Full House
She wonders why I almost always watch movies with my guy friends, at least they wont ask a dumb question. but they also dont make movie nachos or get frisky 10 mins into the movie 

She wonders why I almost always watch movies with my guy friends, at least they wont ask a dumb question. but they also dont make movie nachos or get frisky 10 mins into the movie![]()
Shameless self-promotion on the part of Mr. Costner there. We were expecting an apology, goddammit!!!
I think that Waterworld belongs in the Movies That Were Shit At The Time You Saw Them And Are Even Shitter With Time thread.
I always thought this one was really underrated.
No longer with us? Joined Tuesday, one post, out by Friday.... bizarre.
It's a bit of an acquired taste maybe, but I liked it. And Kevin had a vision for the movie which was way ahead of its time. You know what they say - shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
I have a lot of respect for the guy. We had a great time together working on Hatfields and McCoys, too. That was on TV, but it's really a feature, so I hope it's not out of line to throw the trailer in here.
To go seriously old school here - anybody seeing Jaws? I'm thinking of checking it out on the big screen at one of the special showings in my area. Seen it dozens of times, but never in a theater. Saw it with my parents in 75 at, if you can believe it, a drive in theater!!
Not sure if this was ever posted ITT before, but I watched this over the weekend...
Really enjoyed it, though I was expecting to because it is the Flight of the Concords guys.
We streamed "American Ultra" last night. If you say you hate it, or if you loved it. I would understand, lol.
I personally really liked it. I am not a Kristen Stewart fan at all. I thought she did really well in this movie. Kristen Stewart and Jessie Eisenberg have solid chemistry. You buy the "love story" being told.
The violence is glorious and creative. It also has a very good supporting cast.
I recommend it. Not great by any means. I found it to be a fun movie. At 95 minutes long, its perfect for a quick viewing.
not sure if you saw my mention earlier, but i liked it quite a bit, maybe loved it. the little epilogue at the end really pulls it down imo, but still 95% of the movie is fantastic.
M Night Shamalamadingdong actually made a good movie for once! Highly recommend you guys see The Visit.
I could use some comedy movie recommends. Anything decent from the last 4 years... Not watched that many flicks since the offspring arrived...