midnight, right?

I'm thinking of what features I want. I need to pick up programming anyways, so I'm thinking of making it my hobby project. Although I guess it all could be done in php, I'm thinking of doing this in python as that would be most useful for me to learn. What have you used so far?
The HH appears on my server as it gets flushed out. Usually based on size I think. So it's usually very far behind the live game.

I do everything with grep/awk/sed and a little python; very ghetto, but very quick to throw together. If I was going to do it right, I'd use python (or maybe even golang) to parse the files and dump then into a database. Then I'd have that same language run through a bunch of SQL queries to generate my static HTML. golang has great support for templating; I don't think I'd go the PHP route for my needs.
Great Job! I can help with that 2nd part:

View attachment 652523

  • If you tell us which files your SSL authority gave you, we can tell you where to put them
  • Now is a great time to switch over "File Port" 443 as 443 is the default for "https" address. This means you could just type in https://my-poker-server instead of, say, "https://my-poker-server:8087".

Kent can't ship OpenSSL for legal reasons. Download the 32 bit version. Unzip the 2 files, and drop them right in the directory with the main poker Mavens executable.
Alrighty!!! After all this work, I guess now is the time to upgrade my software. SSL encryption is ONLY available to Pro and above. I've been running Lite.

I downloaded my certificate from Comodo. It was a zip file with quite a few individual files. There are two txt files called ! PRIVATE KEY INFO ! and one called Choosing the right files to install. Which files do you need to know about.

Also not sure how long this might take. We have our regular Tuesday night game in a few hours.
Alrighty!!! After all this work, I guess now is the time to upgrade my software. SSL encryption is ONLY available to Pro and above. I've been running Lite.

I downloaded my certificate from Comodo. It was a zip file with quite a few individual files. There are two txt files called ! PRIVATE KEY INFO ! and one called Choosing the right files to install. Which files do you need to know about.

Also not sure how long this might take. We have our regular Tuesday night game in a few hours.
SSL Key File: You should have a file that ends with the extension .key

SSL Certificate File: This will most likely be a long file with the name of your site that ends in .crt

SSL Root Certificate: This is normally another long file with your domain name in it that ends with .ca-bundle
SSL Key File: You should have a file that ends with the extension .key

SSL Certificate File: This will most likely be a long file with the name of your site that ends in .crt

SSL Root Certificate: This is normally another long file with your domain name in it that ends with .ca-bundle
Thank you sir - Once again! I have found all three files. I assume I need to put them in the Poker Mavens folder where my .exe file resides. Only thing is they are on my laptop and I can't figure out how to get them up to the AWS server. I read some articles about transferring files using Remote Desktop Connection, but I can't seem to get it to work... :( I tried to set it up first on my laptop, and then on AWS, but could not get either one to connect to the other. I also tried to install Chrome so I could access my gmail on the AWS server, but I can't even get to Internet Explorer seems to be crippled apparently for security reasons.

I also discovered that I can't change the file port to 443 until I have all the rest of this configured. I changed it, then logged in. No problem getting in, but when I sat at a table, the graphics did not display properly... So changed it back to 8087 for now.
I assume I need to put them in the Poker Mavens folder where my .exe file resides.
No, you can put them anywhere. You specify the path to them when setting those properties in the PM server. The only files that need to go where the PM executable is are the OpenSSL files that you downloaded from the PM website.

Only thing is they are on my laptop and I can't figure out how to get them up to the AWS server. I read some articles about transferring files using Remote Desktop Connection, but I can't seem to get it to work...
Easiest way is to map your local drive. Edit your RDP file and it's an extra option:
No, you can put them anywhere. You specify the path to them when setting those properties in the PM server. The only files that need to go where the PM executable is are the OpenSSL files that you downloaded from the PM website.

Easiest way is to map your local drive. Edit your RDP file and it's an extra option:
View attachment 653082
Yes, I found a web site that walked me through connecting with that. I just can't get it to work. Do I run it on my laptop, or in the AWS instance? I tried both ways, but was unable to connect. My laptop uses a PIN to log in rather than a password, and that didn't work when coming from AWS. And the only password I know of in AWS is the one I set up to access Poker Mavens. That didn't work when coming in from my laptop.
Yes, I found a web site that walked me through connecting with that. I just can't get it to work. Do I run it on my laptop, or in the AWS instance? I tried both ways, but was unable to connect. My laptop uses a PIN to log in rather than a password, and that didn't work when coming from AWS. And the only password I know of in AWS is the one I set up to access Poker Mavens. That didn't work when coming in from my laptop.
The AWS instance is the computer you are connecting to. You download the RDP file to your local laptop and then you use it to make a connection from your laptop to the remote AWS instance. When you edit the RDP file, you're saying that it should map the local "C Drive" from your laptop to a folder on the remote AWS instance.

After logging in, if you go to "My Computer" on the AWS instance, you should see a folder for your local laptop and you should be able to open it up and browse/copy files.
The AWS instance is the computer you are connecting to. You download the RDP file to your local laptop and then you use it to make a connection from your laptop to the remote AWS instance. When you edit the RDP file, you're saying that it should map the local "C Drive" from your laptop to a folder on the remote AWS instance.

After logging in, if you go to "My Computer" on the AWS instance, you should see a folder for your local laptop and you should be able to open it up and browse/copy files.
I apologize, but I'm not sure what you are referring to by "the RDP file?" I have the Remote Desktop connection program open on my AWS instance. It asks me to connect to a computer. Do I put in my laptop IP address? I tried that but it said it was not able to find it.

Or is it the other way around? Do I open Remote Desktop on the laptop and connect with AWS? I have tried to do both but I haven't been able to connect either way.
I apologize, but I'm not sure what you are referring to by "the RDP file?" I have the Remote Desktop connection program open on my AWS instance. It asks me to connect to a computer. Do I put in my laptop IP address? I tried that but it said it was not able to find it.

Or is it the other way around? Do I open Remote Desktop on the laptop and connect with AWS? I have tried to do both but I haven't been able to connect either way.
You've got it backwards :) ...


You download the "RDP File" to your personal laptop and then you use that to connect FROM your laptop TO the AWS instance:

Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 3.49.32 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 3.47.40 PM.png


  • Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 3.49.08 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 3.49.08 PM.png
    43.3 KB · Views: 88
You've got it backwards :) ...

View attachment 653161

You download the "RDP File" to your personal laptop and then you use that to connect FROM your laptop TO the AWS instance:

View attachment 653164

View attachment 653169
OK. I have that file. I've been using it all week to log into my AWS instance to install my Poker Mavens software. I just didn't realize that was what you were referring to. Found all the info I needed on that page in the last screen shot. I just wasn't realizing I needed to go into the AWS Console to find the information I needed to edit the connection. I can now see my local C: drive from within the AWS instance file explorer.

OK, got the files transferred over. Made the changes in the PM System tab. Here is a screen shot.


But now I cannot log in to the PM software from my laptop. I tried going directly to the IP address as I have been doing, and then tried going directly to the domain name. Bot attempts resulted in this message. Going back over previous posts now to see if I messed a step.


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