Not Mine Paulson world top hat and cane chips (3 Viewers)

I'm quite sure that it never even crossed his mind...... which is one of the reasons he the power in the first place. (y) :thumbsup:
Valid point. Didn't cross my mind the other day, but silly me thought he was also going to end up with them.
Oof.. As someone who was introduced into the hobby by a really, really good deal on RGP back in the day for a lot of chips sight unseen, I've had anxiety about deals going sour in one way or another. Sorry it happened here. :(

And as someone who just added some WTH&C 5ks to his tourney set, I'm doubly sorry because a few more would have been nice.
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Megaton, sorry to hear that this deal fell through. I hope that I wan't the cause of that. I see your threads about good deals and thought that I would return the favor for someone in the area. I saw your fan of cards pick thread and must saw that you do fimd some great deals.
Megaton, sorry to hear that this deal fell through. I hope that I wan't the cause of that. I see your threads about good deals and thought that I would return the favor for someone in the area. I saw your fan of cards pick thread and must saw that you do fimd some great deals.

Knowing Dan, he would not fault you for posting good deals to this site!
Megaton, sorry to hear that this deal fell through. I hope that I wan't the cause of that. I see your threads about good deals and thought that I would return the favor for someone in the area. I saw your fan of cards pick thread and must saw that you do fimd some great deals.
@Burke is right. You certainly were not the cause of that. I appreciate the fact that you take the time to post good deals that you find. I consider this to be an altruistic effort, and people do appreciate it. Whenever you can give people access to the chips they need, it is a great feeling.
If the seller kept you on the hook and then sold the chips to another bidder, probably best that it didn't work out, imho. Seller clearly lacks integrity. Who knows what else might have been wrong with this deal.

Sorry to hear it didn't come off, though..
Ugh that's terrible, sorry to see you didn't end up with these.

I always enjoy seeing what you're able to dig up, and it's nice that you bring these chips back into a community of people who will appreciate them.
Well, as expected, someone sniped them from under me.

If the person was from PCF, all I'd ask is that, if you plan to sell them, please sell them at an affordable price and allow people to fill their racks.

I would like to add that chip picks are rarely easy scores. I can't speak for others, but I spend 10+ hours a week trying to find cool chips to bring into the community and sell at good prices. Then, when I find one, it's an iterative back and forth with the seller, who usually doesn't want to accept PayPal or ship. Then, after all that, there's the risk of sending a shit ton of money to someone I don't know. If they are local, travel time and gas are factors, as I just picked up my next Chip Pick today, spending 3 hours in the car after a long ass week at work.

All that said, please be considerate of the work of others and respect chip karma.

First, i am sorry to hear, but can't say I am surprised. I just had a bad feeling when this thread went up and sincerely wish it had not. Not sure if another PCF member snatched them or someone outside of the community did. It is also possible that PCF members began contacting him and then he realized he has a valuable set worth a lot more than $600, which might be the reason behind the price he now has on the ad (apparently sold for $1400, far above the $600 initial price).

Obviously we can't stop people from posting these links. I assume the threads start with good intentions, helping chippers find good value in their neighborhoods. But the reality is that it also hurts the same bargain hunters. By multiple people expressing interest in a short period of time, a seller will surely begin to get suspicious and take a second look at what he/she is offering.

Is there a solution to this? not sure, but definitely worth discussing, IMHO.
Quote of the week...

Guess you also took the high road by not using your power to kill the thread. That should count for something as well. Sucks that you didn't get them.

This is the chipping world equivalent to someone saying, "Bobby sure is a stand-up guy. Sarah was passed out drunk at the party last night and he didn't even rape her."
If the seller kept you on the hook and then sold the chips to another bidder, probably best that it didn't work out, imho. Seller clearly lacks integrity. Who knows what else might have been wrong with this deal.

