Dammit! I spent about an hour in 'Shop trying to make some edits and
@rjdev7 posts his "final" version while I was still working on it.
But, between the two, my personal opinion, the Black text/lines is much more readable.
But also, still requesting Blurple. Blurple with white text might just be awesome.
I'm still going to post what I did (based on the last version from last night). I edited only the left side, because I already spent way too long on this. And I guess you get to see kind of a before/after in one image.
View attachment 967192
List of differences:
- The "Make 'Em All" Betting boxes are larger (the number markers need the circles again AND the "All small... etc" text can be above the payout amount)
- I rotated the side "Don't Come" and "Don't Pass" text to match the "Pass Line" text that is already rotated.
- I got rid of Big 6 and 8 again, to make room for a bigger "Don't Come" betting area and to increase the Come bet area.
- I guess I'm just one of those people who like a bigger come.... bet area.

- Consequently, the Field bet area is a bit smaller. I didn't spend time to round the corner of the Field.
- Got rid of about half the C/E bet circles, purely for the looks (makes the area less busy). I don't think we're going to have 14 players at a Barrington sized table.