Not Mine Paulson world top hat and cane chips (1 Viewer)

@RainmanTrail, you don't need to defend yourself. It's a free market and you are allowed to buy as you please.

As for the personal comments about me, I hope you know that I don't feel entitled, nor do I expect people to back down when I call "dibs". When I said that the seller, Cole, told me multiple times he would hold them for me (prior to the listing on PCF, hence the semi-serious dibs), I was not lying. In fact, he was just texting me and I asked him to clarify to you that he did tell me that he wasn't entertaining other offers. As you noted, it was his birthday and he was going to a Penguins game, so he needed a few days to set up PayPal (what he told me). This is the truth.

I am not the authority on finding chip deals online. I just happen to spend a lot of time doing it (as do you), and it yields some cool returns. I don't have any software to do it, I just have alerts and various apps with searches I created. I created the "Chip Pick" designation as a fun way to sell the chips I find online at a decent discount to market rates. I'm legitimately happy when anyone can find good deals. If you feel like I am some piece of shit, then you should probably spend more time getting to know me.

Anyway, I'll reiterate that you shouldn't feel bad. You reached out to the seller with a competitive offer relative to asking price before you knew any PCF person was in advanced stages of the negotiation (or so I thought because I was told they were mine).

My condolences to you and your wife for the loss of her grandfather. I've used chip pick profit for non chip purposes and I know it can be helpful.


P. S. If you ever want to chat, please PM me and I'll give you my cell. Having people misinterpret your intentions online blows, and I'd be happy to resolve any concerns you have.

Thank you for understanding Dan. And I hope it didn't come across at all as me having any issues with you. I was hoping to drive that point home :) You're a super cool guy from everything I've seen here, and I just wanted to share how everything went down from my experiences with the seller. Had I popped my head in here and informed everyone that I was bidding on these, I'm pretty sure it would have either cost me the sale, or at least driven the price up much higher. I certainly wasn't trying to be shady, I just wanted to make sure the deal was locked down before I showed my face.

You'll always have good chipping karma with me if I ever find any chips you're looking for!

Good luck on the next pick. I know you'll beat me far more often than I'll beat you :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Let me preface this by stating that I have never personally met @RainmanTrail, but we have conducted several chip transactions, and I have found him honorable and easy to work with. In addition, let me slightly elaborate (blue text) on my previous statement:
As far as others trying to snag the chips, well, it's a free market and it's their right to do so...... although again, I would not call it an honorable move IF (and only if) they knew of this thread beyond the OP. However, there is no evidence that this was the case.
And apparently, it was indeed not the case ("He had an offer from me for $1400 within seconds of @whoop84 posting the link.") So, from the @RainmanTrail perspective, the chips were fair game, and he acted on that premise. That said,
If you felt at any point while reading through my response that I was/am in the wrong, I'd be all ears to hearing your argument for why that is.
Travis, although I do not feel that you are in the wrong here, I would take exception with this statement of yours (emphasis mine):
Like MegaTon, I too spend countless hours every week browsing through random sites looking for cool chips to bring into my hoard
My take is that your "looking for cool chips to bring into your hoard" is in fact nothing like what @MegaTon44 does, nor why he does it. It is very clear (to me, at least) that his intentions are to buy chips at bargain prices and bring those chips here for others to purchase at below-market prices...... while it is also clear by your own admission that your intentions are to buy chips at a wide range of prices (usually under market value, but not always) with the end result of making a profit, and/or to offset the costs of adding chips to your collection (which is in essence indirectly making a profit).

Please note that I am not trying to make a statement or passing judgement on either approach, I am simply pointing out that they are in fact NOT the same. One could argue/summarize that your approach is more self-centered, while his approach is more community-orientated (take note that I am not referring to 'selfish/libertarian' vs 'socialist/communist' with those descriptors, lol). And again, I am not saying one is more correct, righteous, or better than the other, merely that they are not the same. Others may have opinions on those issues, but that's not my point of contention. Dan does this primarily to give something to the community. You do it primarily for personal gain (or for those you consider close friends, to a lesser degree). Maybe the biggest difference is the number of people that each of you consider worthy of considering as friends, I don't know. But it's different, that's for sure. That's all I'm saying.

