SCAM ALERT: Poppin Returns as scoobycheesydoooo (3 Viewers)

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Ah yes, I needed something to read whilst enjoying my morning coffee.

It's not directly due to this situation, but I'm just about done buying from anyone that doesn't have an absolutely impeccable track record here that would be able to provide references if asked either in the form of feedback or established members in the community vouching for them, like I did when an old CT member rejoined but had newly signed up here and everything went well.
Normally I wouldn't make posts like this but this POS (sry I'm really pissed off) is nothing more than a low-life scam artist with no conscience.

Are their any commonalities that we should look out for in case he has multiple accounts? Did you find him via IP address or did a member sniff this out some how?

Should we have any increased scrutiny from accounts from a certain location.

And thanks for letting us know and dealing with this Tommy.
Have to admit he is persistent..... and relentless Madjerfakier
Are their any commonalities that we should look out for in case he has multiple accounts? Did you find him via IP address or did a member sniff this out some how?
I think it is best to not disclose that info publicly right now. Feel free to PM me.

I guess Pinball has a 7th sense... :unsure:
I remember seeing that. No link could be made at that time.
People know a decent amount of information about this guy by now, right? The talks about seeking further action in the "In This Together" thread really should be explored. I know this is easy to say from someone relatively on the sidelines, but this is not going to end.

The audacity to engage with people he had scammed out of thousands of dollars as well is just disgusting. Sorry to those affected.
Ohh just to clarify, I did not want to say that Pinball was or is affiliated with him in any way! Just a "funny" coincidence, that I wanted to point out.
Wow wow wow, well that knocks any excuses about the gambling problem on the head, if he is back and trying to carry out more cons then it's just straight up theft. So much for making people right when he got sorted.
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