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A quick update from last saturday. Started the night playing 10/10 plo but the game was full of really good regs. Even a plo legend was in the game. Jorryt van Hoof was om my left (3rd in 2014 wsop main event). So decided to leave the table for a 10/10 nlh game.

That has to be one of my best decisions ever! The best nlh game I have seen in years. Was winning pretty big until I lost a 7k pot. Got it in on the flop with top 2 pair vs a FD. And he binked the turn. Best part is, I was still up 400 bucks after that big pot haha. The wost part was, he left the hand after he won the big pot from me. But kept playing my A game and won pot after pot. Made 1 hero call with KQ on a 2-9-10-4-5 Rainbow board for a 5.5k pot. Played a lot with this player and really put him on 67 or QJ. So I called his bet on the river and he showed QJ. Ended the night +4230. But most important, was really happy with the way I played. Cheers
I love the tall stacks!! Also I apologize if you said this somewhere else, but where/how did you do your custom speedcloth? I've seen them in many pictures and it is amazing every time!
Thanks for the compliment! The cloth is from Chanman, by far the nicest feeling felt I've played on, cards slide for days!! Everything Aurora Club other than the hot stamp set was created by Steve @Quicksilver-75. He does incredible work!!
Last thursdays stack! The first 10/20 plo game in the Holland casino in a long long time. Started the night of really swingy. Up a few K, back to starting stack. But halfway trough the night I got into Some big pots. Won the biggest pot of the night (almost had him dead on the flop). Later in the night got AAxx in vs AAxx. Ran it twice and split the first board and won the second board. Ran pretty good overal. In for 2k out for 8860. Played the last session of the month last sunday. A 5/5 plo game. Lost all the big pots all night long. Flopped the nuts 4 times. Got it in and lost all 4 hands haha. Down 2,5k. Not the way I wanted to finish the month but can’t complain at all. My game has really improved the last 2 months. And the shottaking worked out really well.
$35 buy-in (with add-on) Wednesday night tourney at my local casino. Stamped super diamonds in play
On a nice period of run good at last and am up $2500 at 1/3 for October.

I did immediately get felted in this session when I got all in for $350 with aa v kk and qq. The guy with qq flopped a set and waited until we both showed before he flipped over the qq. I’m certainly going to remember that and he can expect a retaliatory slow roll in the future.

In for $600, so happy with that turnaround.
Folded a ton early. Caught a little run good. Doubled up when I turned the open-ender against top two pair. Avg stack about 29k, I’m sitting at ~75k.
Busted out in the cutoff. Blinds were 3k/6k. Middle position calls, I call with KhJh. Button shoved for 20k. Call, call. Flop is rags, 2 clubs, 1 heart. Runner-runner hearts give me K-high flush, MP shows Ah6h. :(

Poker is stupid.
Busted out in the cutoff. Blinds were 3k/6k. Middle position calls, I call with KhJh. Button shoved for 20k. Call, call. Flop is rags, 2 clubs, 1 heart. Runner-runner hearts give me K-high flush, MP shows Ah6h. :(

Poker is stupid.
Look at the positives. You no longer have to play with those disgusting chips.
Look at the positives. You no longer have to play with those disgusting chips.

You know, they're not terrible. I know there are two types of SD's, and I imagine these are the better ones. I'll see if I can see the closeup pic I took last time. They stack well, shuffle ok, and have sort of a rubbery feel. T5000 and up are Bud Jones. I like those a lot.
Also, on the bright side, I played much better overall than I ever have in a casino tourney (only four tries). Kept my head, and was really patient. No dumb calls. Had a couple hands that I semi-bluffed the flop, and should have fired again to take down the pot.

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