ROUNDERS on the SQINCIRC mold - Cash and Tourney (1 Viewer)

That frac and those $1s are SICK! The whole set is amazing! Great job, Paulo!

Now can we get a shot of the Oreos in stacks? ;)

Thanks James!! I'll definitely have a rack of Oreos first time I play with those! ;) I'm a chocolate filling guy though...

Awesome sets! IMHO the $1 is the nuts of the set, love the progression/mesh of the cash set. Do you have a breakdown of all the colors?

Thanks Irish! Here u go:










PATTERN: 514 (44mm)













Wow, just wow. Between lost work time to load all those pics, and extra bandwidth used, I just lost... about $10 I'm guessing.

It was worth it. :cool: Congrats Paulo! How many amazing sets can one man have???

Sorry Ben!! LOL!! I know it was a lot of pictures... And you know the answer to your question better than anyone! ;)

Hard to argue against all of those loving the $1s, especially since blue is my favorite color. The whole set is pretty much amazing. Well done!

Thanks man... That makes two of us Rob! That's why I'm a sucker for Cali sets... Blue $1s and Yellow $5s? Nuts for me...
Wow, just wow. Between lost work time to load all those pics, and extra bandwidth used, I just lost... about $10 I'm guessing.

It was worth it. :cool: Congrats Paulo! How many amazing sets can one man have???

You know Ben, I'll elaborate just a bit on it since you made me think (for a change!)... :)

I feel about chips in a similar way I feel about the wines I collect, or some of the malts/bourbons I like to have around... Those hobbies are absolutely unselfish hobbies imo... Those things are meant to be shared and have very little meaning for me without good friends... Yeah, I might have the property of my sets but they are here to be played when I have good friends over... Always... Same thing happens with wine/malts/bourbon/etc... They are meant to be shared... And the more special the bottle is (or the chips) the bigger the reason to share it with people I care about...

Okay, sorry for the derail... Just had to share this thought...

PS: didn't meant to sound syrupy, sorry (thanks MAK!)...
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You know Ben, I'll elaborate just a bit on it since you made me think (for a change!)... :)

I feel about chips in a similar way I feel about the wines I collect, or some of the malts/bourbons I like to have around... Those hobbies are absolutely unselfish hobbies... Those things are meant to be shared and have very little meaning for me without good friends... Yeah, I might have the property of my sets but they are here to be played when I have good friends over... Always... Same thing happens with wine/malts/bourbon/etc... They are meant to be shared... And the more special the bottle is (or the chips) the bigger the reason to share it with people...

Okay, sorry for the derail... Just had to share this thought...
Did someone just cut an onion near me, eyes are getting watery
You know Ben, I'll elaborate just a bit on it since you made me think (for a change!)... :)

I feel about chips in a similar way I feel about the wines I collect, or some of the malts/bourbons I like to have around... Those hobbies are absolutely unselfish hobbies... Those things are meant to be shared and have very little meaning for me without good friends... Yeah, I might have the property of my sets but they are here to be played when I have good friends over... Always... Same thing happens with wine/malts/bourbon/etc... They are meant to be shared... And the more special the bottle is (or the chips) the bigger the reason to share it with people I care about...

Okay, sorry for the derail... Just had to share this thought...

pre meet up notes...

....Guest bedroom number 1 in Aspen Park reserved for Chaos -
Hahahahaha... Didn't mean it to sound 'cheesy' at all man... Sorry... Maybe I AM getting old and soft...

I am adding a little note to that post though... LOL!!!

Did someone say Cheese? .... jk.

Those chips are amazing though! I really like the CircSqr mold personally. If these had been available in mass quantities I would have had to order a set!
You know Ben, I'll elaborate just a bit on it since you made me think (for a change!)... :)

I feel about chips in a similar way I feel about the wines I collect, or some of the malts/bourbons I like to have around... Those hobbies are absolutely unselfish hobbies imo... Those things are meant to be shared and have very little meaning for me without good friends... Yeah, I might have the property of my sets but they are here to be played when I have good friends over... Always... Same thing happens with wine/malts/bourbon/etc... They are meant to be shared... And the more special the bottle is (or the chips) the bigger the reason to share it with people I care about...

