4 of a Kind
Hero is lost in the hand on the flop. Could be he is way ahead. Could be he is way behind. Could be he is a little ahead. If villain were a thinking villain, capable of reading Hero's TAG range and understanding how often Hero is in a difficult spot on a flop like this, Hero would be easy pickings. Fortunately this villain does not think like this. But he is a wild and crazy guy, so even if he does not reach the "I'll make a big bluff" conclusion with hand reading logic, if he makes that big bet, Hero is still going to be in a bad spot.
But Hero can think several layers deep and he can also plan out all of the hand before acting on the flop. There are a lot of times Hero is going check flop and check fold the rest of the hand based on what card comes on the turn - all off suit queens, jacks, sixes and sevens fit in that category. That is 12 cards out of the 47 remaining cards. Hero isn't going to like a paired board but might take a call for a cheap showdown line on 9 of the 47 cards. Same song second verse on flushing cards, there are 9 of those (we already counted the as a pairing card). There are 15 bricks and two aces.
Note that 30 of the 47 cards are potentially better for the villain than Hero. Hero doesn't know which ones actually helped villain, but the villain knows. The circumstance would be even worse if the villain were prone to making scare card bluffs, but as noted, this villain just bluffs on a whim more than as a thoughtful strategy.
Hero's check the flop decision is driven by this inequality. Most of the turns are going to be bad cards, some worse than others. The villain is prone to betting air or weak hands a lot, so Hero will want to bluff catch cheaply or face being bluffed off the hand. Yes, Hero is ahead more often than behind on the flop. But the problem comes on the turn when 64% of the time Hero's hand will be placed under even greater pressure.
If this were a passive villain, hero bets the flop. If this were limit poker, Hero bets the flop. If this villain were weak/tight, hero bets the flop.
But this villain is unpredictably aggressive, the betting is no limit, Villain's stack is shallow enough that Hero can be tempted to make bluff catching calls so Hero takes a safer line and checks.
Checking is a "sklansky bucks" mistake. If Hero could be sure he could play perfectly on the turn and river, then yes fire a bet on the flop. But Hero isn't going to be able to play perfectly many times the last two streets, so he opts to check the flop and evaluate the turn.
But Hero can think several layers deep and he can also plan out all of the hand before acting on the flop. There are a lot of times Hero is going check flop and check fold the rest of the hand based on what card comes on the turn - all off suit queens, jacks, sixes and sevens fit in that category. That is 12 cards out of the 47 remaining cards. Hero isn't going to like a paired board but might take a call for a cheap showdown line on 9 of the 47 cards. Same song second verse on flushing cards, there are 9 of those (we already counted the as a pairing card). There are 15 bricks and two aces.
Note that 30 of the 47 cards are potentially better for the villain than Hero. Hero doesn't know which ones actually helped villain, but the villain knows. The circumstance would be even worse if the villain were prone to making scare card bluffs, but as noted, this villain just bluffs on a whim more than as a thoughtful strategy.
Hero's check the flop decision is driven by this inequality. Most of the turns are going to be bad cards, some worse than others. The villain is prone to betting air or weak hands a lot, so Hero will want to bluff catch cheaply or face being bluffed off the hand. Yes, Hero is ahead more often than behind on the flop. But the problem comes on the turn when 64% of the time Hero's hand will be placed under even greater pressure.
If this were a passive villain, hero bets the flop. If this were limit poker, Hero bets the flop. If this villain were weak/tight, hero bets the flop.
But this villain is unpredictably aggressive, the betting is no limit, Villain's stack is shallow enough that Hero can be tempted to make bluff catching calls so Hero takes a safer line and checks.
Checking is a "sklansky bucks" mistake. If Hero could be sure he could play perfectly on the turn and river, then yes fire a bet on the flop. But Hero isn't going to be able to play perfectly many times the last two streets, so he opts to check the flop and evaluate the turn.