Sorry to hear it didn't come off, though..
Well who knows? If a seller lists his stuff on craigslist or letgo, with the intention of selling it locally, face to face, cash money, then I have a hard time blaming them for listening to a long distance offer, then renegging.
I think it sucks that @MegaTon44 got sniped, and I admire his tenacity at searching for these deals, nationally, then trying to close the deal, but this kind of thing is bound to happen, and probably frequently, in this kind of situation. And who's to blame for it? Yeah, if somebody here intentionally stole the deal, then screw him. But otherwise, there's a shitton of variables in a situation like this, and I'm not willing to just call the seller a dick, without anything more.
Well who knows? If a seller lists his stuff on craigslist or letgo, with the intention of selling it locally, face to face, cash money, then I have a hard time blaming them for listening to a long distance offer, then renegging.
I think it sucks that @MegaTon44 got sniped, and I admire his tenacity at searching for these deals, nationally, then trying to close the deal, but this kind of thing is bound to happen, and probably frequently, in this kind of situation. And who's to blame for it? Yeah, if somebody here intentionally stole the deal, then screw him. But otherwise, there's a shitton of variables in a situation like this, and I'm not willing to just call the seller a dick, without anything more.
Agreed with everything you say. I would like to add context that the seller went above and beyond to tell me they were mine and literally told me that he was not entertaining other offers. Then, after a few days of waiting for him to set up his PayPal so I could pay him, he went radio silent, then made up some bullshit story about why he sold them to someone else. I would have appreciated it more if he said "dude, I had no clue these were worth that much. Feel free to match my top offer, but I can't unload for less than $1,400". Completely disregarded the fact that he assured me more than once that they were mine.
Asking for more, although not an honorable move imo, would have been far less a dick move than simply yanking an already sold lot from the promised buyer. Obviously, regardless of any opinions, his word is not worth shit.... that's fact.

As far as others trying to snag the chips, well, it's a free market and it's their right to do so...... although again, I would not call it an honorable move IF (and only if) they knew of this thread. However, there is no evidence that this was the case.

There will be more chips; lost chips can be found elsewhere. Lost friendships, not so much. Consider your actions - and the consequences - before resorting to screw-your-neighbor tactics.
Playable sets are fetching ridiculous sums of money. I certainly found it tempting to try and contact the seller, but I decided not to get involved for the reason that this is a public forum. Can't say I am surprised by the ending.
At first I was kind of jealous that my American friends have the potential to find a bunch of these local deals. After seeing this thread, I now realize how much of a hassle it can be and what people like @MegaTon44 do for the community. Must give props where it is due, because I don't think I would be anywhere near as ambitious.

Somehow I think the inplays I got indirectly from Dan will be the cheapest minty clay chip set I'll ever buy (y) :thumbsup:
Agreed with everything you say. I would like to add context that the seller went above and beyond to tell me they were mine and literally told me that he was not entertaining other offers. Then, after a few days of waiting for him to set up his PayPal so I could pay him, he went radio silent, then made up some bullshit story about why he sold them to someone else. I would have appreciated it more if he said "dude, I had no clue these were worth that much. Feel free to match my top offer, but I can't unload for less than $1,400". Completely disregarded the fact that he assured me more than once that they were mine.

And what I don't understand is why he never came back to you with a counteroffer, as un-ethical as it may be to have reneged on the original deal. It's hard to teach etiquette to some people. As some said before, karma is a *&^%$
At first I was kind of jealous that my American friends have the potential to find a bunch of these local deals. After seeing this thread, I now realize how much of a hassle it can be and what people like @MegaTon44 do for the community. Must give props where it is due, because I don't think I would be anywhere near as ambitious.

Somehow I think the inplays I got indirectly from Dan will be the cheapest minty clay chip set I'll ever buy (y) :thumbsup:
All of those finds have a story. That one was my favorite so far. Very paranoid seller. Listed them on Craigslist, but ended up putting them on eBay because he was convinced I was a scammer. I even told him to tack on $20 to the price for his time. He listed them (with the $20 premium added), never gave me the link, and I had to find them before any other buyer did.
All of those finds have a story. That one was my favorite so far. Very paranoid seller. Listed them on Craigslist, but ended up putting them on eBay because he was convinced I was a scammer. I even told him to tack on $20 to the price for his time. He listed them (with the $20 premium added), never gave me the link, and I had to find them before any other buyer did.

