Tiger Palace - Primary Cash Sales (3 Viewers)

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@kk405 a couple of questions about the process …

The OP states “If demand exceeds the number of available sets, a drawing will take place to give all interested parties a fair chance at purchasing a set.” I assume that’s done with respect to each set? In other words, if demand exceeds supply for 1/2 there will be a drawing for anyone that ordered 1/2. But if supply exceeds demand for 5/10, then all orders for 5/10 will be fulfilled. Is that right?
Also, I know total numbers are not being made available, but are certain sets more in supply than others? None of these breakdowns fit my game perfectly, so I’m trying to decide which set to order. Thanks.
I would say there is higher availability of lower stake sets, with $0.25/$0.50 having the highest supply
Never do it for anyone else, you just set yourself up for disappointment.

If you‘ll never felt them, why buy them?
I would buy them because I would admire them, and believe that in time that I would actually put them into play.

When I started this journey a couple of years ago, my focus was on well-worn casino used chips for use at my home games. I appreciated the fact that they had been played with ad nauseum and had gone through the hands of thousands of people from all walks of life sitting at a poker table looking for their "one time", and being able to possess those chips and contemplate the stories of success and failure that their handlers had before me made them desirable to me. To this day, my favorite set of chips that I own is a set of A-Mold Kenmore Lane chips that are worn down to almost nothing. They are nothing special to look at, few would call them "desirable" and I didn't have to spend much at all on them, but they evoke thought and contemplation for me and that has value.

Since that time, I have developed an appreciation for the well designed chips, and find myself occasionally acquiring newer/minty for their aesthetic value. I have bought and sold some without having put them into play, but still have gotten the enjoyment out of owning and admiring them.

As to THESE chips, the colors are fantastic and they are very easy on the eyes. I would appreciate and admire them for their aesthetic value.

I'm still on the fence, talking myself in and out of trying to acquire a set every day this week. I have no idea what I will do once the weekend arrives.
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I even plan to play with myself with them….if you know what I mean.
they already have UV security..
Am I seriously considering spending $5k for my another cash game set (my 10th) when I only play once a week and with Neanderthals who'd be content with plastic chips?
Same here... I wonder what it would be like, playing an 8 person table with all chip crazy people. :wow: No play, just chip talk :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Someone posted photos of each individual chip, organized by chip set. But I can't find it. Anyone know where those photos are?
Thanks to whomever did that!
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