Sun-Fly hybrid design brainstorming post (5 Viewers)

Its looking good but I feel like you need to replace the grey from either the $1 or $20, since the $100 is grey as well.
Its looking good but I feel like you need to replace the grey from either the $1 or $20, since the $100 is grey as well.
Yep, I agree made a couple of more updates. I also added a chip without denomination.

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Yep, I agree made a couple of more updates. I also added a chip without denomination.

View attachment 229399

These look awesome and I love the Cali scheme. Is there a way to make the 100 more white or more bright? I always liked the cali sets as the hundo would be bright white. I understand it is hard with white on the inlay but just my 2c.
I still kinda think the colors need a little tweaking?
Here’s some of my favorite Cali colors
(All pics vai TheMogh)
$.50 or $.25




PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider this, or something like it, for a potential Matsui GB.
Yessss! major improvements on the $20 and $100. For the red quarter, would you consider changing the logo and/or edge spot coloring? The white-on-white somehow makes the $5 and NCV (which could be orange?) a bit inconsistent.
Green (or grey) nickel for the Cali set - pink chips in play with red chips just never really works out well, imo.
Yeah those are sweet. It’s ironic because I put your woodys poker room 5000 chip in my pocket today. I found that sample set recently and they’ve been sitting on my nightstand. I actually really like union station one too. With the old school design I think the name needs to be changed. Dazed and confused style. Or maybe even a classic 50’s theme. Just my 2 cents. Definitely interested in a cash set nickel to $100!
When these are delivered, I assume they are in stacks of 25, wrapped in plastic? There do not seem to be many (or any) off-the-shelf ways of storing these.
Digging these a lot - normally not a fan at all of Cali colors, yucky, but I'm intrigued! I already have the fantastic sunflys from Sal, but these would be a totally different color progression.

I know it's already a ton of chips, but any chance we could add a 1K and 5K for us tournament nerds? Even just a 1K would be awesome as then we could use the green non-denominated as the 5K.
Playing around a little more, added a $1000 and $5000. This would give people the option to do a tournament set if they want.

I made a couple of assumptions, this is why I have two black chips and red chips.
1) 1st row + $100 would be the cash set
2) 2nd row would be the tournament set

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Alright, let’s get the order thread rolling (right after we change the name). How much do these sunflys go for roughly anyway?
Alright, let’s get the order thread rolling (right after we change the name). How much do these sunflys go for roughly anyway?

No guarantee this will turn into a GB, we would need somebody to run the GB and somebody to handle shipping assuming there is enough interest. So far this is just a fun project for me. This version of the inlay seems to have the most support, but I have been working more on the chip design so far. Also if you don't like the inlay, I am assuming you can order them as blanks.

Here is the pricing info from the last GB (for reference only): link
  • labeled chips = 66¢ each, sold in 25-chip rolls
  • blank chips = 54¢ each, sold in 25-chip rolls
Fantastic stuff Woody, absolutely loving it all. :cool:

IMO, the best thing about the Hybrids is the ability to mimic the BJ V7 classic look (denoms around the outer ring) while the chips actually playing better than the ol' BJ's V7's (as far as feel, handling, slickness), and I'm a big Bud Jones fan. Having 43mm Hybrid chip (cash and tourney) options is a huge bonus no matter what the inlay as a lot of people will probably customize them anyway.

If this does go so far as a GB hopefully both the standard Vegas style color cash chips & the Cali color chips artwork could be made avaiable. Not that tournament chips aren't cool but there have been lots of options for 43mm Hybrid tournament chips & no options for 43mm Hybrid cash chips out there.
Fantastic stuff Woody, absolutely loving it all. :cool:

IMO, the best thing about the Hybrids is the ability to mimic the BJ V7 classic look (denoms around the outer ring) while the chips actually playing better than the ol' BJ's V7's (as far as feel, handling, slickness), and I'm a big Bud Jones fan. Having 43mm Hybrid chip (cash and tourney) options is a huge bonus no matter what the inlay as a lot of people will probably customize them anyway.

If this does go so far as a GB hopefully both the standard Vegas style color cash chips & the Cali color chips artwork could be made avaiable. Not that tournament chips aren't cool but there have been lots of options for 43mm Hybrid tournament chips & no options for 43mm Hybrid cash chips out there.
In the interest of higher order numbers -- and resulting lower prices -- it may be beneficial to combine this prospective group buy with another one that's in the works, and also including the Mountain Top Casino re-orders.

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