Maybe my only way of giving back to the community like you do is to pass the inplays along to the next person at the same price. I'm getting very close, and I already know who gets first crack :)
And what I don't understand is why he never came back to you with a counteroffer, as un-ethical as it may be to have reneged on the original deal. It's hard to teach etiquette to some people. As some said before, karma is a *&^%$


And no offense to @MegaTon44, I know he's a good guy, but I can also imagine a world where the seller, after learning that the chips were worth a lot more than what they originally agreed to sell them for, decided the buyers was just shy of being a crook.

It's a subject people spend a lot of time on when learning to negotiate... low-balling can be an effective tactic with a seller that's accustomed to negotiating, but low-balling can also insult the seller and lose the sale... and that's when the seller is aware they're being low-balled when the negotiation begins. If they learn about it after they fact, they can be furious and try to kill the deal legally, or add a poison pill to sabotage the deal. (I literally studied this in classes on Negotiation.)
And no offense to @MegaTon44, I know he's a good guy, but I can also imagine a world where the seller, after learning that the chips were worth a lot more than what they originally agreed to sell them for, decided the buyers was just shy of being a crook.
That's a very fair point, and before I began chip picking, that's how I viewed it. I even told a few sellers that they could get more for their chips and was called a "24 karat asshole" by a PCF member for it.

However, I thought about it further and decided to side with the chippers. In this seller's mind, he probably bought those chips for like $1000-$1200 many years ago and assumed normal depreciation, unaware of GPI backing out of the home market. To him, they were worth $600, but to us, they could be worth $2500-$3000. It's all a matter of perspective. Most people wouldn't pay one tenth of what we pay for chips, and that is the nature of collecting. I don't collect stamps, but if I had one that was worth $100 to collectors, but $1 to me, it would be my ignorance to sell it for $1. It doesn't make the buyer an asshole to pay me what it's worth to me.

The very nature of chip picking is a little disingenuous, as you have to buy chips for less than what you will sell for. From my perspective, if I can get chips cheap, then sell them at reasonable prices to people who will appreciate them, I feel like that is a benefit to the community.
OK, I'll stop the madness right here. This thread has gone completely off the rails from my point of view. You guys are making far too many assumptions about what you think happened, and have even started name calling without knowing the real story at all.

I bought the chips. I was planning to wait for them to show up to post the pr0n and explain what actually happened here, but now you guys are slandering the seller as well, not just me anymore. The seller was a standup guy. He wasn't shady at all. He just got bombarded by chippers looking to fleece him and started to get cold feet about selling them to anyone online, not just MegaTon. We ended up bullshitting back and forth quite a bit. I even sent him an extra $20 after the transaction was completed to buy some beers because it was his birthday. He was a pleasure to deal with, and if I ever see him in Vegas, I'll offer to buy him into a tournament as my way of saying 'thanks again'.

He had an offer from me for $1400 within seconds of @whoop84 posting the link. This is PCF, and that 2 minute window between the time the link was posted and the time @MegaTon44 replied to the thread is an eternity around here for something like this. After composing him a couple of messages, I pulled up my chip database to see what these were selling for on eBay (I knew it was much more than his asking price of $600, but I wasn't sure of just how much. I figured $1400 was at least a decent starting point). Then, I logged back into to PCF to see how many other chippers I would inevitably be competing against for these, and low and behold, I see MegaTon claiming they are already his (again) and for all of us to back off (hence my reply). Sorry, but I'm not about to retract my offer to the guy just because another forum member is claiming he saw them first and already has "dibs" on a public listing. Not to mention, these were far from "sold" from the seller's perspective. He hadn't even given out his PayPal email to anyone. In fact, I would bet money that MegaTon still doesn't have it to this day.

