New Member
Can't believe I keep seeing people either living or playing in perth on this forum. How do you find it plays in crown perth compared to Melbourne? People seem fairly nuts here.
Hey man, I left Perth deliberately to continue playing live poker professionally.
The casino there is a disgrace, the game structure and rake was terrible when it was 50-500 buyin 2/5 as the only game (I mean think about it, thats a ridiculous game structure for recreational players and ends up with most getting chewed up for 100 in 5 mins and never coming back). People asked for years for a lower limit game, they ran 1/2 150max on Wednesdays and it was super popular, but they never implemented it.
It makes no sense why they havent just adopted the buyin structures from the successful Melbourne poker room, 1/3 100-300max and 2/5 200-500max gets 10+ tables running during the day and 40+ overnight most days but they just don't learn. Let alone overzealous room managers and shitty regs being horrible to the recreationals and colluding with each other.
Melbourne is 100x better, ironically I don't play live much anymore and mostly grind online

Hopefully I'll run into you preferably here than there