And I totally agree with Dan when he says that you don't need to defend yourself. I don't think you've done anything wrong. But I do think you've done things differently than some would have done.... and in the grand scheme of things, that's okay. Don't sweat it. There are bigger and more important things in life than this chipping stuff.... no matter how one goes about it.
Let me preface this by stating that I have never personally met @RainmanTrail, but we have conducted several chip transactions, and I have found him honorable and easy to work with. In addition, let me slightly elaborate (blue text) on my previous statement:

And apparently, it was indeed not the case ("He had an offer from me for $1400 within seconds of @whoop84 posting the link.") So, from the @RainmanTrail perspective, the chips were fair game, and he acted on that premise. That said,

Travis, although I do not feel that you are in the wrong here, I would take exception with this statement of yours (emphasis mine):

My take is that your "looking for cool chips to bring into your hoard" is in fact nothing like what @MegaTon44 does, nor why he does it. It is very clear (to me, at least) that his intentions are to buy chips at bargain prices and bring those chips here for others to purchase at below-market prices...... while it is also clear by your own admission that your intentions are to buy chips at a wide range of prices (usually under market value, but not always) with the end result of making a profit, and/or to offset the costs of adding chips to your collection (which is in essence indirectly making a profit).

Please note that I am not trying to make a statement or passing judgement on either approach, I am simply pointing out that they are in fact NOT the same. One could argue/summarize that your approach is more self-centered, while his approach is more community-orientated (take note that I am not referring to 'selfish/libertarian' vs 'socialist/communist' with those descriptors, lol). And again, I am not saying one is more correct, righteous, or better than the other, merely that they are not the same. Others may have opinions on those issues, but that's not my point of contention. Dan does this primarily to give something to the community. You do it primarily for personal gain (or for those you consider close friends, to a lesser degree). Maybe the biggest difference is the number of people that each of you consider worthy of considering as friends, I don't know. But it's different, that's for sure. That's all I'm saying.

And I totally agree with Dan when he says that you don't need to defend yourself. I don't think you've done anything wrong. But I do think you've done things differently than some would have done.... and in the grand scheme of things, that's okay. Don't sweat it. There are bigger and more important things in life than this chipping stuff.... no matter how one goes about it.

Thanks for the honest feedback Dave. I think it's a pretty fair analysis of our intentions - or at least mine, I can't speak for others. Although, I would argue that ultimately, both of us are looking to make a profit when we find a great deal with the intent to resell them. However, it is quite clear from his pricing that MegaTon offers some great deals on chips to the community when he does find these chip picks, whereas he easily could have flipped them for more money were his interests entirely self-serving, which I agree that they clearly are not. I'm probably a little bit further toward the self-serving side of the personal gain/community benefit continuum than he is, but I'm certainly not all the way to the left. I'll still offer a lot of these chips back up to the community at significantly cheaper prices than what I could sell them for on eBay. My guess is I'll probably end up selling them for slightly more than he would have, but then again, I also paid twice as much as he would have. Plus, as I stated earlier, I'll also be sending whoop84 some money (and/or clay currency) as well. While I don't believe in Karma, I do believe in the principles behind it, and anyone who knows me in real life will tell you that I'm an extremely generous person.

Hopefully these chips get here soon! They'll probably be in play on Wednesday night if they do! (y) :thumbsup: Although leaving the Cali Rounders in their birdcages has to be some kind of chipping crime, or at least a misdemeanor...
While I greatly appreciate the kind words from @BGinGA and others, I just want to be clear that I'm not positioning myself as a selfless person. I'm probably in the middle of the personal gain/community benefit spectrum. Stripping out the cute "giving back to the community" language (though it is my goal), I don't purchase chips that I can't sell quickly for a profit, sometimes for a really big profit.

If my profit is so high, why don't I sell for cheaper? To RT's point earlier, I can't sell for so low that the buyer will immediately resell for a big profit (in which case I'm only benefitting the buyer), or so high that the chips sit in my vault for too long. I look to buy chips very cheaply and price low enough that they move quickly. Usually this works out, but sometimes it doesn't (if I don't have a realistic pulse on the market). If someone gets a good deal from me, then sells the chips in the near future, it's usually for the same discounted price. I respect that and it is exactly what I am going for - to continue to build on the sense of community. If I wanted to maximize profit, I'd put my most desired chips up for PCF auction for no fees and let everyone slug it out while I line my pockets. That's not my intention at all. On the flip side, if I find chips that I can't make enough on to offset my risk/travel/time, I post the links for local chippers to get themselves. A truly selfless person would break even just to get someone the chips they need.

Anyway, buying chips for the purpose of selling is a tricky endeavor. If your goal is to make a profit, it's a fine line to ensure you aren't coming off the wrong way. I've helped many people find the chips they need by either posting links or selling directly, and their support for me in return means a tremendous amount. And if someone wants to "chip pick", realize that there will be a lack of productivity at work and a lot of eyerolling from your spouse, all for that one pick that you may find every 2-3 weeks.

Thanks for the support everyone!
While I greatly appreciate the kind words from @BGinGA and others, I just want to be clear that I'm not positioning myself as a selfless person. I'm probably in the middle of the personal gain/community benefit spectrum. Stripping out the cute "giving back to the community" language (though it is my goal), I don't purchase chips that I can't sell quickly for a profit, sometimes for a really big profit.

