I bought sample sets through Apache Poker Chips (thank you @Apache) and assessed the feel of the various chips, then read a bunch of previous threads.
After searching through some old sale threads of The Chip Room, the Diamond Jacks chips caught my eye. Since the $1 chips were sold out, I read through some more threads and saw that the Isle Of Capri KC $5 is very close to the Diamond Jack $5 (thank you @Irish for this post). The IOC $1 looks even better than the Diamond Jacks $1, so after buying the IOC from flipupchipup and the Diamond Jacks from The Chip Room, I now have this setup:
After searching through some old sale threads of The Chip Room, the Diamond Jacks chips caught my eye. Since the $1 chips were sold out, I read through some more threads and saw that the Isle Of Capri KC $5 is very close to the Diamond Jack $5 (thank you @Irish for this post). The IOC $1 looks even better than the Diamond Jacks $1, so after buying the IOC from flipupchipup and the Diamond Jacks from The Chip Room, I now have this setup: