Show Us Your Live Stacks (46 Viewers)

First break sitting at 80k

Amazing hero call with two pairs got me a lot
Flop a set , turn a house , river a better house

Villain flopped a better house and I paid him half my stack
What's or who's Torelli?

There was a High Stakes instance where Alec Torelli had 2x $5000 chips hidden behind his stack, that led an amateur opponent to go all-in not realizing how much the all-in was for. Mistakes all around, that would have been easily avoided if Torelli had followed the big chips out front/up top rule.

(Skip to about 1:30 to see Torelli pull out the hidden chips, but the whole video is good for fans of J.Tilly's breasts.)

Torelli later made the situation worse in videos where he tried to explain his side, which was just short of admitting it was an intentional angle shoot. I won't post that video, because Torelli is a true piece of shit, and doesn't deserve hits on his website, but Doug Polk covered it pretty well in his vBlog.
One orbit in and already busted a guy trying to bluff me by moving all in on the turn when the :ah: came to complete the flush draw. He over bet the pot, $150 into a $90 pot so it felt more like a go away bet than a flush trying to get value. I called and my pocket 10’s were good.

In for $300. Playing $1/3 Hold’em while I wait for a seat at PLO.

Finally get sat at the PLO game, sit with the $500 I have from the Hold’em game.

Very first hand my top 2 pair AJ, dodge the flush draw and straight for the more than double up. Still only in the game for $300 total.

1/3 $300 max Holdem tonight. In for $1,600... Not a typo....

Out for:

Had five 1k pots tonight:
1 and 2: Flopped 2 sets, all in on flop, lost to flush draws that come in.
3: Hit the nut flush on turn on paired board vs two opponents. One called with a pair (?!) one called with trips. Board double paired and lose to full house.
4: AQdd on a TdJd3s all in vs. KTo blank blank
5: AJ on an AT879 board against opponent who raise pre, bet two street. I jam over 3 barrel and lose to QJ.

Fun night of poker.
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1/3 $300 max Holdem tonight. In for $1,600... Not a typo....

Out for:
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Had five 1k pots tonight:
1 and 2: Flopped 2 sets, all in on flop, lost to flush draws that come in.
3: Hit the nut flush on turn on paired board vs two opponents. One called with a pair (?!) one called with trips. Board double paired and lose to full house.
4: AQdd on a TdJd3s all in vs. KTo blank blank
5: AJ on an AT879 board against opponent who raise pre, bet two street. I jam over 3 barrel and lose to QJ.

Fun night of poker.
Tournament 6 place no money.
Open Face Chinese up 1000$
1/2cash in for 600$ out for 5400$

22hours of poker. Phone died so no more photos
Overwhelming chip lead. Ended up splitting prize money in final 3. Best run I've ever gone on.

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Nice mixed set of Winner Club and Grand Victoria from previous monthly tourney. Love the colors and oversized chips


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Quick hit and run at Hawaiian Gardens $40 buy-in NLHE game. Barely qualifies as poker but fun having racks stacked on each other at a $40 game.


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My Kiwanis club runs a couple of poker fundraisers each year with the help of one of our local bar league facilitators. After busting my butt to help set up and run the event, I was tired and playing like a donk. I gave away my first stack early and rebought, waited for cards, then luckboxed my way into first out of 25 players.

Be warned, these chips are AMAZING.


For the record @Gear, I told them "I gotta guy if you need custom labels." We'll see what happens but don't hold your breath. :)

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