The Official RPC Showcase thread (4 Viewers)

If you chip junkies promise to keep buying up NAGB chips at prices in the $10-$20/chip range, I will grease the right palms and become your eternal "plug." The bureaucrats in Dominica seemed pretty nice when I talked to them and the cost of getting a license doesn't seem so bad now...
Not exactly. There were a lot of bruised feelings as a result of the boat buys and BTPs, but the difference between those two buys and the two most recent buys (Sunset Beach and RCP) is that the boat/BTP buys were not run solely for profit by the organizer(s).

Indeed, every NAGB was different, the boat GB's did have most impact because
- first NAGB
- size of orders/sets
- first time for special base colors / spots / IHC and the likes, like only a chipper can create
- number of members involved
- number of members not involved
- role of PCF

Not going more into specifics...but again each NAGB was different
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I’ve tried diving into these debates over market value and the like with no success. The only thing I can say with certainty is that chippers are yearning for somewhat affordable chips to surface again, hence the gripe when stuff like this happens. Whether or not one favors a free market doesn’t mean you can fault chippers for wanting that. We all have a common interest. Probably best to focus on enjoying what one currently has and in good company as opposed to what can’t be had or how excruciating chip prices are. Safe to say the forum suffered enough in the last year; jackasses ordering hoards of chips from TCR just to turn around and milk the average Joe, Poppin-gate and ripping people off for $20k along never refunding a dime, some rich self-serving schmuck constantly attempting to hijack the forum for the sole purpose of his vanity, the list goes on.

We’re all fortunate to be a part of this and own a piece by way of our own collections. Enjoy it.
If you chip junkies promise to keep buying up NAGB chips at prices in the $10-$20/chip range, I will grease the right palms and become your eternal "plug." The bureaucrats in Dominica seemed pretty nice when I talked to them and the cost of getting a license doesn't seem so bad now...
Why go all the way to Dominica?

Riverboat casino for 700k? You’d make that back in one NAGB.

GB anyone?
I find it SO weird, why everyone dances around using the name of the organizer of this. Why is that? I am truly curious.
And like in every other NAGB, there are people wanting to reach out to PGI and bring their 'breach of security' to their attention.
Besides the legal liability (I have no clue)....most people involved want to keep things on the down-low I presume.

Since the 'IPO' was kept pretty silent and I even heard about an NDA...they seem to try and run a clean 'ship' ;)
So to be clear, you are making an assumption here. Agreed this should be outed if happening, but I've not heard of anything like this.
Yes - or you could call it an observation if you like - lol.

Look - I am not trying to prove anything or out anyone - lol. I am just trying to show the fallacy of the notion we operate in a pure mkt environment. And that it is equally as big of an assumption that we do.

Now if you ask me, do I believe this kind of stuff has happened and/or does happen - yes, 100% - absolutely. It’s just too damn easy to do, and the $$ involved makes it worth it for some. Just like a poppin - there’s always someone who will find the angle and exploit it. It’s not about community for everyone and community means very different things to different people..

Is it rampant, I don’t think so, does or could it happen, yes - I believe it does.
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I think everybody should just sell all their older shaped and leaded inlay chips that are pretty worthless now and just buy these. Unleaded brightness is where it's at. Look how shiny they are, look at those edges! Sell now, while you can still get a decent dollar for your poisoned chips.
Not exactly. There were a lot of bruised feelings as a result of the boat buys and BTPs, but the difference between those two buys and the two most recent buys (Sunset Beach and RCP) is that the boat/BTP buys were not run solely for profit by the organizer(s).
Yeah. AS had it's own drama because of the new territory, but #SBRCPMLM has been a new level.
I’ve tried diving into these debates over market value and the like with no success. The only thing I can say with certainty is that chippers are yearning for somewhat affordable chips to surface again, hence the gripe when stuff like this happens. Whether or not one favors a free market doesn’t mean you can fault chippers for wanting that. We all have a common interest. Probably best to focus on enjoying what one currently has and in good company as opposed to what can’t be had or how excruciating chip prices are. Safe to say the forum suffered enough in the last year; jackasses ordering hoards of chips from TCR just to turn around and milk the average Joe, Poppin-gate and ripping people off for $20k along never refunding a dime, some rich self-serving schmuck constantly attempting to hijack the forum for the sole purpose of his vanity, the list goes on.

We’re all fortunate to be a part of this and own a piece by way of our own collections. Enjoy it.
Welcome back Andy.
I find it SO weird, why everyone dances around using the name of the organizer of this. Why is that? I am truly curious.

I wonder if the donkey chip site will fire back up.
I wish it would. The only pictures I ever took of a game with my gulfports were uploaded to that site, and then foolishly not saved anywhere else.
I swear, I owned them!
Donkey site?? Man, I really never get invited to any of the cool kid clubs, do I? :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

It was very short lived and not really “advertised” here.

Consisted mostly of the Bay Area crew and some of the Massholes from what I remember.

Was before your time joining here IIRC

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