If my profit is so high, why don't I sell for cheaper? To RT's point earlier, I can't sell for so low that the buyer will immediately resell for a big profit (in which case I'm only benefitting the buyer), or so high that the chips sit in my vault for too long. I look to buy chips very cheaply and price low enough that they move quickly. Usually this works out, but sometimes it doesn't (if I don't have a realistic pulse on the market). If someone gets a good deal from me, then sells the chips in the near future, it's usually for the same discounted price. I respect that and it is exactly what I am going for - to continue to build on the sense of community. If I wanted to maximize profit, I'd put my most desired chips up for PCF auction for no fees and let everyone slug it out while I line my pockets. That's not my intention at all. On the flip side, if I find chips that I can't make enough on to offset my risk/travel/time, I post the links for local chippers to get themselves. A truly selfless person would break even just to get someone the chips they need.

Anyway, buying chips for the purpose of selling is a tricky endeavor. If your goal is to make a profit, it's a fine line to ensure you aren't coming off the wrong way. I've helped many people find the chips they need by either posting links or selling directly, and their support for me in return means a tremendous amount. And if someone wants to "chip pick", realize that there will be a lack of productivity at work and a lot of eyerolling from your spouse, all for that one pick that you may find every 2-3 weeks.

Thanks for the support everyone!
Smart guy
IMHO both parties are stand up individuals in the hunt for great chip deals for themselves and the PCF community. I think the only party whose actions may not have been stand up was the seller, but as many have posted, can't really be blamed for he knew not what he had. I would love to buy both of you a beer sometime and look forward to much more deal finding/sharing from all. My condolences for your family's loss.
I'm probably a little bit further toward the self-serving side of the personal gain/community benefit continuum than he is, but I'm certainly not all the way to the left. I'll still offer a lot of these chips back up to the community at significantly cheaper prices than what I could sell them for on eBay. My guess is I'll probably end up selling them for slightly more than he would have, but then again, I also paid twice as much as he would have.
Your last statement there really highlights a possible downside of a profit-motive approach vs a community-service approach. The chips are distributed within the community either way, but at significantly higher cost to the end users. The profit-motive re-seller may actually be making LESS profit than the community-service re-seller, but in his profit-driven quest to secure the profit for himself only, drives up the price. That's where a more community-service approach is actually both more profitable and better for the chipping group, and from where the frustration with the for-profit motive operators has it origins with some people here.

Of course, it also simultaneously highlights the downside of the community-service approach, too -- because if that profit-motive re-seller is NOT a member of the chipping community, chances are that the chips never land here at all, high price or low price. Bottom line, there is no right answer. In a perfect world (ha!), both potential re-sellers would work together to ensure an adequate profit for each, while bringing the chips to the community at a reasonably low price -- a win-win-win. This actually does happen occasionally, but it's pretty damn rare.

My last words on the subject, since it may bring to light for others the primary differences in approach in another familiar (and more readily accepted) context::
I can't sell for so low that the buyer will immediately resell for a big profit (in which case I'm only benefitting the buyer), or so high that the chips sit in my vault for too long. I look to buy chips very cheaply and price low enough that they move quickly.
Dan's statement above is very similar to how JimS at TheChipRoom views his business model. No one would argue that he sells purely to benefit the chipping community, but it has been demonstrated over and over again that some great deals can be had from TCR when the planets properly align.

Alternately, the approach that Travis uses is very similar to the business model used by both Todd at The Chip Exchange and Jim at the Chip Vault. They tend to price items much closer to market value (to maximize profits), while at the same time offering items to the chipping community (which benefits us, over the general public not using these forums).

Most importantly, all three occasionally are competing for the acquisition of the same chip lots (for resale purposes). And I don't think that anybody here in the chipping community begrudges any of them for their efforts to buy and sell chips or to make a profit (large or small), and it would be ludicrous to generically state that they don't care about the chipping community.. The community benefits greatly from the fruits of their labors, and generally speaking holds all three vendors in high regard.

And so it is with - and our attitudes should be towards - those members of the general non-vendor community who also dabble in the chip purchase/resale markets (and occasionally bump heads when going after the same items). It's really not a black and white issue; it's all shades of gray, with philosophies dotting all along the line, and often moving based on the specific circumstances at the time. Most of the time, the community benefits from the fruit of their labors, too.
Your last statement there really highlights a possible downside of a profit-motive approach vs a community-service approach. The chips are distributed within the community either way, but at significantly higher cost to the end users. The profit-motive re-seller may actually be making LESS profit than the community-service re-seller, but in his profit-driven quest to secure the profit for himself only, drives up the price. That's where a more community-service approach is actually both more profitable and better for the chipping group, and from where the frustration with the for-profit motive operators has it origins with some people here.

