For Sale Raffle - Aurora Star CASH Sample Set (3 Viewers)

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Nov 4, 2014
Reaction score
Virginia Beach
Rating - 100%
15   0   0
I have an AS cash sample set here. I've had it on my desk and was carrying it around for a bit, so they aren't exactly mint. But they're is good shape.

25 slots - No charge. I'll even cover the shipping. Get your slot by posting in the thread. No PM's please.

Winner will be chosen using the Virginia Lottery Pick 3, NIGHTTIME drawing on the day after all all slots are filled. I'm assuming tomorrow.

International entrants are welcome.

*****CAVEAT - You may NOT enter if you entered my previous raffle. *****

Reserved for entries.

@upNdown - You're in, based on your post yesterday. If you DON'T want the entry, please let me know.

1= 000 - 039 - @Fleming
2= 040 - 079 - @WedgeRock
3= 080 - 119 - @AfterTheFact
4= 120 - 159 - @RowdyRawhide
5= 160 - 199 - @softchewy
6= 200 - 239 - @buss56
7= 240 - 279 - @FDLmold
8= 280 - 319 - @Sprouty
9= 320 - 359 - @bsdunbar1
10= 360 - 399 - @upNdown
11= 400 - 439 - @GenghisKhan
12= 440 - 479 - @DMack
13= 480 - 519 - @Ronoh
14= 520 - 559 - @Ghoti
15= 560 - 599 - @BiGGyT
16= 600 - 639 - @xxmurrxx
17= 640 - 679 - @namsupak
18= 680 - 719 - @Bill
19= 720 - 759 - @Forty4
20= 760 - 799 - @BeagleStorm
21= 800 - 839 - @krafticus
22= 840 - 879 - @Burke
23= 880 - 919 - @DoubleEagle
24= 920 - 959 - @Joe E.
25= 960 - 999 - @kmccormick100
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