slight thread jack - I'd be more interested in a thread detailing how well buyers pack their chips. There are many here who do a professional job and others that do not. You should see the packing jobs I've had from @ChaosRock, @Jackstraw, @BGinGA and others. They are bomb proof. Doesn't matter what the chips cost if half of them never arrive and the others are damaged.
Im not 100% sure what you are asking for here? I think Tommy did start a thread on packing tips though.
Im thinking what you might be saying instead is a thread listing which sellers are good packers, and possibly warnings of those who aren't? It would probably be a good concept, but I think some onus needs to fall on the buyers when they receive poorly packed packages to give feedback to the sellers. I know I have been guilty of receiving a terribly packed shipment, but as long as there is nothing missing or broken, Im good. Probably a big disservice to the next guy who may buy chips from that seller though.
In some cases, I have sent a note to the seller saying packing was sub par and they should be more careful in the future or it may result in a dispute. They are usually very apologetic, and Id like to think they will learn from their mistakes.