Value of this set is most affected by three things, IMO:
1.) Breakdown -- I can't tell for sure because it looks like there is a second layer not shown, but from what I see, it looks like a playable breakdown (as opposed to equal distribution of all denoms -- including that cumbersome $10)
2.) Availability -- unless this breakdown works perfect for someone (which I doubt), they'll want to add on. So having these chips available to expand the set would be better. Paulson isn't making fantasy chips anymore and I don't know how many of these are out in the wild.
If I really, really wanted *this set*, I'd probably offer somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 per chip. If I was planning to use these are a relabel (because of the color match with other Paulson fantasy sets), I'd probably go closer to 75c per chip. But again, this range is pretty individualized and also based on the specific set breakdown. That case is nice, though...that would add to the value.