So true! My first real HIFI home setup was purchased in 2012 when I was still living in an apartment. It was one of those that the rooms were all behind a front gate so all packages would go to the office and they put them in a storage room. I had ordered a moderately priced setup (Klipsch RF-82 ii, Klipsch RC-62 ii, Klipsch RS-52 ii, Marantz SR5007 and a PA-150 sub). For an apartment it was overkill, but I was thinking long term for when I get a house later. When I went to the office to pick it up I needed a rolling dolly to get them back to the room and the front office asked me to "Please be kind when using those and think about your neighbors."
When we moved to a house I never built out the media room because it was used as a kid playroom. When the pandemic hit this year and we were stuck at home I decided to finally build it out. Upgraded a few things, got rid of a lot of toys and we finally have a new media room to enjoy. I should have done this sooner. Wife got a new couch so we put the old one upstairs and a couple of recliners we had in the bedroom were put upstairs too. Not full theater seating but great for now.