Just wanted to confirm that the Death Star buttons have been printed from the exact same files, and on the same exact printer every time they've been run. We do that any time we know that a design has been previously ordered, to ensure that reorders come out as close to the original as possible. Every print file is saved with the name of the printer & settings in the file name. However, we recently had a new batch of 60mm blanks molded, and there can be slight variations in the base chip color each time they're molded, which does affect the way the ink color transfers onto the material. We definitely noticed a visible difference in the blanks from this batch, but that's pretty typical as raw materials can change slightly over time.
The Soapy's buttons were a mistake on my part and I apologize to anyone who has had to wait longer for their buttons because of it. We accidentally pulled the files from
@Himewad's group buy, not realizing they were different this time (a complete oversight on my part).
@Quicksilver-75 quickly provided us with updated print files and the reprints are on their way!
If you have previously ordered the all blue Soapy's buttons, please note that the newer files with both red & blue are a little different in overall shades of color - they look quite a bit brighter than the all blue run. I think the all blue artwork has been on file for a long time, before Gene took over BR Pro (I believe they were originally run through Old West and we inherited the files from Sal).