Giveaway The Rainier Room Sample Set Giveaway (2 Viewers)

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In for the fun!

Edit: just realized my Supporting Membership has expired. Taking care of that presently.
@Ben8257 has a sample set en route, so you will be able to see them in person soon at least!
Correct sir!! Can't wait to see them, and ours aren't going anywhere!! Thank you so much for the trade! Good Luck everyone in the giveaway!!

Early predictions... this set definitely makes next years calendar!! Hoping to see the Silver Tounged Devils in there also... but I guess we will see!!
Good luck to all who made it in!
The stakes are high boyz!!! Wow!!

Even better in person @madforpancakes!!
Yeah I'm ready to shank someone for a set of these. I really want these on my wall!
Note to self.... put all samples in safe before Todd and family come over to stay next year... also lock up all weapons and cutting utensils. You guys are always welcome but I need a heads up so I can get a crap ton of sporks ahead of time!!
Well la-de-frickin-da. Look at mister fancy pants just giving away poker chips over here.

I want in.
Note to self.... put all samples in safe before Todd and family come over to stay next year... also lock up all weapons and cutting utensils. You guys are always welcome but I need a heads up so I can get a crap ton of sporks ahead of time!!
I've worked in prisons for 20 years....I can fashion a shank from anything!

J/K.....or am I! :sneaky:
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