Found it in the OP. $120 sent.. put your name on those tickets.
I'll send $20 and challenge others to do the same. Hopefully there is enough collected so he does not have to auction the gangster squad chips. Who is with me?
Challenge accepted. In for $20 (no chance in raffle).
This community continues to amaze me with how generous its members are. I truly appreciate everyone's help and generosity.
It seems like most of you would have me keep my customs if you win the raffle. Would there still be interest in this raffle if I just removed my customs and kept it as a raffle for the Grand Victoria's and Horseshoe 25k's plus the sample sets. I also have 5 of each denomination of Grand Victoria's as spares I'd be happy to throw in. Also the Horseshoe Primary sample set, Even Steven sample set, and 20x Scandia 500's I could throw in as well.
If you've already committed but don't want to if the Gangster Squads are off the table I totally understand and will remove your name from the list.
Thanks everyone.
Payment sent...
Is hyperthyroidism contagious...I could use a little bit of that.
In all seriousness I hope this is only a minor speed bump and everything gets back to normal for you relatively easily. Sending lots of positive thoughts and rungood your way.
Dammit...was hoping I could start eating sugar/carbs again...Fortunately or unfortunately for you its genetic I believe .
Thanks for the positive thoughts buddy!
lol, exactly what I was gonna post.I'm in for a $40 chance. Where do I send my $60?