Playing with mint set (3 Viewers)

By the way, I don't know who all these pot splashers are, but some of the guys I play with are definitely clueless barbarians, and I've never seen one of them splash a pot.
By the way, I don't know who all these pot splashers are, but some of the guys I play with are definitely clueless barbarians, and I've never seen one of them splash a pot.
You must play with semi domesticated barbarians.:ROFL: :ROFLMAO: I, unfortunately, have a lot of pot splashes in my poker crew. Somebody had a GREAT suggestion in another post, which may be the cause of my problem (or maybe my poker peeps just drink too much:whistle: :whistling:). I do not have a betting line on my felt, and they suggested purchasing felt with a betting line. I'll test that theory out when I replace it next time.

Putting that aside, I don't worry about the chips I put into play. Shuffle them, splash them...have a blast. Although...I did have to give 1 player a talking to a few weeks ago. We were playing with my new 44mm CPC chips. He got pissed off at a hand he lost, took a barrel of chips in hand, and slammed them down on to the race track. That's where I draw the line.
I can certainly understand the reluctance in using certain mint chips. But the solution is obvious.... just get more chips! :D
Then.... start by putting the less lovelies into rotation... soon enough, your friends will have newfound appreciation.... and yes, they'll want some nice chips themselves...

But more seriously, if I'm hosting among friends I want to spend time with, all the more reason to use the nicer chips! Treat yourself... treat your friends... Life is short!!

on the other hand, if your guests are clueless barbarians... Fuggetaboutit!!!

This is my route too. Multiple sets. Build a rotation, and modify that rotation based off your guests. If someone shuffling your minty and expensive chips annoys you, then that set stays out of the rotation when that player is there. If you have a guest that really appreciates the nicest set, it goes into a heavier rotation when that player is in attendance.

Less play makes them even more special. No play makes them boring.
Help. I recently acquired a small cash set of PCAs in mint condition and was all excited to host a game and show them off. But now that I have them and see how lovely they are, all chalky and sharp with no flea bites, I'm not sure I can bring myself to actually put them into play, for fear of damaging/ruining them or just having them lose that 'new car smell'. Is that crazy?
You're not the only one who's thought this. I've bought chips with the intent of using them as playable sets in games, but I had the same reaction to mint racks that once I saw them in person, I was like -- 'wow, these are almost too nice to play with!' That actually made me a bigger fan of some of the casino sets with well used chips -- I'd have no qualms putting those into play. (That is, if I ever get around to hosting games again.)

The solution is to buy another set that is not brand new and put that into play first, then, if & when your players appreciate the clay chips, reward them and bring the mint PCAs out into play. :)
Every one of the chips in my horde is intended for use, aside from singles hanging on the wall.

Let's be clear, no chip is mint unless you get them straight from the manufacturer. By the time the chips passed through the hands of the casino, then the liquidator, then the chip room and the post office and perhaps several prior chippers - - - well the chips aren't mint anymore. Flea bites, which should border on unheard of, are present. The chips will have been handled, sometimes quite roughly.

Put those chips in play. Set them free from their bondage. Chips were born to be handled by gamers / gamblers not stashed in a dark boxy gulag -=- DrStrange
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I was the same way.

Here's a hint: go take another look at Bergs Dunes and imagine that you owned those and put them in play.

Then take a look at your chips. Should be a little easier to stomach :)
I also just shuffle out of pure habit. I wouldn't personally ask people not to shuffle my chips, but that's probably because I'd also want to do so.

If I had a mint set, I'd intend to put it in play. For me it's like buying a new car. I bought it to drive it, not just let it sit in the garage and stare at it.

Then again I can't even get games running, so essentially all of my chips are just for show anyway.
I encourage shuffling of my mint sets when put in play (and they all see play eventually). After two or three sessions when this is done, the chips become 'perfect' imo. Nothing finer than a mint Paulson chips with the chalky edge smoothed just enough to make 'em great shufflers.

So, many of my 'mint' sets are now actually 'near-mint' -- which from a usage perspective, is much, much better. (y) :thumbsup:
All chips should be put into play. Unless..... they are the only set in existence and have such a high value that going from Mint/ uncirculated to almost mint decreases their value by thousands of dollars.

My all time favorite feeling chips are the SDM chip (yeah yeah we know Matt, you love SDM..:rolleyes:) And the reason i believe they feel so good is that they are played with and are NOT ultra sharp edges. I would no longer consider them mint either.

Also. if my chips are on the table, shuffle away !!

I did have one OMFG!! moment at @manamongkids home game, when we were using my SDM chips and one of his regulars pulled out a scratch ticket and proceeded to use one of my SDM $5 chips to scratch the ticket. :eek::eek:
I knew the guy was not a chip nerd , even though i'm sure he appreciates playing with nice chips. So i said nothing. It was the most painful 20 to 30 seconds i have ever spent at the poker table watching him scratch that ticket. Seriously.
You must play with semi domesticated barbarians.:ROFL: :ROFLMAO: I, unfortunately, have a lot of pot splashes in my poker crew. Somebody had a GREAT suggestion in another post, which may be the cause of my problem (or maybe my poker peeps just drink too much:whistle: :whistling:). I do not have a betting line on my felt, and they suggested purchasing felt with a betting line. I'll test that theory out when I replace it next time.

If you want to dissuade splashing pots, a home game I play in made the rule that if your chips that are entering the pot hit another player's stack, then those runaway chips now belong to THAT player. Everyone learned pretty quickly to bet without as much "flourish" or panache as they were used to.
It was the most painful 20 to 30 seconds i have ever spent at the poker table watching him scratch that ticket. Seriously.
And that's saying a lot because I've seen Matt have some painful moments at the poker table!
If you want to dissuade splashing pots, a home game I play in made the rule that if your chips that are entering the pot hit another player's stack, then those runaway chips now belong to THAT player. Everyone learned pretty quickly to bet without as much "flourish" or panache as they were used to.
That is a GREAT idea!!(y) :thumbsup:
one of his regulars pulled out a scratch ticket and proceeded to use one of my SDM $5 chips to scratch the ticket.

