SOLD RAFFLE - 620 pc Pick Hobson's Riverside & Overland TRK Set (3 Viewers)

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I will pick up the slack with last 2 entries if permitted and they don't show up. I will pay asap If i hear from you Travis. Txs
I will pick up the slack with last 2 entries if permitted and they don't show up. I will pay asap If i hear from you Travis. Txs

OK sounds good. Thank you for the offer.

So that everyone knows what's going on, @jbriod has submitted payment for 2 tickets as backup so that we can avoid the situation where someone can say, "if only so-and-so would have paid, I would have won!" That's not fair to anyone, so I want this to go down with tomorrow's drawing. I am going to give both @bivey and @acl1904 until midnight tonight to submit payment (since all 3 of us are on the west coast, that will be midnight pacific time). If their payments have not been received by midnight, they will forfeit their tickets and @jbriod will be in as the replacement and will receive their assigned numbers from the OP.

Good luck everyone!

Tick tock, tick tock...
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It's official. This raffle will be held on tomorrow's 6:30PM drawing:

The side raffle for the multiple ticket entries will also be held tomorrow, and will use the 1:00PM "Midday Drawing" from the same webpage. Numbers will be assigned tonight either after bivey and acl1904 have both paid, or after midnight depending on whether or not jbriod makes it in. If jbriod ends up with two tickets in the raffle, he will be added to the side raffle as well, so I won't be able to assign number ranges until that time.

ONE TIME!!!!!!!!
statistically it probably will not happen, but every number has the same odds so....

Damnit, now i'm rooting for the underdog, "Go Chiipy GO!!"

EDIT: @Chippy McChiperson forgot to add this.

The side raffle winning number for the Lucky Buddha sample set and dealer button is 853. Which means that @upNdown wins the side raffle!!! Woohoo! Congratulations sir. I'll send them out as soon as I receive them from CPC :)

Good luck in the main drawing tonight!
That's the mid-day draw numbers, used for the side raffle. They have not yet posted the evening results.

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