Origin of your Username (7 Viewers)

I used to collect palindromes, back before there was an internet to look up lists of them. My top 6 off the top of my head:

Zeus! A plan, a canal, pa: Suez!
Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog
Sit on a potato pan, otis.
Tulsa night life: filth, gin, a slut.
Ten animals I slam in a net.

The first one was written by a friend of mine in response to the panama one.
Never heard of a Mental before. o_O Ford make that? :D
'In English, two palindromic novels have been published: Dr Awkward & Olson in Osloby Lawrence Levine (1986, 31954 words), and Satire: Veritas by David Stephens (1980, 58795 words). In French, Oulipo writer George Perec's "Grand Palindrome" (1969) is 5,556 letters in length. In Hebrew, Ghil'ad Zuckermann wrote a 153-word palindromic story called "Lear's in Israel."'

I actually have a hardbound printing of Satire:Veritas.
It's both, actually. Ananyms are a subset -- just a specialized case -- of palindromes.

If you're going to be technical, I don't think that's right.

A palindrome forms valid words in both directions. The word "honor" backwards is "ronoh," which is not a word, so it's not a palindrome.

The idea of palindromes has been extended to things like "palindromic numbers," which are just numbers that are the same forwards and backwards - but those aren't true palindromes, because every number is a valid number.

An ananym, on the other hand, doesn't have to be a valid word both ways. An ananym is when a real word, like "honor," is reversed intentionally to invent a name
It's what I often find myself thinking when playing poker.................
I thought that Chip would be a funny online poker name but was already taken so I just put Alaska in front of Chip(AK Chip) Ten years later I guess it stuck.
MaxB is short for Max Badazz ..... the handle I use for gaming and other groups. It came from the name of a prototype pinball machine of the 90's that was never produced.
I started @CT with pug_in_chip. Methinks that even didn't have a proper meaning. Pug came from Raymond E. Feist's novels (and from one of the GOAT role playing games, Betrayal at Krondor). And I had to add something to it to get a connection to chips. In time it shortened to Pug...and finally changed to Puggy. And it got another meaning, reference to Puggy Pearson.
I spent the better part of 15 years racing triathlons (and other endurance sports) fairly competitively. Hence the "tri"

The other is simple. I've owned 15+ Hondas in my life. From motorcycles, cars, trucks, you name it. I'm a big fan of Hondas, and the brand loyalty is strong in our family.

I used this as a forum name many years ago, and it has stuck.

Photo was taken many many years ago during a major race...


My latest Honda bike.

I spent the better part of 15 years racing triathlons (and other endurance sports) fairly competitively. Hence the "tri"

The other is simple. I've owned 15+ Hondas in my life. From motorcycles, cars, trucks, you name it. I'm a big fan of Hondas, and the brand loyalty is strong in our family.

I used this as a forum name many years ago, and it has stuck.

Photo was taken many many years ago during a major race...

View attachment 25662

My latest Honda bike.

View attachment 25663

I don't guess I ever really thought so, but these commercials air in my market, so I always thought there was a chance you had some connection to a dealership.

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Lol, thought mine was in here.

I went to a party in high school with booze on the premises but no tolerance or idea what my thresholds were. I ended up getting sauced with a capital S and decided to ask out a girl who was WAY out of my league. After she ripped me apart I went to the front yard and poured my heart out to a tree that I named Mr Tree. There were some guys on the porch who were listening in (unbeknownst to me) and never let me live it down.
ChipEnvy... It is what I often feel when surfing these forums. So jealous of some of the sets on here.
I spent the better part of 15 years racing triathlons (and other endurance sports) fairly competitively. Hence the "tri"

The other is simple. I've owned 15+ Hondas in my life. From motorcycles, cars, trucks, you name it. I'm a big fan of Hondas, and the brand loyalty is strong in our family.

I used this as a forum name many years ago, and it has stuck.

Photo was taken many many years ago during a major race...

