The whole town stinks of people talking out of the sides of their mouths. "I would have been a pro poker player" - what? You either are, or you aren't. There is no I would have been. Did you never have a few spare bucks to run it up? It's not 10 years of college, the barrier to entry is zilch, except skill. So I call her "I would have been" a crock of bull to shake Rick (to prevent him from hiding something), or really, really bad writing. Unfortunately, I love the show but there have been some astronomical blunders - like everything involving the firetruck (if you cannot start the engine, how do you think the water squirts out...magic?), so I feel predictions of the future of the show are meaningless, because we all draw upon logic to hypothesize what comes next, but the writers are not beholden to the same sets of rules.
For all we know, the writers think Alexandria Va. is the home of N.A.S.A. The town plans to board a rocket to form a colony in space, safe from zombies. As we know, if zombies cannot get unstuck from mud, they would be even more useless in zero-g. While up there, they encounter the alien race that sprayed the planet with the virus. After many years of battles back and forth between the 2 unarmed ships, Rick finds an antidote, and sprays it back on earth. When they return, they find no new people have been infected. However, the planet is still ripe with psychopathic warlords. He manages to get separated from the group, and the group gets ambushed before Rick can return. Judith, now 4, gets killed in the massacre. When Rick returns to camp, he see Judith, who was in space when the antidote was sprayed, turned. Rick of course recognises her by her dress and her dolly. Just like the scene from scene 1, episode 1, Rick has to shoot the little girl - who we now recognise as his daughter.