Man that is awesome!! Had no idea anyone had put together that many... I am sure there are others but I only know of those and the Silver Clubs in the 214 spot pattern... funny Paulson didn't even have a die for 214 so they cut them to 414 and filled in 2 spots with the same color, but if you look close, you can see the other 2 inserts.
Might not win and super flashy awards like those boasting about the Arc Yellow Sands $1... sure it is a spectacular stand alone chip... but just like the Dominics, everyone wanted them of course... but hoe the hell do you build a set around them?? Sure spot progression can easily advance from 414... butbrightness wise? Good luck! Can't even begin to recall how many conversations erupted when those Dominic's came up for sale... and I never heard an answer of how to build a set around them.
The Silver Clubs are buttery leaded biscuits! Amazing feeling chips, classic edge spots allow for easy set building and spot progression. I get they will never win a category like this... but MANY chippers gave up on dreams of two racks of those so I could build my set with them. I will never forget the kindness of both
@flipupchipup and
@juankay20 who had both spent years trying to build those racks. They fit perfect in my red denom set, forever set for sure!
Love these
But again... careful building off that thing, insane neon colors needed or it will easily overpower the set!
Most would say OMG that thing is gross... but I believe many casinos put in that extra effort in design years ago. Absolutely love the Font on this one and was one of my favorites since joining the hobby.
Bringing me to my #2 choice! Green is my favorite color and 1000% team green $1!
So few of these still out there with beautiful stamps left... the green is very dark on the base or I don't personally think this chip could be beat!
Partial like
@CacheCreekCollector ... Ventura Highway by America is my favorite song. When a fellow.member came across the opportunity to buy these and included me, I didn't think it was real until they were in my hands... almost sat and cried at their beauty! From Ventura California The Ash St. $1
Probably wouldn't get many votes... but they are my favorite $1.
Fellow Chipper