Okay, sorry for the derail... Just had to share this thought...

PS: didn't meant to sound syrupy, sorry (thanks MAK!)...

Totally understand what you mean man - I'd say that's about 70% of why I do it as well, even though very few appreciate it the way that you or I do. The other 30% is that when I'm 75 years old, 95% senile and living in a shack in Wyoming, I'll still have my chips and nobody can take them away. :D

So, when's the MI meetup???
Amazing sets Paulo! I got samples of the Scroll mold set, but these are even better IMO!
I just need to "bink" a WSOP event and I'll be set...... ;)

Holy SHIT Paulo, outstanding!! No idea if I can make it but I have October 10th marked on the calendar if you have an open seat!!
Wowzer! Spectacular.

The pr0n made my phone browser crash!! :D

I like these even better than the Scroll chips. Brilliant!
Love the set, but want the bounty.

Seriously. Sell me a bounty chip. Tell me you made/received extras.

If I had any spares I'd send you one Psy... Only got 1 extra from CPC... If I do (am allow to do) an add-on in the future, I'll definitely keep that in mind man...

So, when's the MI meetup???

Man, I really have been thinking about it... Bottleneck for me is that I can only fit two tables in my room... I won't give up though... I'll try to find a way... ;)

Holy SHIT Paulo, outstanding!! No idea if I can make it but I have October 10th marked on the calendar if you have an open seat!!

Thanks brother!

I'll send details around next couple of days... Hope you can make it man...
Man, I really have been thinking about it... Bottleneck for me is that I can only fit two tables in my room... I won't give up though... I'll try to find a way... ;)

I can fit three tables if one is in the kitchen and two in the basement. Maybe we need to seriously plan a weekend Michigan Weekend MnG and use both of our places? You take THUR night where there is usually less people. If we don't hit two tables then you could take Friday as well and I could do SAT (or FRI and SAT).

something for us to discuss anyways.

Great looking set. Looking forward to using them on the 10th.
I could do 3 in my basement without a problem. Can't really do the overnight thing but could definitely provide a place to play for a night.
Holy crap, Paulo.... I had barely finished drooling over those incredible cash chip pics (love the quarter and $20), when I scrolled down and spent another 30 minutes viewing the awesome tournament chips along with the excellent oiling shots. Well done, sir!

I too am really getting ramped up lately over the circle-square mold. It's now the front-runner for my upcoming custom set, given all of the issues with the MD-50 (which I dearly love).

Too bad about no samples. I picked up a scroll set, but these are simply gorgeous, and much closer in spirit to the originals.

You guys figure out a workable meet-up scenario, and I'm there.
The oiled rack vs unoiled rack shots are incredible, the ones and fives are completely different sets when next to each other. Very cool.

I think the reason CSQ has always been my favorite is because it has rings on the inside and outside of the mold. I don't know why but I like rings, CSQ>Scroll and SCV/LCV>RHC for me precisely because of this reason. My first custom set will definitely be on the CSQ, it's a huge bonus to me that it's one of the lower priced molds...

I find myself coming back to this thread several times a day just to look at these pictures. That $1, the hundo, and the bounty are beautiful, but that $1, I can't get over how good it looks. One reason I like it is because it reminds me of Ford and I come from a long line of Ford freaks (almost got disowned when I bought my first chevy lol). Also, like someone else said, blue is probably my favorite color, I will have a blue $1 in what ever custom sets I put together and there will be metric shit tons of them...
Was that a late change? Because that's not what was on the invoice from CPC. Just want to make sure there wasn't some mix up in communication.


Thanks Mike! Yeah, it was a late change, circa February if I'm not wrong... I'm writing David anyways just to make sure...

