Enough with bashing drunk poker players ok? You guys are starting to hurt my feelings.
I had a feeling you were the Villain, MIke! LOL!!!
Enough with bashing drunk poker players ok? You guys are starting to hurt my feelings.
Enough with bashing drunk poker players ok? You guys are starting to hurt my feelings.
Maybe I'M the drunk villain!! (It wouldn't be unheard of)I had a feeling you were the Villain, MIke! LOL!!!
Maybe I'M the drunk villain!! (It wouldn't be unheard of)
Thank you for the compliment!! You might see it again in just a few days
If that's the case (and I've seen you play 20+ beers deep), it proves my point one cannot assume drunkard is brain dead. You've always played great regardless of level of inebriation, LOL!!!
Thank you for the compliment!! You might see it again in just a few days
There is a chance you won't be paying attention"might"?!?!?!?
See spoiler in post #68It worked as in they all folded, or 99 called and you spiked a pair?
Clearly I raised too light preflop, but was the shove too risky? In hindsight it worked this time, but should I have played it differently?
I was thinking if you shove, you could say something like "I'm putting you on 99.... and I'm all in." Does that change villain's play?
You can’t say that, there were still others in the hand.
but don’t take the chance and tip him off that you know what he is holding.
my table image in that 30 min is probably TAG as I've won 2 hands with no showdown.
Agreed. This is my avenue. I like to disguise and let the action play out in front of me. The re-raise is solid.I like a raise to 20-25, erring on the higher side. Being on the button here is great too, because it looks like we may just be taking advantage of our position and the limpers.
Now, if you think one of the blinds is likely to raise themselves, you could limp with the intention of reraising
Raise to 21-25. Hero has perfect information against sb. He can play perfect against sb postflop due to position and actually knowing his hand.So I'm playing $1/$3 at the Rivers in Pittsburgh. I've been at the table about 30 minutes and look down at AKo in the button. 3 players limp to me. My stack is $360, and my table image in that 30 min is probably TAG as I've won 2 hands with no showdown.
Players: SB is drunk aggressive, splashy. $400 (he has 9/9 - shows cards frequently)
BB appears skilled, but plays a lot of hands. Knows when to get away, but has made hero calls. $900
UTG - just sat down, seems to be college kid grinder type. Chips in random piles, looks like $600
Last two are an old guy calling station with $175 and a guy with his wife behind him. $200.
It's my action.