Full House
This really feels like a standard call here. I am not sure that any line we took would have resulted in anything different than two guys that want to get it in doing so. I feel we are ahead here though.Part 3
UTG folds
HERO is +1 with AhKs and raises to $15 (standard open). [$950]
LJ calls. [$600]
HJ calls. [$480]
SB calls. [$130]
Pot $57 (after rake)
SB leads for $30.
HERO calls.
LJ calls.
HJ calls.
Pot: $173
SB jams for $85.
HERO calls.
LJ folds.
HJ jams for ~$340 more and says "I guess I'm all in again."
My guesses:
SB donk/fish: He has either top pair no kicker, or middle pair. This is the BS that I see constantly against a donk bet like this. We are ahead of him almost always. Two pair or better, people go for check raises more often than not.

HJ: He has a draw....probably a flush draw. I'll give him a ton of credit and say a pair plus a flush draw. Let's give him a hand like

We have to fade some shit, but are in great shape.