I'll do 12 bomb pot. @KarateMaster72 Can you get us to 20?
@Servo If you want to convert my All In to Chipco, I am cool with that
@Servo If you want to convert my All In to Chipco, I am cool with that
So how many all in chips are you going to do as chipcos?. Because I volunteered to change my 10 regulars into chipcos. As for bomb pots. I really don't do them. But if it will help I could pick up 6. So to reiterate, we would be changing my all-in chips which were 10 to chipco. I would pay the $0.20 difference for those 10 chips. I also wanted to add five more rebuy chips" regular "And I will pick up six bomb pot chipco.I'll do 12 bomb pot. @KarateMaster72 Can you get us to 20?
@Servo If you want to convert my All In to Chipco, I am cool with that
So how many all in chips are you going to do as chipcos?. Because I volunteered to change my 10 regulars into chipcos. As for bomb pots. I really don't do them. But if it will help I could pick up 6. So to reiterate, we would be changing my all-in chips which were 10 to chipco. I would pay the $0.20 difference for those 10 chips. I also wanted to add five more rebuy chips" regular "And I will pick up six bomb pot chipco.
Ok. with my switch to chipco all in (10) that would have pushed us over the top on those. If you are going to do 12 all in chipcos, I will leave my 10 all in chips as regular blanks and pick up 10 chipco bomb pot chips. and I will still add 5 more rebuy chips on regular blanks. so that puts me at my regular order PLUS 10 chipco bomb pots and 5 more regular rebuy chipsI can do all of my All in chipco, I ordered 12, if it helps
ID | Type | Description | |
T1 | Chipco | T25 Luigi | 122 |
T2 | Chipco | T100 Bowser | 202 |
T4 | Chipco | T500 Wario | 82 |
T8 | Chipco | T1000 Diddy | 162 |
T10 | Chipco | T5000 Mario | 42 |
B1 | Chipco | Bomb | 2 |
B2 | Chipco | Rebuy | 22 |
B3 | Chipco | All in | 12 |
B4 | Chipco | Game over | 20 |
B6 | Chipco | Hi/Lo | 4 |
T1 | Regular | T25 Luigi | 100 |
T2 | Regular | T100 Bowser | 100 |
T4 | Regular | T500 Wario | 60 |
T8 | Regular | T1000 Diddy | 100 |
T10 | Regular | T5000 Mario | 100 |
T11 | Regular | T25000 Koopa | 25 |
B2 | Regular | Rebuy | 10 |
B3 | Regular | All in | 10 |
B1 | Chipco | Bomb | 10 |
B6 | Chipco | Hi/Lo | 10 |
ID | Type | Description | citationjeff |
T1 | Regular | T25 Luigi | 85 |
T2 | Regular | T100 Bowser | 85 |
T6 | Regular | T500 Mario | 85 |
T8 | Regular | T1000 Diddy | 85 |
T9 | Regular | T5000 Peach | 45 |
B3 | Regular | All in | 0 |
B4 | Regular | Game over | 12 |
C11 | Chipco | $1 Toad | 45 |
C16 | Chipco | $5 Mario | 85 |
C19 | Chipco | $20 Peach | 22 |
B1 | Chipco | Bomb | 12 |
B3 | Chipco | All in | 12 |
ID | Type | Description | dkellerd |
T2 | Chipco | T100 Bowser | 100 |
T5 | Chipco | T500 Peach | 60 |
T7 | Chipco | T1000 Wario | 120 |
T10 | Chipco | T5000 Mario | 110 |
T11 | Chipco | T25000 Koopa | 20 |
ID | Type | Description | Mudfever |
T1 | Regular | T25 Luigi | 160 |
T2 | Regular | T100 Bowser | 160 |
T6 | Regular | T500 Mario | 80 |
T7 | Regular | T1000 Wario | 160 |
T9 | Regular | T5000 Peach | 40 |
T11 | Regular | T25000 Koopa | 10 |
B1 | Regular | Bomb | 10 |
B2 | Regular | Rebuy | 25 |
B3 | Regular | All in | 5 |
B4 | Regular | Game over | 25 |
B5 | Regular | Show em | 25 |
B6 | Regular | Hi/Lo | 5 |
These are just the updated orders, and not all of them, correct? (Trying to figure out if you need me to chime in on anything)Alright, here we go-- updated orders below; please verify. Reply with corrections, but a simple "like" will do if your portion looks good. If I didn't tag you, I'm not tracking any changes to your order since original payment.
