Wanted Protege chips (1 Viewer)

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I sure did! I dunno if he would sell, and I'd hate to ruin someone's chipping experience by breaking apart their favorite set ;)
If you get new protégés, don't forget about your old pal Mike! Find me some more In plays!
I have a bunch of Venerati ceramics and all denoms of Protégé plaques, but no InPlays!
Hey Joe,

Just a thought put more pics into the OP showing some nice protege racks. Eye candy always draws attention. Every little helps.
While true, it may also have the unintended effect of making them even harder to come by :whistle: :whistling:

So what you're saying is, add some photos to draw attention, but make sure they highlight BCC production issues so nobody else gets any ideas? :cool:
So what you're saying is, add some photos to draw attention, but make sure they highlight BCC production issues so nobody else gets any ideas? :cool:


Then you'll just need one of these to take care of me :whistle: :whistling:

I love the protégés so much too that I think I will create a CPC set called "Apprentice" or "Prestige" :)
How about "Prestige Worldwide"? ;) Free surprise to the first member to message me with the correct reference...
Oprah, Barbara Walters, your wife. You gotta fuck one, marry one, kill one. Go!

Edit...quote from the movie not a real question. :LOL: :laugh:
Calling all Texans in/near Dallas..who wants to be my new favorite person? You pick up the Proteges, keep the case, ship me the chips, and I'll kick you some bonus cash! :D
@CraigT78 @Solid Snake
Hey Joe, sounds like you got help with delivery. If it falls through I don't mind helping. I made a poker chip run to Fort Worth last year.
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