SCAM ALERT: Poppin Returns as scoobycheesydoooo (1 Viewer)

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im imagining something more like

And I feel very sorry to hear there was a person from my country that scammed members around here, and that it was recently. I hope this never happens again.
Okay, next meet-up is outside CONUS then. I am in! @Windwalker fuel up the jet, @DirtyTIVA bring the whiskey, @Godzilla28 just bring BTP cash set as bait and I’ll bring some dynamite.
Do people really respond when someone sends a PM out of the blue about selling chips? It would be one thing if I was looking for something specific and had put the word out to a few people. But the fact that he seems to have worked his scams via PMs that initiated from him is a big red flag. Sorry this scumbag came back to hurt more people.
I definitely respond, but only to the ones that point to a prior classified ad that I purchased and was curious if I would let those chips go.

I think if someone just said "hey, I saw some chips in your gallery that I'm want to buy", I would ignore that unless I knew who they were.

I've taken three chances on this site. And they've all worked out because they've all been with longstanding, members who have top quality reputation. People have also placed their trust in me, which I actually really appreciate. Means a lot.

Lots of people here said that when they first joined the site, they were surprised at how trusting, and open, and friendly the forum was. And I have to echo that sentiment. This definitely puts a tarnish on that. Makes you think twice about what you've done in terms of trust and who you might trust in the future.

I currently have one outstanding trust situation in a relatively new member. I'm hoping it pans out... But there was a little voice in the back of my mind that said this might not be the best idea. But we shall see.

Long story short; I still love PCF, just have to be a little more street smart to avoid the potential Poppin Zone.
It’s tough to tell with cash game players, but there are rumors that he’s won more than anybody else. From what I’ve seen, he’s definitely a fantastic lag - what makes you think he’s not a fantastic pro?
Oh, maybe I’m way off. Haven’t seen too much of him honestly, but from what I have seen he seemed like a very crazy and spewy player
If he pays back all aggrieved parties sure, I’m alright with giving a second chance. But this isn’t a guy down on his luck asking for a second chance to work a menial job to support his family. He can find a new hobby.
I say we give him a third chance to make it right. I mean you could totally tell that he really wanted to do the right thing the first couple times that he messed up. He's obviously going through a rough time.
I say we give him a third chance to make it right. I mean you could totally tell that he really wanted to do the right thing the first couple times that he messed up. He's obviously going through a rough time.
I say take the money that has been raised already and buy a couple plane tickets for a couple people to go talk to him.
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