If I didn't make any mistakes, all are now at or over 20 and we'll be good to go.
ID Type Description T1 Chipco T25 Luigi 122T2 Chipco T100 Bowser 202T4 Chipco T500 Wario 82T8 Chipco T1000 Diddy 162T10 Chipco T5000 Mario 42B1 Chipco Bomb 2B2 Chipco Rebuy 22B3 Chipco All in 12B4 Chipco Game over 20B6 Chipco Hi/Lo 4
T1 Regular T25 Luigi 100T2 Regular T100 Bowser 100T4 Regular T500 Wario 60T8 Regular T1000 Diddy 100T10 Regular T5000 Mario 100T11 Regular T25000 Koopa 25B2 Regular Rebuy 10B3 Regular All in 10B1 Chipco Bomb 10B6 Chipco Hi/Lo 10
ID Type Description citationjeff T1 Regular T25 Luigi 85T2 Regular T100 Bowser 85T6 Regular T500 Mario 85T8 Regular T1000 Diddy 85T9 Regular T5000 Peach 45B3 Regular All in 0B4 Regular Game over 12C11 Chipco $1 Toad 45C16 Chipco $5 Mario 85C19 Chipco $20 Peach 22B1 Chipco Bomb 12B3 Chipco All in 12
ID Type Description dkellerd T2 Chipco T100 Bowser 100T5 Chipco T500 Peach 60T7 Chipco T1000 Wario 120T10 Chipco T5000 Mario 110T11 Chipco T25000 Koopa 20
ID Type Description Mudfever T1 Regular T25 Luigi 160T2 Regular T100 Bowser 160T6 Regular T500 Mario 80T7 Regular T1000 Wario 160T9 Regular T5000 Peach 40T11 Regular T25000 Koopa 10B1 Regular Bomb 10B2 Regular Rebuy 25B3 Regular All in 5B4 Regular Game over 25B5 Regular Show em 25B6 Regular Hi/Lo 5
Yep, just the updates; you're good!These are just the updated orders, and not all of them, correct? (Trying to figure out if you need me to chime in on anything)
So everyone's all squared away now. Thank you very much for doing this Group buy. And we should expect our chips tomorrow, correct?Yep, just the updates; you're good!
No problem! We should be good on bomb pots now. If everything looks good in my post above with your updated order, we’re good to go.Sorry. Been working alot overtime and have not checked in. If we need anymore of the chipco bomb pot to make the minimum you can also add those to mine
Yup everything looks perfectNo problem! We should be good on bomb pots now. If everything looks good in my post above with your updated order, we’re good to go.
Thank you again for doing this. We really appreciate it! By the way, everyone who has not turned in their address yet said just go ahead and ship it all to me. They don't mindThanks for your patience with the slight delay this week!
Order has been submitted and paid! I’ll keep everyone posted as I learn things, but expect some level of silence/waiting while BRPro does their thing.
If you haven’t sent me your address, please do. I think I’m missing about 4.
We got the order confirmation on Monday, so everything appears to be good! (And, we got in line before the giant dealer button order—woohoo!)@Servo How did the order process go with BRPro Poker?
Awesome, thanks for putting this together!!We got the order confirmation on Monday, so everything appears to be good! (And, we got in line before the giant dealer button order—woohoo!)
So now it’s just…
Good song manWe got the order confirmation on Monday, so everything appears to be good! (And, we got in line before the giant dealer button order—woohoo!)
So now it’s just…
Yeah I'm a part of that dealer button and seating token order tooWe got the order confirmation on Monday, so everything appears to be good! (And, we got in line before the giant dealer button order—woohoo!)
So now it’s just…
Me too. Totally awesome. Going to get some awesome stuffYeah I'm a part of that dealer button and seating token order too![]()
Ya. I had ordered extra of something too for the chipco super chips. I forgot. Lol. But I’m have some extras up for trade or I may end up just giving them awayI really don't have any use for hi lo buttons. But I ordered them on the chipco blanks just to get the order done for everybody. If anybody wants to trade any showem buttons chipco or regular. Let me know. I will have 10 of these hi lo buttons. Otherwise I may just sell them and if I'm feeling really goofy just give them away