Mixing T2000 and T1000 chips (along with T500s) is lunacy. And T5000 chips shouldn't be used with T2000 chips in play (T10000 is the next jump).Somewhat agree, but you could also get away with using 2k chips in a T20000 starting stack.
10/6/6/5 starting stacks for T100/T500/T1000/T2000 if you don't mind the redundancy of T1000 and T2000 chips on the table.
Otherwise, I agree that T2000 and T5000 chips shouldn't be on the table at the same time unless you're playing a really deep stack.
The reason to use T2000 chips is to eliminate the inefficient 2x jump between T500 and T1000, not to create more of them.
But T2000 chips are only really useful (ie, more useful than T1000s) when a) there is a sufficent number of T500 chips on the table, and b) the total value of chips in play is large enough that higher blind levels will get utilized. Otherwise, there aren't a sufficent number of T2000s in play to be efficient (or if forcing the number higher, eliminating too many T500s needed to keep things running smoothly).
Generally speaking, less than 400k in total chips in play is not really a significamt improvement, and for best results, total chip should exceed 500k (two tables of 25k stacks, or a single table of 50k stacks).