Of course, it also simultaneously highlights the downside of the community-service approach, too -- because if that profit-motive re-seller is NOT a member of the chipping community, chances are that the chips never land here at all, high price or low price. Bottom line, there is no right answer. In a perfect world (ha!), both potential re-sellers would work together to ensure an adequate profit for each, while bringing the chips to the community at a reasonably low price -- a win-win-win. This actually does happen occasionally, but it's pretty damn rare.

My last words on the subject, since it may bring to light for others the primary differences in approach in another familiar (and more readily accepted) context::

Dan's statement above is very similar to how JimS at TheChipRoom views his business model. No one would argue that he sells purely to benefit the chipping community, but it has been demonstrated over and over again that some great deals can be had from TCR when the planets properly align.

Alternately, the approach that Travis uses is very similar to the business model used by both Todd at The Chip Exchange and Jim at the Chip Vault. They tend to price items much closer to market value (to maximize profits), while at the same time offering items to the chipping community (which benefits us, over the general public not using these forums).

Most importantly, all three occasionally are competing for the acquisition of the same chip lots (for resale purposes). And I don't think that anybody here in the chipping community begrudges any of them for their efforts to buy and sell chips or to make a profit (large or small), and it would be ludicrous to generically state that they don't care about the chipping community.. The community benefits greatly from the fruits of their labors, and generally speaking holds all three vendors in high regard.

And so it is with - and our attitudes should be towards - those members of the general non-vendor community who also dabble in the chip purchase/resale markets (and occasionally bump heads when going after the same items). It's really not a black and white issue; it's all shades of gray, with philosophies dotting all along the line, and often moving based on the specific circumstances at the time. Most of the time, the community benefits from the fruit of their labors, too.

I'm fairly confident that Todd would list these here at $600 per rack (the highest recent eBay sale) until he ran out of buyers, then he'd move them over to eBay, then maybe drop them to $575 and repeat until sold. TCV would probably list them for $400+ per rack, and TCR would just auction them off here as a lot for whatever they sold for and be done with them. :)
I read the entire branch.
I do not see any conflict here.
@MegaTon44 could quietly close the deal, but did not do it, he laid out the link, and that means that everyone can take advantage of it. And that was generous of him. It was expected that people would fight.
@RainmanTrail did this and I do not see any problems here. From my point of view, this was not a ruse.

The seller received a decent amount, and also satisfied.

These chips fell into the hands of the one who loves them, and appreciates. And in my opinion this may be enough.
I read the entire branch.
I do not see any conflict here.
@MegaTon44 could quietly close the deal, but did not do it, he laid out the link, and that means that everyone can take advantage of it. And that was generous of him. It was expected that people would fight.
@RainmanTrail did this and I do not see any problems here. From my point of view, this was not a ruse.

The seller received a decent amount, and also satisfied.

These chips fell into the hands of the one who loves them, and appreciates. And in my opinion this may be enough.

Perhaps, reread the thread. Megaton did NOT put out the link. Another member did. Maybe that changes your opinion, maybe not.
Well, here they are! 924 chips total. 75 chips shy of what was stated, but everything that was shown in the picture from the listing. And excellent packing job, I might add :)

150 x $1s
300 x $5s
249 x $25s
75 x $100s
50 x $500s
50 x $1000s
50 x $5000s


That photo makes me happy...just love the color on the $1's. And all the shaped inlays. I'm SO glad I picked up a similar set from @DMZ Not too long ago! I didn't get the bargain basement price, but sure got great chips!!
That photo makes me happy...just love the color on the $1's. And all the shaped inlays. I'm SO glad I picked up a similar set from @DMZ Not too long ago! I didn't get the bargain basement price, but sure got great chips!!

I agree on the 1s, awesome chips. IMO the 5s are pretty nice also. Good pics!
Well, here they are! 924 chips total. 75 chips shy of what was stated, but everything that was shown in the picture from the listing. And excellent packing job, I might add :)

150 x $1s
300 x $5s
249 x $25s
75 x $100s
50 x $500s
50 x $1000s
50 x $5000s

View attachment 92868

View attachment 92869

Great looking set. you really do have a knack for negotiations (y) :thumbsup:
wow, that's the perfect frac for the set. Better than the matching hot-stamped chip, imo..
wow, that's the perfect frac for the set. Better than the matching hot-stamped chip, imo..

Ya, color-wise it's a great match. Mold-wise, not so much :( But it does have shaped inlays, and different shapes than the other cash denoms.

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