The new adventures of old Krafticus (3 Viewers)

Habits are hard to change. Habits formed though our parents and over the years of our upbringing are even harder to change. Your children may develop the same issues with leftovers, picky eating and health as you if you don't rise up and try to replace old habits with new ones.

I am surprised you only weigh 220 lbs given the lifestyle you describe! This is actually good news, if I were to follow your lifestyle I would certainly be 250++ lbs. This means that with some small changes and substitutions to your current lifestyle you will begin to notice and feel positive changes. Taking small but CONSISTENT steps is key.

MOTIVATION BOOST - Sit down with the family and watch any one of the many "documentaries" on the food industry and the products found in a modern supermarket. It won't all be 100% factual, true or balances but it will give you a good idea of the type of things to be aware of and give you that boost in motivation that you need. We all know what it takes to lose weight: eat healthy, eat less and exercise but actually doing it is the hard part. "That Sugar Film" is a decent start (although far from perfect)

Goal #1 - Stop drinking your calories!
  • Avoid soda and all fruit juices - there is no reason to consume these. If necessary, transition to diet soda before weaning off completely.
  • Slowly phase out any sugar added to tea or coffee. Follow this by transitioning from cream -> milk -> 2% -> black coffee.
  • Moderate your alcohol intake. Transition some of your servings of calorie dense alcoholic beverages like beer or cider to slightly lower calorie versions like neat spirits or spirits with soda water and fresh lime. Be aware of portion sizes of spirits compared to beer.
  • Milk is beneficial in moderation but do not think you are being healthy by consuming multiple tall glasses of milk each day. While it is nutrient dense, it still contains calories and natural sugars.
  • Action: Buy yourself a reusable water bottle (or two) and carry it everywhere with you. Keep it filled up and drink it consistently throughout the day. If you are thirsty go for your water bottle. Water! Water! Water! Bring it with you in the car when you go on errands, to family events, to the shops, to work.. everywhere. The added benefits is no more wasted money on bottled water.
Goal #2 - Changing pantry staples!
  • The amount of added sugar in modern foods that have traditionally been thought of as "healthy" foods is mind blowing. That supposedly "healthy" strawberry Chobani yogurt you are having for breakfast has roughly 16 grams of sugar per tub. Approximately 6 grams are naturally occurring in plain Greek yogurt while the other 9 grams are added! In my mind this is a dessert food rather than a healthy breakfast or snack food.
  • Added sugar amounts vary greatly between different brands of the same food and ever flavours within the same brand of food. Blueberry Chobani may have 15% less sugar than Strawberry Chobani (just an example, I made this one up).
  • Action: We all have pantry staples and specific brands of products that we always seem to have at home that we pick up at the weekly grocery store run without even thinking. Next time you or your wife go to the grocery store, instead of automatically just picking "THAT BRAND" from the shelf, read the label first! Compare what you see on your normal brand and compare it to all the other brands on the shelf. Pick the comparable one with the least amount of sugar. Repeat this for all of those regular grocery store purchases. This may seem like a small change but your body will notice the difference! Remember, baby steps!
Goal #3 - Work on your aversion to leftovers!
  • We all wish there were more hours in each day to get stuff done. For me, it wouldn't be possible to eat clean and healthy without leftovers. PERIOD
  • I won't get into the whole Sunday meal prep thing (talk about throwing you into the deep end!) but at the very least you need to work on your leftover phobia. Everyone should be comfortable with the concept of cooking a whopping great big pot of their famous chilli con carne and brown rice on a Tuesday night, scooping an extra portion into a tupperware, taking it to work the next morning, putting it in the microwave at work and eating it. Best work lunch ever!
  • Professional help is not an unreasonable thought in helping you overcome your aversion to leftovers. You can change this.
  • Maybe start with reheating pizza in the oven the day after ordering it? How deep does this aversion go? Do you eat frozen pizza? When you really think about it most frozen foods are just industrially produced leftovers!
Goal #4 - Plan your breakfasts for a week
  • Changing habits is about getting control back in your life. This can be hard with something we do multiple times a day each and every day. Start with controlling your breakfast for a week.
  • Day 1 - Black coffee, natural greek yogurt (no added sugar) with sliced banana and raisins, hard boiled egg on wholemeal toast
  • Day 2 - Black coffee, instant oats (not sugary packet kind) with frozen blueberries and cinnamon
  • Day 3 - Black coffee, wholemeal toast with fried eggs
  • Day 4 - Black coffee, Cheerios (the kind with only 1.5% sugar) with milk
  • etc
Good luck and keep posting in this thread!
Bumping this old thread....
Here we are, over a year later. Sometimes it’s something simple that makes a change in our lives. Sometimes you just need to have the right tools at the right time.

On September 11, I went to my endocrinologist for my normal appointment. The appointment went the same way. “How are your sugars?” ... “I don’t know”. “Are you checking your sugars” ... “not really “. On and on... same conversation each time. At my appointment in March, she had mentioned this new continuous glucose monitor that would be coming out soon. I was intrigued, but it wasn’t available yet. At this appointment, I inquired about it. She agreed that it could be beneficial to me since I suck at checking my sugars. She gave me a prescription and off I went.

