Moxie Mike
Full House
I found where I can buy Melinda's in Sweden, and so I'm also wondering this:
I've tried googling for Scoville scores, but to no avail. @Moxie Mike, do you know any sources for this?
The only one I know of for sure is the Red Savina, which according to this retailer has an lab tested SHU rating of 577,000. The Scorpion Pepper, Ghost Pepper and Naga Jolokia sauces are hotter IMO. All have truly outstanding flavor. I love Melinda's sauces so much!
Heat factor is subjective and depends on your level of tolerance. As a point of reference my SIL lives in El Paso... plus she's her husband is Mexican so that automatically qualifies her as an expert on all things spicy food. She's also a medical professional if that matters.
She told me that the human body processes capsaicin the same way the mind processes a chemical addition and builds up a tolerance accordingly. This is why food that seems spicy now might not seem so bad a year from now.