I may be able to offer a bit of perspective on Jim's situation. I live about 5 miles from his warehouse and I visited the old one twice. It was big, with bins and giant plastic bags full of chips (Grand Victoria's at the time). Quads over at perfectmancave,com and a couple of others were with me on the first trip and he posted pics over there if you want to search. It was a big, cool place with an awesome office and I would assume high rent. Another PMC guy bought a set of CC Desert Palms that day and got a great deal. He gave me an awesome deal on double downs he had lying around on my second visit. I don't think there were too many huge casino scores after that visit, and obviously there has not been one in quite some time. It was probably very expensive to lease and heat such a big place, with hardly any inventory. I know he had a lot of CC Desert Palms and Army/Navy cheapo sets lying around too, along with bins of casino cards etc. He lived only a couple miles from the warehouse and he is also a local high school golf coach with kids around high school age. My guess is after his move to a smaller warehouse he shut down a second location all together and is just running things from his house if another big score happens to pop up. He is a super nice guy in person an gave me free reign to look around the warehouse all by myself, I was finding cool single chips lying all over the place under pallets etc. and I bought a bunch of singles while I was there as well! To wrap it up my guess is that Jim would be happy to sell us all some chips if only he can find some!