Furthermore, I wasn't the only other chipper who contacted him. He said he had "several" members sending him offers within minutes of this thread going up. I'm pretty sure he was starting to wonder what the hell was going on and getting cold feet about selling the chips to any of us as a result (can you blame him?). I'm pretty sure he felt like he was being taken advantage of when whatever offer MegaTon sent him was dwarfed by other chippers (again, not just me). Understandably, he also didn't feel comfortable taking a payment over the web and shipping off his chips. He didn't even have a PayPal account initially. I built a rapport with the guy. I'll refrain from showing all my cards here, but I will say this much. He said that I was the "only person he trusted" from all the people who were trying to get him to ship the chips to them. I don't know how much you guys were offering him, but $1400 was my starting point after telling him they were worth much more than the $600 he was asking for them. You guys (not sure who all is included in this "you guys", but he said there were several) were trying to fleece him. I was prepared to go higher as I assumed there would be stiff competition for these. Again, this was a link posted publicly in this forum for a listing on a public app. You're only kidding yourselves if you think any sort of "I saw them first" honor code applies in this situation. It'd be quite different if MegaTon and I were friends that played in the same home game and he had sent me a text with a link to his newest find and then I tried to scalp them. Now that would be a dick move. But a link posted by another forum member to a LetGo/Craigslist/OfferUP/etc public listing is 100% fair game, and always will be from my viewpoint.

By the time MegaTon wrote this post, I already had a tracking number:
I haven't paid yet (seller is setting up PayPal), but apparently they are mine. Just waiting to finalize the deal. Hoping I can bring them into the community. Fingers crossed.

I'm not sure what exactly transpired between the seller and other chippers, as I didn't ask, but I suspect @Mental Nomad might be on to something when he said this:
No offense to @MegaTon44, I know he's a good guy, but I can also imagine a world where the seller, after learning that the chips were worth a lot more than what they originally agreed to sell them for, decided the buyers was just shy of being a crook.

I have to admit, when I see posts like these below, it does cause me to raise an eyebrow:
I practically begged this guy to let me pay immediately (and not the asking price) earlier in the day for him to take down the ad.

... ended up putting them on eBay because he was convinced I was a scammer. I even told him to tack on $20 to the price for his time. He listed them (with the $20 premium added), never gave me the link, and I had to find them before any other buyer did.

Again, I know MegaTon is a standup guy, but in all my years of dealing with people on Craigslist, I've never once had a problem building trust with a seller. Perhaps a different approach might yield more fruit?

Like MegaTon, I too spend countless hours every week browsing through random sites looking for cool chips to bring into my hoard, and I too risked a considerable amount of money in hopes that the seller would hold up his end of the bargain. When I occasionally stumble across a great deal, I snatch them up immediately and either keep them or resell them for a profit in order to trade those profits for other chips that I do want to keep (usually CPC orders these days, as I'm doing my best to keep CPC in business for the good of all of us! Literally every penny I've "earned" from flipping chips has gone straight to David Spragg & his crew. I've bought almost 10,000 chips from CPC, and still counting). It seems like every time someone posts a good deal on the forums here, MegaTon is claiming to already be on it. If there's a posting listed anywhere in the United States or Canada, you can expect he'll be on it within minutes. The only way that's possible is if he's using some sort of web crawler to alert him of these deals. Again, I have no problem with him doing this, but I'm also not going to just sit here and allow someone else to have a monopoly on all the great deals without competing. I won't mention names, but I've had 3 other chippers tell me in private that they don't even enjoy looking for chip picks anymore because he takes all the good deals before anyone else can find them. I'll reiterate one more time here just in case it's not clear already, that I have no issues at all with MegaTon. I think he's a stand up guy and a great member of the community. But that doesn't mean we all have to yield in competition and grant him the honor of being the only person allowed to flip chips for a profit around here (while doing so without being tarred and feathered for being a 'flipper' I might add). If there's a great deal on a public listing, and I see it, you can be confident that I'll be making a play at it. I assume there will be competition. So should you. This listing was 100% fair game and I wasn't about to retract my offer just because someone else claimed that they "saw it first", especially after I've already offered the guy $1400. I also wasn't about to show my hand in here by posting, "Hey guys, I want these too! Guess what? I just offered him $1400. How much are you guys offering?"

I'll also remember that going forward, when someone else posts something along the lines of "These are already sold, the seller is holding them for me" that it could probably be more accurately understood as, "I don't want you to bid against me", and that the chips are likely not sold yet from the seller's perspective.