Holy crap, Paulo.... I had barely finished drooling over those incredible cash chip pics (love the quarter and $20), when I scrolled down and spent another 30 minutes viewing the awesome tournament chips along with the excellent oiling shots. Well done, sir!

I too am really getting ramped up lately over the circle-square mold. It's now the front-runner for my upcoming custom set, given all of the issues with the MD-50 (which I dearly love).

Too bad about no samples. I picked up a scroll set, but these are simply gorgeous, and much closer in spirit to the originals.

You guys figure out a workable meet-up scenario, and I'm there.

Thanks Dave!!

I'll tell you man, for as much as I loved the whole set, if there's one thing that stood out for me the was the mold... Maybe because my expectations weren't sky high, I don't know... As I said, the CSQ might be challenging the MD-50 for top spot for me... All the sets on the Scroll mold look outstanding but i gotta say I don't regret my decision of going with the CSQ at all...

Regarding the meet up: you better!!! :) As I said before, doors are ALWAYS open for you brother...

The oiled rack vs unoiled rack shots are incredible, the ones and fives are completely different sets when next to each other. Very cool.

I think the reason CSQ has always been my favorite is because it has rings on the inside and outside of the mold. I don't know why but I like rings, CSQ>Scroll and SCV/LCV>RHC for me precisely because of this reason. My first custom set will definitely be on the CSQ, it's a huge bonus to me that it's one of the lower priced molds...

I find myself coming back to this thread several times a day just to look at these pictures. That $1, the hundo, and the bounty are beautiful, but that $1, I can't get over how good it looks. One reason I like it is because it reminds me of Ford and I come from a long line of Ford freaks (almost got disowned when I bought my first chevy lol). Also, like someone else said, blue is probably my favorite color, I will have a blue $1 in what ever custom sets I put together and there will be metric shit tons of them...

For sure! That's why including oiled/un-oiled was a must, hahahaha... I find that both CPCs/ASMs and BCCs really benefit from oil... The difference being the BCCs soak up quite a bit of it while the CPCs just need a tiny bit as they don't soak up nearly as much...

I'm with you on your mold analysis... I'm a outer ring guy myself also... I'd also add that another thing that makes SCV>RHC (imo) is that the former shows a lot more 'chip' than the later, which I prefer...

GM/Chevy guy here though, LOL!! The $1s certainly remind me of the Detroit Tigers... That's the chip that surprised me the most, I love it also... The other chips that really surprised me was the $25 believe it or not... I was never a huge fan of the regular Green but once oiled, man, does it pop!
The more I look at this set, the more I think the T2000 is my favorite. Amazing contrast between chip base and spots. Like I said before though, those quarters and $1s just knock it out of the park.

What was the final count? In most of your pictures there's only 100 quarters but there's one picture of an un-oiled rack of them sitting next to an oiled rack.
The more I look at this set, the more I think the T2000 is my favorite. Amazing contrast between chip base and spots. Like I said before though, those quarters and $1s just knock it out of the park.

What was the final count? In most of your pictures there's only 100 quarters but there's one picture of an un-oiled rack of them sitting next to an oiled rack.

Very, very, very perceptive James!! :-) You are 100% right... I actually have two racks of quarters... I originally received a rack with the wrong 414 and later on a rack with the right 414"A"...

Cash: 200/200/400/100/40 Tourney: 200/200/200/160/40 + 20 Bounties...
Did you oil them with the shoe polish sponge method?

I did oil all the faces, yes... There's a lot less of a need to oil them imo, however, when one oils the edges there's usually a bit of an oil seepage to the faces... If you leave the faces un-oiled, you would clearly see the two different shades on the face... So I always oil the faces as well, with very, very little oil, just so they look smooth shade-wise...

And regarding the shoe polish thingy, I actually made a little contraption a few years ago (still going strong!) I use... Exact same concept of the shoe polish thing but I wanted less oil going to the inlay... ;) I guess it's time to make another one since just looking at the pictures makes me realize after thousands and thousands of oiled chips, this thing is DIRTEE!!! ;)


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