Here's two different takes on the same set that I've worked on over the past couple days. Yes, it's extremely crude, and not everything is sized/matches/lines up perfectly, but it's a decent enough representation of what I'm looking to do.
Struggling with a couple things:
- Set #1 vs. Set #2, as a general comparison. I like the added color in Set #2 but I appreciate the simplicity of Set #1.
- 1" vs. 7/8" inlay - I think I prefer the 7/8" in Set #2.
- Which $1 to go with in either set... Set #2 has a Bright White edge spot in the same spot on every chip, so I'm leaning toward keeping that consistent. If I went with Set #1 (only 1 color on edge spots), I could go either way. If I went with the white $1 chip in set #1, I'd change the edge spots on the $5 chip to white.
- $20 vs $25 chip in either set... prefer to do a yellow $20, but don't love the color combo on the $20 in set #2.
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View attachment 238220
Any suggestions or glaring mistakes are welcome, would appreciate any input.