I'm not certain what I will do with them yet, but currently, my plan is to sell off the tourney denoms and keep a cash set for myself. However, as you've probably all noticed, I'm a chip snob, and if I don't like these, I won't be keeping them. I think the $25s are some of the best looking $25s out there, and the $5s are pretty great too. Plus, SHAPED INLAYS!! I've always liked these chips and thought it would be cool to have a playable set, but was never willing to pay the $4-$5 per chip they often fetch (and yes, that's what they sell for on eBay - there are several listings of these going for $500 per rack). Because of their value, I'll have to really love these in order to want to keep them long term (to put this in perspective, I could sell a rack of these $5s and then buy a rack of Mapes $5s for the same price, effectively trading them straight away...). The only other suits mold chips I've owned felt slippery to me, so I ended up reselling them. I've been told by other chippers that I must have just gotten a bad batch of chips or that the hotstamps they had caused the issue and that most suits mold chips don't feel that way. If this is true, I'll probably be keeping the cash denoms. But if I don't like how they feel, I'll resell those too. I've always wanted to give the suits mold another shot, and it looks like now I'll have that chance.

Assuming they arrive safely and are indeed Paulson WTHC chips in excellent condition, then I will be hooking up @whoop84 with a finder's fee for posting the link, because that's just how I roll. The last time someone sent me a link to some chips that I profited from, they were rewarded (ask @kmccormick100). I would do the same for anyone else. This is a community with of lots of cool people, and while we all have different views of what's acceptable and what's not, I consider myself to be a standup guy and often pay it forward, but usually only after building a rapport with someone. But I'm also not a sucker. I've sold chips at cheap prices only to watch them get flipped by other members, and I too have been sniped from public listings by other well respected members (I won't name names). I've also recently been highly motivated by missing out on some Pick Hobson chips that pretty much everyone here knows I've been viscously pursuing ever since I joined the site, practically begging for them from anyone and everyone who has ever touched a TRK chip. What ended up happening with those? They were posted on eBay, and by the time I saw the link, several members had already seen them and were watching them with the goal of sniping them. No one nudged me, no one said "Rainman is looking for these", and before I had a shot at them, another chipper bought them, then turned around and tried to flip them to me for almost double what they're worth. Again, don't get me wrong, it's all fair game as far as I'm concerned, and no hard feelings. I'm not mad or even disappointed in anyone for not cluing me in on these, but I'm not a sucker either. I'm not going to pretend like this forum is all princesses and friendship land where everyone is here for the betterment of everyone else. I build relationships with people. When I find people I like and trust, who share my values, I hook them up, and often in a big way. But I also enjoy buying and selling chips, and if I see an opportunity to raise more chipping funds from a chip pick on a public site, I'm going to jump on it.

I will almost certainly resell some of the chips here to help people fill out their racks/sets, but I won't know what I'm doing yet or who I'll sell them to until after they arrive and I sort things out. I will say however, that trades will be given priority if you have what I'm looking for (Nevada Lodge $5s/$100s, Palais $20s, Overland $20s, and little else).

If you're looking to fill out your racks, feel free to send me a PM with what your current set breakdown is and what you need to fill in your sets, and I'll try to respond after giving everyone enough time to consider who needs them the most, and who I'm most likely to hand out favors to. I won't be fleecing PCF members at eBay prices with these, but I'm also not going to be the sucker by selling them for super cheap only to watch them get flipped on eBay next week by someone who just days prior, tarred and feathered me for buying them.

@whoop84, thanks again for posting these! You will be hearing from me as soon as the chips show up! (y) :thumbsup: I appreciate when other chippers find good deals and share them with the community. Why anyone here would discourage this behavior is beyond me. I've gotten some great chips in the past because of members like you, and anytime I'm able to profit from a listing like this, you will too.

I haven't received the chips yet though. Perhaps they'll never arrive, or perhaps they will and they'll turn out to be ceramic replicas of the WTHC chips, or perhaps they will have all been melted together from the sun. Who knows. Many here will be quick to say, "karma's a bitch" if so. But I'll see it as a calculated risk I was willing to take. To each their own.

I've said my peace/piece... Happy chipping everyone!

