I'll fully admit, I'm hoping to win it for myself. I am not the physical host in that my apartment isn't big enough to host our home game, but I am in all other aspects the "host" for my group, including scheduling, organizing, providing cards and chips, banking, etc.
Been reading the crazy RPC thread and also comments about Boise, Idaho's housing market, and feeling like myself and many others are simply priced out of Paulson's like people are priced out of owning a house. Spending 20-25¢/chip on Spirit Molds and 8Vs recently was a big deal for me. Just got my first two barrels of RHCs (Jacks) only this week from another generous PCFer who sold at a discount.
This is an amazing thing the OP is doing for someone--who I'd hope don't already have a set of Paulson chips nor the budget to spend $1+ per chip--gifting one of us a great set of RHCs, whether it becomes a "starter" set or maybe the only set of Paulsons that the winner will own because it'd otherwise be out of reach. The genius part is setting the winner up to pay the OP's generosity forward.
Anyway, bump and good luck everyone!