She game me the “sample” unit (freestyle libre) and I picked up the sensors. Each sensor lasts 10 days. It has a filament that injects into your skin and pulls the fluid (interstatial fluid) to monitor your glucose. It looks menacing.. but i cleaned my skin and plunged it in. It didn’t hurt at all (but I’m used to needles and such). It takes 12 hours for the device to sync to the sensor. Once done, you push a button and wave the device near the sensor. It immediately shows your glucose.

My 1st reading wasn’t bad, but I ate a salad before the appointment and didn’t eat junk afterward. This is so cool, and I can check my sugars whenever. It pulls your sugar every 15 seconds or so, and keeps track of everything.

Something clicked, and I’ve made it my goal to keep my sugars in check. I’ve given up soda and sweets (my 2 biggest vices). I’ve been keeping track of what hits my sugars harder than other foods. (Bread spiked it every time). I’ve been bringing my lunch to work every day, always with a healthy entree and fruits and veggies. I’ve been so hyper focused on it, and haven’t swayed too much.

Fast forward 20 days now. I’ve had more sugar lows than times where I am too high. Low sugars are bad, but I drink some juice and get it back up. I’ve emailed my doctor and we have been adjusting my meds. I’ve been on insulin for years (Lantus). My dose went up for years to where I thought it was ridiculous.

I am happy to say that after 20 days, I’ve reduced my insulin needed by more than 50%, with adjustments on going. I’ve avoided all sweets and soda, and don’t miss it. I’ve dropped a few pounds as well, and feel better each day. I’m still focused on my end goal - to be off of all of my diabetes meds by this time next year. I’m hoping that I can get off of my insulin between thanksgiving and Chris. I’m planning on dropping 30 pounds by the time the Shootout @ the Post happens. I have no doubt that I can do it.

I’ve changed my lifestyle when it comes to food, and it feels great. I still slip up here and there, but I get right back on track and keep going. I’m happier, healthier, and feeling better every day.

All it took was a little device; a watchdog, so to speak, to get my ass in gear. I’m glad I did, and can’t wait to provide some updates.

For anyone that is diabetic and has issues checking sugars and such, this device has been a lifesaver for me. It’s something to look into.

Thanks for the read


Bumping this old thread....
Here we are, over a year later. Sometimes it’s something simple that makes a change in our lives. Sometimes you just need to have the right tools at the right time.

On September 11, I went to my endocrinologist for my normal appointment. The appointment went the same way. “How are your sugars?” ... “I don’t know”. “Are you checking your sugars” ... “not really “. On and on... same conversation each time. At my appointment in March, she had mentioned this new continuous glucose monitor that would be coming out soon. I was intrigued, but it wasn’t available yet. At this appointment, I inquired about it. She agreed that it could be beneficial to me since I suck at checking my sugars. She gave me a prescription and off I went.

She game me the “sample” unit (freestyle libre) and I picked up the sensors. Each sensor lasts 10 days. It has a filament that injects into your skin and pulls the fluid (interstatial fluid) to monitor your glucose. It looks menacing.. but i cleaned my skin and plunged it in. It didn’t hurt at all (but I’m used to needles and such). It takes 12 hours for the device to sync to the sensor. Once done, you push a button and wave the device near the sensor. It immediately shows your glucose.

My 1st reading wasn’t bad, but I ate a salad before the appointment and didn’t eat junk afterward. This is so cool, and I can check my sugars whenever. It pulls your sugar every 15 seconds or so, and keeps track of everything.

Something clicked, and I’ve made it my goal to keep my sugars in check. I’ve given up soda and sweets (my 2 biggest vices). I’ve been keeping track of what hits my sugars harder than other foods. (Bread spiked it every time). I’ve been bringing my lunch to work every day, always with a healthy entree and fruits and veggies. I’ve been so hyper focused on it, and haven’t swayed too much.

Fast forward 20 days now. I’ve had more sugar lows than times where I am too high. Low sugars are bad, but I drink some juice and get it back up. I’ve emailed my doctor and we have been adjusting my meds. I’ve been on insulin for years (Lantus). My dose went up for years to where I thought it was ridiculous.

I am happy to say that after 20 days, I’ve reduced my insulin needed by more than 50%, with adjustments on going. I’ve avoided all sweets and soda, and don’t miss it. I’ve dropped a few pounds as well, and feel better each day. I’m still focused on my end goal - to be off of all of my diabetes meds by this time next year. I’m hoping that I can get off of my insulin between thanksgiving and Chris. I’m planning on dropping 30 pounds by the time the Shootout @ the Post happens. I have no doubt that I can do it.

I’ve changed my lifestyle when it comes to food, and it feels great. I still slip up here and there, but I get right back on track and keep going. I’m happier, healthier, and feeling better every day.

