4 of a Kind
Hero elects to just flat, but not because we're worried about what Villain holds, but because, generally, a large turn bet is coming after the small flop bet gets called, especially if Villain is bluffing. Pot is $45.50.
The turn brings the. Hero now has top two.
Should we lead against Villain? If we check and Villain bets, do we consider a check-raise? What's our plan for this street?
I really would want the history on how villain responds to our check on the turn. If villain is likely to go two-barrels widely, I would check intending to raise here. it's really tough to get 3 streets of value by check-calling 3 times. Our best bet to add value I think is to go for it here, it also protects us in the future if we decide we are check-raising some semi bluffs here (which we might against someone who is loose and betting misses twice.) If we check call the turn the river options look pretty rough. We are going to have to lead and hope villain is strong enough to pay off. If we check and raise the turn, I think this may look more bluffy and will put villain on the defensive in a spot at the river as to whether or not to bluff catch.
If the check-raise loses villain here, villain probably has a holding that would have had checked behind on the river anyway, or perhaps if hero elects to lead the river, would have folded. In other words, if hero doesn't collect on the turn check raise, hero was unlikely to get anything out of a different line anyway.
If villain is likely to check behind on the turn, that may increase the case to lead hoping he has enough strength to defend. A check-check turn isn't horrible on this board either. And we can definitely go for the green light because then villain will have to decide if he needs to call after showing weakness on the turn.
So I think check and raise gives us the most good outcomes, even if we are going to lose villain here a hunk of the time, I think that would happen with leading as well. Check and raise gives us the upside of collecting on the raise and one more bet at the river. And check-check isn't great, but the only real tragedy would be if villain hits an unlikely gutter for free. If we survive that we have a chance to go for big value at the river and making it look bluffy.