This almost gave me diarrhea. Let's break it down...
  • one of his regulars pulled out a scratch ticket - Vig of 40%-60%, and the payout is not life-changing.
  • and proceeded to use one of my SDM $5 chips to scratch - I'd have to ask to borrow his car keys, and then dig out some ear-wax with them. After-all any handy object will do, right?
  • scratch the ticket. - disrespecting the chip and the hosts's table in 1 move. Where does he think the scratch-off crumbs go? Table? Floor? Unless he had a waste basket, this animal would be closely monitored for possible ban status. A generally accepted home game rule, even if it's not written down, is "respect my home, my family and my stuff". This guy missed that boat completely.
This almost gave me diarrhea. Let's break it down...
  • one of his regulars pulled out a scratch ticket - Vig of 40%-60%, and the payout is not life-changing.
  • and proceeded to use one of my SDM $5 chips to scratch - I'd have to ask to borrow his car keys, and then dig out some ear-wax with them. After-all any handy object will do, right?
  • scratch the ticket. - disrespecting the chip and the hosts's table in 1 move. Where does he think the scratch-off crumbs go? Table? Floor? Unless he had a waste basket, this animal would be closely monitored for possible ban status. A generally accepted home game rule, even if it's not written down, is "respect my home, my family and my stuff". This guy missed that boat completely.
rule #1 - keep the fish happy
I have both chips I bought mint and chalky, and kept them this way, and chips I bought that were used in play and that I use into play.
One set of each is the most expensive way but seemed a good compromise, and worked for me.
And hey, if you change your mind, you will get your money back on the classified section in no time, or use the chips in play. I sometimes worried about the money but never regretted purchasing the chips, (I am pretty certain that I am not the only one who experienced this feeling).
My travel set of chips are Majestics. Most in that game were happy with dice chips and there is a lot of chip abuse in that game. They don't mean anything by it, but there have been some occasional chips pitched at one another and some slammed into the pot. We usually have 2 tables, and I just would get too stressed out trying to keep an expensive set of chips nice. Plus, I travel to other people's houses with them. Majestics are cheap and easy to replace so they are perfect for that game.

As far as my soon to be more serious cash home cash game, my expensive set of chips will be used for it. They won't leave the house and I know the people playing at the game won't abuse them. As others said above, have a different set of chips depending on the game and players involved.
This is how my brothers act when I ask them to 'not' splash the pot with my new chips:

I personally HATE seeing/hearing about any playable sets not being used. Like what has been mentioned before ITT, grab a sample set of the mint set you love so much and put them behind glass on display, but please don't hoard a mint set for it to just sit on the shelf.

And LOL @guinness
@guinness and @72o. Alright, you caught me....I'm guilty of both. But you gotta admit, they both (the hot wife and the mint chips) look AWESOME just sitting there all minty fresh.:ROFL: :ROFLMAO::D FYI...I am considering shuffling my wife this weekend:whistle: :whistling:

Hey...I just though about it. If not using mint chips is like keeping your hot wife on ice for the next guy...wouldn't putting mint chips into play be like letting multiple guys play with your hot wife??(n) :thumbsdown:;)

@guinness and @72o. Alright, you caught me....I'm guilty of both. But you gotta admit, they both (the hot wife and the mint chips) look AWESOME just sitting there all minty fresh.:ROFL: :ROFLMAO::D FYI...I am considering shuffling my wife this weekend:whistle: :whistling:

Hey...I just though about it. If not using mint chips is like keeping your hot wife on ice for the next guy...wouldn't putting mint chips into play be like letting multiple guys play with your hot wife??(n) :thumbsdown:;)

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If TRK Rounders are your wife, please keep that shit on ice for me. I'm warming up in the bullpen.
... & if a set is in use, it should be "fully" in use ..
I can't image ever telling those at the game not to shuffle the chips, nor being in a game where I'm instructed can't shuffle .. shuffle away!
" Please everyone, pick up your mini shuffleboard stick at the start of the tournament. Never touch the chips, slide your bets out using the mini shuffleboard stick only"
I'm going to offer a slightly dissenting opinion...

I'm normally in the "chips are meant to be played" camp.. but that said, a while back I traded for a MINT set of Horseshoe secondaries (hi denoms). These things were trading at crazy dollar values, and I think it was due in large part to their "mint" status. I didn't need the set for my game (my customs typically see the tourney felt), so I was reluctant to play these fearing it would detract from the value, Since I wasn't going to play these chips, I sold them to someone who didn't fear putting them into play.

In the end, I don't want to own a set that I won't play. But I recognize that some chips are more valuable in MINT condition.
@guinness and @72o.
Hey...I just though about it. If not using mint chips is like keeping your hot wife on ice for the next guy...wouldn't putting mint chips into play be like letting multiple guys play with your hot wife??(n) :thumbsdown:;)

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Well played! Lol

Ugh though. Those poor chips just sitting there waiting to be played with. I've played with some pretty valuable/rare chips before and loved every minute of it. No one else at the table had a clue about how special they were but that certainly didn't ruin it for me. As long as there's felt on the table, my chips (rare/mint/uncirculated/etc.) will hit it.

We need a t-shirt made for this very circumstance. Picture it: Off to the side is a picture of a nice poker table. On the other side is a group of mint chips talking to each other with the caption "I'd hit that!"

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