All it took was a little device; a watchdog, so to speak, to get my ass in gear. I’m glad I did, and can’t wait to provide some updates.

For anyone that is diabetic and has issues checking sugars and such, this device has been a lifesaver for me. It’s something to look into.

Thanks for the read


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And you look like a total bad ass in this pic.

That's awesome - keep it up, you got this!
That's great news Mark! Your post is a wake up call for me. I really need to change my poor eating/drinking habits. (again!) I was doing good for a while and then slowly got back into the old habits.
Congrats Mark! Interesting thread to read. Everything that’s measured improves! Keep it up and you will exceed your goals.
That's great news Mark! Your post is a wake up call for me. I really need to change my poor eating/drinking habits. (again!) I was doing good for a while and then slowly got back into the old habits.
kids can do that to you, especially when time becomes your enemy. I'm still fighting that battle....
I get home between 4:30 - 5:30, and then we have some activity after school M-F from 6-8. no time to eat, and I would always go for the sugary snack and soda pick-me up. I was drinking between 5-10 diet cokes per day. I suffered some caffeine withdrawl, but that is all done.
Bumping this old thread....
Here we are, over a year later. Sometimes it’s something simple that makes a change in our lives. Sometimes you just need to have the right tools at the right time.

On September 11, I went to my endocrinologist for my normal appointment. The appointment went the same way. “How are your sugars?” ... “I don’t know”. “Are you checking your sugars” ... “not really “. On and on... same conversation each time. At my appointment in March, she had mentioned this new continuous glucose monitor that would be coming out soon. I was intrigued, but it wasn’t available yet. At this appointment, I inquired about it. She agreed that it could be beneficial to me since I suck at checking my sugars. She gave me a prescription and off I went.

She game me the “sample” unit (freestyle libre) and I picked up the sensors. Each sensor lasts 10 days. It has a filament that injects into your skin and pulls the fluid (interstatial fluid) to monitor your glucose. It looks menacing.. but i cleaned my skin and plunged it in. It didn’t hurt at all (but I’m used to needles and such). It takes 12 hours for the device to sync to the sensor. Once done, you push a button and wave the device near the sensor. It immediately shows your glucose.

My 1st reading wasn’t bad, but I ate a salad before the appointment and didn’t eat junk afterward. This is so cool, and I can check my sugars whenever. It pulls your sugar every 15 seconds or so, and keeps track of everything.

Something clicked, and I’ve made it my goal to keep my sugars in check. I’ve given up soda and sweets (my 2 biggest vices). I’ve been keeping track of what hits my sugars harder than other foods. (Bread spiked it every time). I’ve been bringing my lunch to work every day, always with a healthy entree and fruits and veggies. I’ve been so hyper focused on it, and haven’t swayed too much.

Fast forward 20 days now. I’ve had more sugar lows than times where I am too high. Low sugars are bad, but I drink some juice and get it back up. I’ve emailed my doctor and we have been adjusting my meds. I’ve been on insulin for years (Lantus). My dose went up for years to where I thought it was ridiculous.

I am happy to say that after 20 days, I’ve reduced my insulin needed by more than 50%, with adjustments on going. I’ve avoided all sweets and soda, and don’t miss it. I’ve dropped a few pounds as well, and feel better each day. I’m still focused on my end goal - to be off of all of my diabetes meds by this time next year. I’m hoping that I can get off of my insulin between thanksgiving and Chris. I’m planning on dropping 30 pounds by the time the Shootout @ the Post happens. I have no doubt that I can do it.

I’ve changed my lifestyle when it comes to food, and it feels great. I still slip up here and there, but I get right back on track and keep going. I’m happier, healthier, and feeling better every day.

All it took was a little device; a watchdog, so to speak, to get my ass in gear. I’m glad I did, and can’t wait to provide some updates.

For anyone that is diabetic and has issues checking sugars and such, this device has been a lifesaver for me. It’s something to look into.

Thanks for the read


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Way to go Mark! I hope you keep it up and make it to S@P looking svelt.
I've lost 75lbs twice. Once by eating better and working out 5 days a week, and once on Keto. keto is pretty dang easy if you don't cheat ever. You can eat a bit more without looking at calories, you just need to control carbs. I didn't count calories at all and took down 70lbs in 4 months. But once you cheat, the system resets.

Just got done reading the update and that is fantastic. I work in the health care industry, as does my wife, and see the struggles people have every day with taking care of themselves, and just want to say you are doing a great job
Still on track, still eating better. I have my bad days here and there, but I pick myself right back up. I haven’t had a soda since that 1st week, and not a single piece of Halloween candy this year (or any candy for that matter). I’m on the last hole on my belt, but refuse to buy any new clothes yet, even though they are too big. I haven’t lost a lot of weight, but it’s good. Once fall sports are over in 2 weeks, I’ll find time for myself

Thanks for all of your support

Great job, Mark. Positive changes are awesome! None of us are getting any younger.

Now move that sensor to the back of your neck and change your name to Neo.
Mark, I am glad you are doing well and living a healthier lifestyle.

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