In true PCF fashion, I saw an opportunity and jumped at it....without thinking it through lol.
@joeyshin and
@The Nuts , I appreciate you, well packed and great chips.
I've got:
200x pink fracs, done. Maybe hotstamping, or just using as 25/50/whatever
200 x Flamingo $1s, probably grabbing another rack cause they're my favorite.
200 x Green roulettes for $5s
100 x milled lavenders.
Absolutely love the color combos, will work on labels/themes/whatever later. The barrel of blacks won't change, need to use it somehow, don't care if it fits.
I don't need a $3,000+ bank for my .25/.25 or .50/$1 game, rarely will I need more than barrel of $20s or $25s... but I'd hate to break up the family now that they're all together!
Expected usage: I've got the Ice cardroom for the baby stakes, 5c/10c, looking to fill .25/.25 up to $.50/$1 or $1/1. Started building this cause I messed up and got a shuffle stack of the Flamingo $1s and went nuts. Barrel of fracs, barrel of $1s and the rest in $5s is my usual buyins, rebuys usually just $5s but I don't mind flooding more of these $1s if I get the third rack.