Agree that stack sizes were the perfect storm to make this a difficult scenario to navigate. If I were to do it over again I would open fold. In this game specifically, I'd only be getting called on a jam by better like a pair or Ax. BB can literally have anything here. As played, a jam over the top of BB to get SB out was the way to go to lose the minimum.KQo without ante is right on the edge of an opening range. Open folding is reasonable. Stack depth is weird. KQo too light to shove for 15 from this position. If you want to play it it’s either a limp or minraise. I don’t play a lot of limps and haven’t studied no ante tourney limps ever (SIDE RANT: WHY IS THERE NO ANTE) but wouldn’t be surprised to find KQo in there. I think that’s the whole point of having limps is getting to play KQo.
Limp is frog approved.
2nd decision really don’t know shove isolate or just call hoping SB doesn’t push us around. Probably depends a lot who the small blind is. Some players call and check down everything but the nuts. Call against them. Some aggro players have very few hands that could call if you reshove. Shove against them to clean up equity.
3rd decision, I dunno, dead money, line weird. KQo probably edge. Probably call.
I think you played it fine. Every spot looks marginal which means even if mistake, it’s a small mistake.
I have to admit I didn't give SB credit to have that reshove in his arsenal. He's not as tight as I thought he was evidently. That's my move to limp/shove with a monster to try to collect the bounty/smaller stack