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Sadly, any profits I make from these chips will be used to pay for my wife's grandfather's funeral. She was raised by her grandparents and he was more like a father than a grandfather to her. He just passed away a few days ago, and she had to catch a last minute flight halfway around the world to be with the family. The hospital bills and funeral costs are a major financial burden on the family, and this "chip pick" will help to alleviate that pressure.
If you felt at any point while reading through my response that I was/am in the wrong, I'd be all ears to hearing your argument for why that is.
@RainmanTrail So sorry about your wife's grandfather's death. Obviously, more important than any of this and puts things in perspective. Hope for comfort and peace for your family.

For what it's worth ("pair" here), I don't think anyone was "in the wrong". But I'm still in awe at how this all transpired, hence the "wow" :confused:
OK, I'll stop the madness right here. This thread has gone completely off the rails from my point of view. You guys are making far too many assumptions about what you think happened, and have even started name calling without knowing the real story at all.

I bought the chips. I was planning to wait for them to show up to post the pr0n and explain what actually happened here, but now you guys are slandering the seller as well, not just me anymore. The seller was a standup guy. He wasn't shady at all. He just got bombarded by chippers looking to fleece him and started to get cold feet about selling them to anyone online, not just MegaTon. We ended up bullshitting back and forth quite a bit. I even sent him an extra $20 after the transaction was completed to buy some beers because it was his birthday. He was a pleasure to deal with, and if I ever see him in Vegas, I'll offer to buy him into a tournament as my way of saying 'thanks again'.

He had an offer from me for $1400 within seconds of @whoop84 posting the link. This is PCF, and that 2 minute window between the time the link was posted and the time @MegaTon44 replied to the thread is an eternity around here for something like this. After composing him a couple of messages, I pulled up my chip database to see what these were selling for on eBay (I knew it was much more than his asking price of $600, but I wasn't sure of just how much. I figured $1400 was at least a decent starting point). Then, I logged back into to PCF to see how many other chippers I would inevitably be competing against for these, and low and behold, I see MegaTon claiming they are already his (again) and for all of us to back off (hence my reply). Sorry, but I'm not about to retract my offer to the guy just because another forum member is claiming he saw them first and already has "dibs" on a public listing. Not to mention, these were far from "sold" from the seller's perspective. He hadn't even given out his PayPal email to anyone. In fact, I would bet money that MegaTon still doesn't have it to this day.

Furthermore, I wasn't the only other chipper who contacted him. He said he had "several" members sending him offers within minutes of this thread going up. I'm pretty sure he was starting to wonder what the hell was going on and getting cold feet about selling the chips to any of us as a result (can you blame him?). I'm pretty sure he felt like he was being taken advantage of when whatever offer MegaTon sent him was dwarfed by other chippers (again, not just me). Understandably, he also didn't feel comfortable taking a payment over the web and shipping off his chips. He didn't even have a PayPal account initially. I built a rapport with the guy. I'll refrain from showing all my cards here, but I will say this much. He said that I was the "only person he trusted" from all the people who were trying to get him to ship the chips to them. I don't know how much you guys were offering him, but $1400 was my starting point after telling him they were worth much more than the $600 he was asking for them. You guys (not sure who all is included in this "you guys", but he said there were several) were trying to fleece him. I was prepared to go higher as I assumed there would be stiff competition for these. Again, this was a link posted publicly in this forum for a listing on a public app. You're only kidding yourselves if you think any sort of "I saw them first" honor code applies in this situation. It'd be quite different if MegaTon and I were friends that played in the same home game and he had sent me a text with a link to his newest find and then I tried to scalp them. Now that would be a dick move. But a link posted by another forum member to a LetGo/Craigslist/OfferUP/etc public listing is 100% fair game, and always will be from my viewpoint.

By the time MegaTon wrote this post, I already had a tracking number:

I'm not sure what exactly transpired between the seller and other chippers, as I didn't ask, but I suspect @Mental Nomad might be on to something when he said this:

I have to admit, when I see posts like these below, it does cause me to raise an eyebrow:

Again, I know MegaTon is a standup guy, but in all my years of dealing with people on Craigslist, I've never once had a problem building trust with a seller. Perhaps a different approach might yield more fruit?

