Fascinating. Looks like ~13 of 40 barrels. Trimoon, Lcrown
When I have a split, it’s almost always just one spot.
On DG Peacock only spot color was DG Tiger
On the DG Yellow, all but 3 were Black (Retro Green & Retro Lavender were the other colors).
On the Maroon, it was majority Bright White (DG Pink and DG Green the other colors).
On the white, it was just Butterscotch (Light Blue, Retro Blue the other).
I remember unboxing them and, upon seeing a “split” spot, thinking- oh, interesting... that’s how they make the spots. Never once bothered me. When I set them up like this- eh. So I’ll shuffle them up now.
Yes, I rather prefer the solid spot. But my next order will still be Trimoon.
EDIT: I got curious again... the Black, White, and Butterscotch spots are all the bottom spot. Maybe it’s the mechanics of the press?
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