SOLD RAFFLE!! Wynn Casino Tourney Chips - 300pc set (3 Viewers)

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OK, I have updated the payment info. If you think my posted payment info is incorrect, please send me a PM and I will try to find your payment. You guys have until tomorrow night to pay before your reservations are relinquished back up for grabs. Once everyone is paid up, I will assign numbers...

PMs coming for those we're still waiting on.

Thanks everyone
Someone put "Wynn raffle" in the notes on PayPal, and now my account is locked for review... Ugg I fucking hate PayPal...
Someone put "Wynn raffle" in the notes on PayPal, and now my account is locked for review... Ugg I fucking hate PayPal...

UUuughh! i'm pretty sure i'm the D-bag that put Wynn raffle int the memo.

To be fair. I was a couple beers deep, and you'd just posted the pot sweetner (sample sets) and i snap called.

Sorry bout that. (not poker sorry):oops::oops::oops:
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Then again, if you're getting dozens and dozens of payments all at once, for a huge profit, maybe suck it up and pay the fee.
UUuughh! i'm pretty sure i'm the D-bag that put Wynn raffle int the memo.

To be fair. I was a couple beers deep, and you'd just posted the pot sweetner (sample sets) and i snap called.

Sorry bout that. (not poker sorry):oops::oops::oops:

It's OK. I'll get it figured out. We had to send them a scan of my wife's social securtity card, ID, and our marriage certificate. Hopefully that squares things up :)
Then again, if you're getting dozens and dozens of payments all at once, for a huge profit, maybe suck it up and pay the fee.

My point is that you're bent out of shape about Paypal suspending your account for using F&F, when the reason that we are required to pay via F&F is so you can save a few percent by avoiding the fee. On top of the $8.50 per chip that you're making on chips that only a few days ago cost you ~$4. I'm not sure why that is confusing.

...Boy, no way I'm winning this now....
I think the FF is also so you are not generating TONS of income on PPs records. That stuff does get logged and could make potential tax problems. Having your PP frozen is a major pain and sometimes it take MONTHS to get your funds released. I share his bummage.

As far as the pricing...well this is an issue that comes up a lot. He took the risk on a very expensive set and is looking to make it back by flipping some of the set to pay for his remaining. I can't hate on anyone doing that. I too have sold chips at a profit but have also bought chips (especially Mapes) that some would think is highway robbery. I am happy with ALL my purchases because they are what I want and the transaction only has to please me and no one else. If you look online now, eBay has MANY of these chips from multiple sellers (including a PCF vendor) at over FIFTY DOLLARS a chip. A hefty profit indeed. I was happy to get a full sample set for $60 and while that may be a lot more than he's way LESS than he could have gotten for them. Just my 2 cents.
My point is that you're bent out of shape about Paypal suspending your account for using F&F, when the reason that we are required to pay via F&F is so you can save a few percent by avoiding the fee. On top of the $8.50 per chip that you're making on chips that only a few days ago cost you ~$4. I'm not sure why that is confusing.

...Boy, no way I'm winning this now....

You're making assumptions. What I'm talking about doesn't have anything do with F&F. Also, as I stated in an earlier post, I accidentally set up my paypal link from the OP as a non F&F link for the first 60ish transactions before I changed it. So, I've already paid the few % points to PayPal. That's not my concern. What I'm worried about is them flagging my account for using it as a form of gambling (raffles).

PayPal is well known for stealing money from people. I have 5k locked up in there. I don't really want them to take it from me :)

Anyhow, I just called them and had to send over a scan of my ID, SSN card, utility bills, and marriage certificate lol... I'm hopeful that it will get squared away now.
Perhaps also worth pointing out, is that I've had several thousand dollars locked up on PayPal before for over 6 months!!! Yes, they held my money for 6 months. Not joking. If you've never run into issues with PayPal in the past, consider yourselves fortunate. There are numerous websites dedicated to issues with PayPal. Hell, there's even a forum which is even larger than this one,, where there are thousands and thousands of horror stories.
So im i good to make a payment or is your PP on lock down?

Ya, you can pay. They didn't actually lock me out, they just "limited" me, whatever that meant. I think it's resolved now though after talking to the customer service guy on the phone and sending over our sensitive documents. Or so he said it would be :)
Ya, you can pay. They didn't actually lock me out, they just "limited" me, whatever that meant. I think it's resolved now though after talking to the customer service guy on the phone and sending over our sensitive documents. Or so he said it would be :)
I'm going to send you $.01 and put "RAFFLE GAMBLING NO FEE PCF" in the memo just to be an asshole.;)
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OK, almost there, one more payment to go and we can draw numbers. Wake up @Fleming !!! This ship is about to sail and someone wants your seat :)
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