Like MegaTon, I too spend countless hours every week browsing through random sites looking for cool chips to bring into my hoard, and I too risked a considerable amount of money in hopes that the seller would hold up his end of the bargain. When I occasionally stumble across a great deal, I snatch them up immediately and either keep them or resell them for a profit in order to trade those profits for other chips that I do want to keep (usually CPC orders these days). It seems like every time someone posts a good deal on the forums here, MegaTon is claiming to already be on it. If there's a posting listed anywhere in the United States or Canada, you can expect he'll be on it within minutes. The only way that's possible is if he's using some sort of web crawler to alert him of these deals. Again, I have no problem with him doing this, but I'm also not going to just sit here and allow someone else to have a monopoly on all the great deals without competing. I won't mention names, but I've had 3 other chippers tell me in private that they don't even enjoy looking for chip picks anymore because he takes all the good deals before anyone else can find them. I'll reiterate one more time here just in case it's not clear already, that I have no issues at all with MegaTon. I think he's a stand up guy and a great member of the community. But that doesn't mean we all have to yield in competition and grant him the honor of being the only person allowed to flip chips for a profit around here (while doing so without being tarred and feathered for being a 'flipper' I might add). If there's a great deal on a public listing, and I see it, you can be confident that I'll be making a play at it. I assume there will be competition. So should you. This listing was 100% fair game and I wasn't about to retract my offer just because someone else claimed that they "saw it first", especially after I've already offered the guy $1400. I also wasn't about to show my hand in here by posting, "Hey guys, I want these too! Guess what? I just offered him $1400. How much are you guys offering?"

I'll also remember that going forward, when someone else posts something along the lines of "These are already sold, the seller is holding them for me" that it could probably be more accurately understood as, "I don't want you to bid against me", and that the chips are likely not sold yet from the seller's perspective.

I'm not certain what I will do with them yet, but currently, my plan is to sell off the tourney denoms and keep a cash set for myself. However, as you've probably all noticed, I'm a chip snob, and if I don't like these, I won't be keeping them. I think the $25s are some of the best looking $25s out there, and the $5s are pretty great too. Plus, SHAPED INLAYS!! I've always liked these chips and thought it would be cool to have a playable set, but was never willing to pay the $4-$5 per chip they often fetch (and yes, that's what they sell for on eBay - there are several listings of these going for $500 per rack). Because of their value, I'll have to really love these in order to want to keep them long term (to put this in perspective, I could sell a rack of these $5s and then buy a rack of Mapes $5s for the same price, effectively trading them straight away...). The only other suits mold chips I've owned felt slippery to me, so I ended up reselling them. I've been told by other chippers that I must have just gotten a bad batch of chips or that the hotstamps they had caused the issue and that most suits mold chips don't feel that way. If this is true, I'll probably be keeping the cash denoms. But if I don't like how they feel, I'll resell those too. I've always wanted to give the suits mold another shot, and it looks like now I'll have that chance.

Assuming they arrive safely and are indeed Paulson WTHC chips in excellent condition, then I will be hooking up @whoop84 with a finder's fee for posting the link, because that's just how I roll. The last time someone sent me a link to some chips that I profited from, they were rewarded (ask @kmccormick100). I would do the same for anyone else. This is a community with of lots of cool people, and while we all have different views of what's acceptable and what's not, I consider myself to be a standup guy and often pay it forward, but usually only after building a rapport with someone. But I'm also not a sucker. I've sold chips at cheap prices only to watch them get flipped by other members, and I too have been sniped from public listings by other well respected members (I won't name names). I've also recently been highly motivated by missing out on some Pick Hobson chips that pretty much everyone here knows I've been viscously pursuing ever since I joined the site, practically begging for them from anyone and everyone who has ever touched a TRK chip. What ended up happening with those? They were posted on eBay, and by the time I saw the link, several members had already seen them and were watching them with the goal of sniping them. No one nudged me, no one said "Rainman is looking for these", and before I had a shot at them, another chipper bought them, then turned around and tried to flip them to me for $3400 via PM (which is almost double what they're worth). Again, don't get me wrong, it's all fair game as far as I'm concerned. I'm not mad or even disappointed in anyone for not cluing me in on these, but I'm not a sucker either. I'm not going to pretend like this forum is all princesses and friendship land where everyone is here for the betterment of everyone else. I build relationships with people. When I find people I like and trust, who share my values, I hook them up, and often in a big way. But I also enjoy buying and selling chips, and if I see an opportunity to raise more chipping funds from a chip pick on a public site, I'm going to jump on it.