View attachment 25662

My latest Honda bike.

View attachment 25663

With your username, I just pictured you on one of those huge three-wheeler motorbikes with the high handle-bars haha :-).
I am a huge fan of opera, and when Andrew Lloyd Webber adapted his much beloved 'Phantom' character into comic form, I was hooked. Something was lost in translation though, because I doubt the 'Angel of Music' wore purple tights. For me, its strictly a 'comfort' thing.

Have loved the Phantom comic book hero since I was a young fella. He is the first (pre-dating Batman and Superman) and the best. :). The older comics were the best stories and one-liners. I have collected hundreds of comics over the years and he was the source of my first chip set themes. I was lucky that Phantom wasn't taken when I came over to PCF.

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It's my rapper name. In the 90s when there was a "figure out your rapper name" movement or joke or whatever it was BiGGyT fit, since I am a fat guy (biggy) named Tim (T) and had to pimp it up with capital GG, hence BiGGyT. Stuck, buddies call me it, use it for player names on various sites, easy to remember and no one else uses it. Unfortunately, the haters always go for the "bigot" version, but haters gonna hate.

Last names Stock. Aussie are really inventive when it comes to nick names. Just add a y to most.

Stock = Stocky
Tim = Timmy
Wood = Woody
Cigarette = ciggy
Last names Stock. Aussie are really inventive when it comes to nick names. Just add a y to most.

Stock = Stocky
Tim = Timmy
Wood = Woody
Cigarette = ciggy
hey, hey, don't forget the sublimely clever 'o' on the end of names mate. Steve becomes, wait for it, Steveo. Jack becomes, you guessed it, Jacko. The possibilities are endless ;).

Then there are the really 'up-market' folk. Darren or Darrel become 'Dazza', and Sharon becomes, 'Shazza'.

Yep, from the country that brought such witty and clever sporting refrains such as 'Aussie, Aussie, Aussie - Oi, Oi, Oi', we know how to make someone feel special with a well thought out nickname. :-)
It's my rapper name. In the 90s when there was a "figure out your rapper name" movement or joke or whatever it was BiGGyT fit, since I am a fat guy (biggy) named Tim (T) and had to pimp it up with capital GG, hence BiGGyT. Stuck, buddies call me it, use it for player names on various sites, easy to remember and no one else uses it. Unfortunately, the haters always go for the "bigot" version, but haters gonna hate.

Well shit. I've been reading Big Guy T. Thanks for the clarification
Seeking Alpha Social Club is the name of our little poker crew.

Why Seeking Alpha?
The term “Alpha” has multiple definitions, two of which can be used to describe poker players. In general terms, alpha denotes the number one position–the big dog or big Kahuna. This especially applies during tournament playing where players are seeking the top position or “seeking alpha.”

The field of finance uses alpha to describe above average financial returns (as opposed to beta which are average returns). During cash games, players are seeking above average returns; thus, they are “seeking alpha.”

Why a Social Club?
Playing poker with the Seeking Alpha Social Club is not gambling, and it’s much more than just a poker game. If that’s what you’re looking for, then we're not for you. The Seeking Alpha Social Club is first and foremost an opportunity for wonderful friends and great family to gather and share a passion we all love.
Back in the 90s when I had to create my first username AOL rejected everything and suggested DerekDD23. For some reason it just stuck throughout the years and since I lazy I have never changed it.
Not much to say. I'm Canadian, love beer, and especially love Canadian beer (although Belgian beer is pretty good, too...). Seemed appropriate.

All I ever see on your handle in CdN. Should be Cdnwinelover me thinks. ;)

Hannah is a palindrome.

(Amazing the shit you remember from grade school, eh???)

Nurse, I spy gypsies, run!

I need a more creative handle. Maybe CorkDork?
Mine is super dull: it's just my name. I've used my real name online for most of my online life, although back in the BBS era I used the name Star Klutz.


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