I will almost certainly resell some of the chips here to help people fill out their racks/sets, but I won't know what I'm doing yet or who I'll sell them to until after they arrive and I sort things out. I will say however, that trades will be given priority if you have what I'm looking for (Nevada Lodge $5s/$100s, Palais $20s, Overland $20s, and little else).

If you're looking to fill out your racks, feel free to send me a PM with what your current set breakdown is and what you need to fill in your sets, and I'll try to respond after giving everyone enough time to consider who needs them the most, and who I'm most likely to hand out favors to. I won't be fleecing PCF members at eBay prices with these, but I'm also not going to be the sucker by selling them for super cheap only to watch them get flipped on eBay next week by someone who just days prior, tarred and feathered me for buying them.

@whoop84, thanks again for posting these! You will be hearing from me as soon as the chips show up! (y) :thumbsup: I appreciate when other chippers find good deals and share them with the community. Why anyone here would discourage this behavior is beyond me. I've gotten some great chips in the past because of members like you, and anytime I'm able to profit from a listing like this, you will too.

I haven't received the chips yet though. Perhaps they'll never arrive, or perhaps they will and they'll turn out to be ceramic replicas of the WTHC chips, or perhaps they will have all been melted together from the sun. Who knows. Many here will be quick to say, "karma's a bitch" if so. But I'll see it as a calculated risk I was willing to take. To each their own.

I've said my peace/piece... Happy chipping everyone!

@RainmanTrail, you don't need to defend yourself. It's a free market and you are allowed to buy as you please.

As for the personal comments about me, I hope you know that I don't feel entitled, nor do I expect people to back down when I call "dibs". When I said that the seller, Cole, told me multiple times he would hold them for me (prior to the listing on PCF, hence the semi-serious dibs), I was not lying. In fact, he was just texting me and I asked him to clarify to you that he did tell me that he wasn't entertaining other offers. As you noted, it was his birthday and he was going to a Penguins game, so he needed a few days to set up PayPal (what he told me). This is the truth.

I am not the authority on finding chip deals online. I just happen to spend a lot of time doing it (as do you), and it yields some cool returns. I don't have any software to do it, I just have alerts and various apps with searches I created. I created the "Chip Pick" designation as a fun way to sell the chips I find online at a decent discount to market rates. I'm legitimately happy when anyone can find good deals. If you feel like I am some piece of shit, then you should probably spend more time getting to know me.

Anyway, I'll reiterate that you shouldn't feel bad. You reached out to the seller with a competitive offer relative to asking price before you knew any PCF person was in advanced stages of the negotiation (or so I thought because I was told they were mine).

My condolences to you and your wife for the loss of her grandfather. I've used chip pick profit for non chip purposes and I know it can be helpful.


P. S. If you ever want to chat, please PM me and I'll give you my cell. Having people misinterpret your intentions online blows, and I'd be happy to resolve any concerns you have.
@RainmanTrail So sorry about your wife's grandfather's death. Obviously, more important than any of this and puts things in perspective. Hope for comfort and peace for your family.

For what it's worth ("pair" here), I don't think anyone was "in the wrong". But I'm still in awe at how this all transpired, hence the "wow" :confused:

Thank you for the kind words.

I should perhaps reiterate (as I often seem to have difficulty conveying my feelings accurately online) that I'm not frustrated by or upset with anyone in here at all. I just wanted to take the time to explain my side of the story before, or at least how things transpired from my end before any name calling gets out of hand or starts to get personal. One of my favorite quotes is that "there's always 3 sides to every story; his, hers, and the truth". Thus far, in this thread, all we've heard was MegaTon's version of what transpired, and many members understandably wanting to console him after missing out on a deal apparently gone wrong. I think it's natural for us to want to vilify others when something like this happens. But that doesn't mean that the person who won these, in this case me, has actually done anything wrong at all. Or so I propose.

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